In a video game do you play as a cute girl or a buff guy or a cute guy or a buff girl?

in a video game do you play as a cute girl or a buff guy or a cute guy or a buff girl?

post more cute

Average slub in a ton of armor to hide his boring face. All facial sliders are pretty much in the middle and he is the most average thing you can imagine.

A cute buff girl
Although this is almost only possible on some games with good character creators

I want to brutally fuck Anzu and slit her throat while she cums.
What is wrong with me?

There's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck a girl until she cums user. In fact that's actually a good thing to most women believe it or not.

Pretty much always a buff guy.
Or a cute girl if I know no one is gonna see me play this so that I can fap to the idea of enemies gang raping me.

There's already a thread for this up. But cute guy if it's an option, girl if not.

I want her to stomp on my balls and piss on my face

Same but I want to watch a black guy do it to her.

I don't think girls can aim where they pee user so you'll just have to accept her best effort and appreciate her trying for you.

only play as guys because girls suck pic related

Are you fucking for real right now there are literally two other ERP threads up at this very second.

Buff cute girl and cute guys
Bishounens and Bishoujos

is she cute

Ohhh man.

D-did you actually read the post?
Dude wants to literaly murder her.

she's the cutest

Hiki is the best character and there is nothing anyone can do that can stop this.

He never explicitly said murder. He just wants to slice her throat. It was definitely in a non-fatal way though.

Anzu is my wife.

hikitani is a shitty person that no one should relate to

I love playing as buff girls

I play the guy, unless he's black then I play the girl.

Games rarely let me play as a cute boy. So I go with cute girl.

this but replace cute with androgynous

>I get my anime recommendations from Sup Forums

this desu

Anzu is shit

strong and sexy warrior woman with a 2 hander is my fav, if not that then a nimble elven assassin or archer

baka I prefer Anzu without makeup desu senpai.



Still cute.

It's okay user.

Looks like wife material.

She looks like a normal human being.


Please, explain to me how a slit throat is not a non-fatal wound.

Also, Anzu is shit, get better taste, faggots.

she really is a real human being, and a real CUTIE

go on

Buff Guy > Buff Girl > Cute Girl > Cute Boy

She looks tired, she should get some rest

>this half korean-half aussie shit puts less than 10% effort into her cosplays but some fucking virgin gives her 100 dollars a month on patreon

I want Anzu's feet in my face!

She looks 50

she is adorable

>looks better without makeup

Usually an OL or amazon girl

Still not sure of what she actually looks like, her pictures goes from making her look normal to being 40 years old.

Lighting is important.


>anzu fags are this mad at better girls

Yes, it a female she has pusspuss



Does spider has pusspuss?


I wish tsuruko would post her feet


I want to see Anzu poop

>Panda Eyes


Anzu poops!


Girls don't poop, silly


>turkish nutrition

>you will never be Anzu's self defense instructor and personally teach her with a hands on approach, putting her in a myriad of submission holds

If she had a tiny bit more meat she'd be perfect.

Name 76 things wrong with smoking

how would you go about requesting her to dress up as the character you want if you were him

She isn’t burning me with that cigar

The only one that matters is smell.

Rather smell week old menstruation fluids than cigarette smoke.

>look up when a convention is happening
>tell her she needs to come in on that day
>when she says she has a convention to attend, demand she come train immediately after, don't even stop to change! RESPECT YOUR SENSEI
>then just roll the dice and hope she is wearing something cute when you beat her up

WHY do people still smoke?! It's really stupid and gross and literally will be the cause of your death.


Buff guy. I always find them to be cool and badass ever since I was a kid. Bonus point if they rely on their fists/body rather than weapons.

Better question: Why do we still sell cigarettes?

why do you care you stupid underage nigger?

I hear this all the time but i guess i can't smell it anymore. I don't remember it ever smelling that bad as a kid or from when before i smoked either. Seems like a pussy complaint desu.

no, that's ok

user i hate to break this to you but being burnt with a cigarette really hurts and leaves scars.

>Sit in piss all day every day
>insist you can't smell it and it's everybody else's problem

Short, hairy buff guys, colossal pale dweebs, or butch shaved head angry woman.


What is anzu's height? Is she bendable and manhandable?

Thing is, people don't sit in piss all day.

I want to see my dick writhe inside of Anzu

Post young, fat Anzu.

What stops me from making them all?

>play as a cute girl
>get harassed by another cute girl

what do

The possibility of getting body problems such as lung cancer and frequent coughs
The possibility of affecting nearby people by second hand smoking especially the kids
After smoking, you smell bad

Harrass them back

Huh, wasnt there a similar thread made around two hours ago?

Anyway, I play as both cute girls and cute boys

buff is for real life when im being dommed

Give in to her obvious lesbian advances.

Cute guy > buff girl > cute girl > buff guy

I want to see Anzu constipated!!!

Imagine seeing Anzu wriggling her little butt on the toilet all the while moaning and struggling!

Every minute or so you hear a cute little "plop!" as another little dinky poop forces its way out of her tight little pink butthole!

Do you think that your Middle To high school bullies were gay?

They sure gave me some fetishes...

what do they do without penis

answer the h*cking question you dweebs

Albums where