Samus is not a bimbo she's a musclebimbo. Big difference.
Samus is not a bimbo she's a musclebimbo. Big difference
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yeah one's a cumdump and the other's a cumdump with abs
I hate sluts
Why do westerners fetishize them so much?
Fuck off I'd be a virgin if it weren't for sluts. I love them.
you can't just leave without giving me some source
The fuck? She's literally a genetically modified scarred girl that is so far apart from her fellow man she literally lays in bed in the fetal position wondering what it would be like to have a normal life that isn't dealing with cosmic horror or just about having anyone to talk to asides from government and military officials, wondering when she's going to have to screw up next or take up arms to save the universe on account of mankind somehow not having resources to deal with the Space Pirates, Metroids, or Space AIDs next because they literally managed to fuck up global resources combating those things.
She's actually lonely as fuck and is wasting away more or less. If Mankind got their shit together then maybe she'd find the time to find someone to make her smile, but belieive me, for a woman like her who's been through so much bloodshed and carnage, she'd scare the average man away- noted by her interactions with others- limited though that may be when cooped up on her ship.
Go read the Manga.
Samus is like an Emotionally stunted autistic genetic weapon.
Also, thigh high, panties and spats al day erryday for zero suit, other stuff is good, but heresy.
And one of the way she copes with that is by being roughly fucked by tons and tons of Chads on space Tinder.
But yeah she might still be lonely.
>I hate people who don't restrict themselves to one person
You're retarded.
Nah, she kidnaps lonely young virgins to femdom and mindbreak. It's that Chozo DNA.
First page of results for Samus_Aran on gelbooru
inter-galactic Valkyrie warrior non musclebimbo
No, she's a trans.
>Why do westerners fetishize them so much?
Unless you live in fucking china or japan you're a westerner too. And porn exists literally fucking everywhere, your pure Nippon is riddled with degenereacy. Ever heard of blowjob bars?
sluts are great
I love bimbo porn
especially when it's a character that's established to be serious and respectable like Samus, a hidden slutty side gets even hotter
They should make this cannon. Doesn't matter after Other M.
>except me to go to that add ridden shithole of a website
>Other M "Beauty Mark"
>Sagging breasts
>High heels to try hide fat, flabby ass
>Mid 2000's Office worker hairstyle
Why did Nintendo ruin Samus?
>having a partner is now "limiting"
Love is dead.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Bimbo is just a fetish dude, they're not taking over all da women
I never said limiting in that sense of the word you worthless fucking retard.
i want to remodel her shithole
the penis and ballsack are too big, but the abs are delicious
Then what else did you mean? Nobody limits themselves to one person when they're not in a relationship.
Cute girls like that shouldn't be using that kind of language
It's retarded to think that everybody should be loyal to one and only one person a time you worthless piece of shit. Learn to read.
What was this from? Was it Shadman?
No you ninny, a doujin. In fact I think it's the most popular samus doujin there is
So you're saying cheating is okay?
What is it called? I wanna get into stuff like this. I'm tired of youporn crap.
I think he means open/poly relationships. It's not cheating as long as you don't lie about it. It's the lying that is terrible.
You're beyond help buddy.
Metroid XXX
What the other user said
What he said is you shouldn't have to be loyal. Poly relationships are still being loyal because you're still acting within the trust of your partner, and vice versa. Not being loyal would mean you did something without them knowing, ie; cheated on them.
I get it now, but the phrasing was all wrong. Can't act like you don't get how I was confused.
Damn this is pretty well-drawn.
Samus isnt a human Bean
she's a genetic freakshow
Fine, be a big ugly baby
>Samus isnt a human Bean
So what? Neither is Toobie.
if the balls weren't so comically oversized this might be hot
Samus has been shot up with so much Chozo DNA she has hollow bones and probably lays eggs.
>lays eggs
get the gif
Super Metroid Samus is the best because she looks the most like a hentai game character.
>shot up with so much Chozo DNA
They literally couldn't stop filling her with their DNA.
Well duh, it's called swinging. Rich white people have done it for centuries.
Oh I guess the threads over now. Gee thanks user.
Does this count as beastiality or no??
thx qt pie
It's furrymale on human female.
shoulda spoilered it
that got deleted quick lol. Pretty hot
You are quite literally a cuck
>implying samus doesn't have a side job as a dominatrix
Fuck you.
>it's another insipid, substanceless waifu thread
Report and hide
dumb irl
Poor Samus. I wouldn't mind being her source of solace and comfort, waiting on her ship to give her a massage and share a hot shower with her. If she wants to work out some of her frustrations by aggressively snu snuing me, I wouldn't object to that either. It sounds like she could use a more delicate man as a contrast from her rough life.
Sounds good.
The fun police
No fuck YOU.
I can assure you they make me produce a lot of substance.
Because we stopped fetishzing motherhood
Pregnancy is the thinking mans fetish
As with everything else in the world that's negative, jews
I'm about to substance all over my screen as we speak
>What he said is you shouldn't have to be loyal.
Well, that's wrong. If you're involved with a person or more than one person on a level deeper than just fucking, you should make sure they're okay with what you're doing with other people. I don't care if people want to have poly relationships or whatever, but there should be some kind of loyalty.
user, no! Plz don't aim at me.
ive never seen a more retarded thread in my lifetime.
I was saying it's ok to be a slut you dumb motherfucker.
first day on Sup Forums eh
Will he ever concur the white mountain that is Brennan? I hope so.
Pregnant Samus needs more art.
Post more
That's okay, we are all entitled to our opinions no matter how shit they are.
Well then you're just a piece of shit. It's not okay for a guy or a girl to be a slut.
But your opinion is shit.
>shinon is still drawing Lyndis
Damn she has to be his waifu.
>Can't handle people making their own decisions if you don't like them
>Call others a piece of shit
Piece of shit.
You are going to die of AIDS
>can't handle my decision to call you a piece of shit
People who act upon there own lust are slaves to there own body and unable to control it.
Not the same person, but people who have multiple sexual partners tend to become more, well, not to be rude, but unable to think straight anymore.
Literally a cuck. How sad
>the average thought process of the Sup Forumstard summed up
Hello autism.
The commonness of STDs is so overeggerated it's hilarious. Though even if I do die of AIDS, that's OK. We're all going to die, so complaining about it and not living your life however the fuck you want is pointless
I can, I just think you're a piece of shit.
stop using junko to shitpost
it's not ok
Just make a muscle girl thread on /aco/ or /e/
You sound like you're from Sup Forums.
>Kink-shamming is a good thing if I don't like their fetish!
>making life and relationship decisions based on a fetish
And you're already not able to think straight anymore just like that user said. Your fetish literally controls you.
Sup Forums or not, it's extremely unhealthy to have sex with multiple people. If it is the same person, and you've known the person for a while, go ahead, and fuck like rabbits. but if someone fucks multiple people within a month, then that person probably has some problems that they are trying to fill in with sex, thus making it extremely unhealthy for the mind.
>We're all going to die
yeah, haha, why does it matter if the quality of your life drastically decreases before your life ends and you spread your diseases around haha
I'm completely capable of thinking straight, plenty of people who choose to do that do, you dumb cunt.
And I never said I was a cuck, did I?
Alright ENOUGH with these 3DPD issues and let's talk about Samus.
So this seems like a good time to talk about something I've been thinking about for a while.
Samus spends an awful lot of time alone on her ship and she must get lonely and be stressed as fuck with her bounty hunting job and all. How do you think she copes with it? She probably likes schlicking a lot and using sex toys but space and weight must be limited on her space ship and you don't want to make a mess in zero G.
I think she's got it all figured out though. The whole thing has been really well designed. I think the pilot seat has built-in dildo-like extensions. But they're not just for sexual stimulation, they have multiple purposes. Everything has to be optimized on a small space shit like this. They're part of the space ship's live support system responsible to collect and recycle human wastes. When she's properly seated and connected to it she doesn't need to get off to relieve herself. And it injects nutrients and water that can be absorbed by her colon. Which may be important during suspended animation. And they fill her body cavities to prevent internal organ damage and collapse during very high G maneuvers that can happen during combat. They extend right into her uterus to protect is. And up her gastrointestinal tract. And she wears a mask thing with a thing going down her throat to fill her lungs with oxygenated fluids too. Liquid breathing like in Abyss. And she can use them to provide extra command inputs to her ship. During high G she might have trouble moving her arms or even her fingers but she can always squeeze her butt/vagina muscles without trouble. And that's how she makes practicing combat simulations fun too.
You're going to die, and all you can do is delay the inevitable until immortality becomes a thing.
Drinking is super unhealthy, yet nobody really complains about that.
My first instinct was to tell you to go back to the fresh grave that is gaf, but modern Sup Forums is bad enough that it could actually have someone this degenerate on it normally.
You should still leave though.
I never called you a cuck. But just because a lot of people do something doesn't mean they're all normal.
Your fetish literally inhibits you from having a stable relationship. It's almost a mental illness.
And I literally just said I don't have a cuck fetish. So there's no point in acting like I do, user.
It's just that you seem to think I do and I just want to correct you.
Thats because the people who don't complain about it are either ignoring the issue cause it does not affect them, or they have no right to complain about them cause they had a drinking problem as well.
I'm the one that has to help the people who try and revert back to there animalistic minds, such as wanting sex every day, wanting to feel good. Don't get me wrong, it's human nature to try to feel good, but we need to do it in moderation. Otherwise, the person will never learn, and will continue to make mistakes over and over again, unable to truly wonder if they are going to die happy or not.
I truly hope you don't only follow your body, because that can lead to a lot of misery some day.
You guys are the worst. Absolutely the worst. STFU. Literally STFU STFU STFU YOU ABSOLUTE FAGGOTS STFU.
===> Sup ForumsIDEO GAMES
>an awful waifu fetish thread turns into an even shittier thread
Wow, how shocking.