90% of the same retards who gave 10/10 are the same ones who praised Star Fox Zero
Enough said
90% of the same retards who gave 10/10 are the same ones who praised Star Fox Zero
Pastebin faggot.
Did you just wake up?
>user score: 8.8
Its apperantly has less imaginative worlds than galaxy 2 to the point where the starts of the game are not the levels anymore but some enemies you can control also apperantly there are not many levels and that is the reason why everyone is drowned in power moons.
This is a typical "hype" game that begs to wait to get some genuine reviews without the hype.
A Hat in Time has such better boss fights. Why can't nintendo learn how to do boss fights correctly??
Who praised star fox zero? It got really really average responses...
how will nintendo ever recover?
>tfw on the fence about buying a switch with mario today
I don't know man, on the one hand it looks pretty fun but the artstyle is all over the place and seems to clash quite a bit. And the switch is an underpowered piece of shit for the price which is not okay.
But then it does have BOTW, MK8, a bunch of decent games and MP4 and probably a new Smash coming up which are all games that I really want to play.
it baffles me that this is even a decision you have to deliberate over
>its an underpowered piece of shit
show me any other handheld console / tablet that runs anything even approaching the graphical and gameplay quality of BotW or SMO. yes its "underpowered" compared to a PS4 but look at any screenshot of SMO to see how little it actually matters, graphical quality is perfectly fine regardless, just not 4K amazing
>it has heaps of AAA games I want to play
thats literally the only reason to own any console, so if it applies to you then the Switch is probably worth your money
>And the switch is an underpowered piece of shit for the price which is not okay.
then you're never going to buy any console
>t the artstyle is all over the place and seems to clash quite a bit.
can you really picture yourself going "man, I'm having so much fu-UGH, the artstyle clashed... fun's gone!"
People don't buy consoles on the merits of the hardware, they buy them for the software. Haven't we been over this a few thousand times already?
Yes. Such is the life of a graphics whore.
Studying video games kinda ruined video games for me. Now I'm desperately trying to emulate the fun I had as a child by buying a new nintendo console.
>It's another Nintengaf pretend they are a oppressed minority of the board
Not a great episode. Too many plotholes
>Yes. Such is the life of a graphics whore.
then to be honest, stay the fuck away from the Switch, like with the PS4 and Xbone they keep pushing for graphics their hardware can't run because they're desperate to seem like an improvement over last gen's hardware, but they know that most people can't see the difference between 30 and 60 fps
>how will Sup Forums recover
>mediocre overhyped Sup Forumscore game
>ign tier reviews
op is a fag saged
That's just plain bullshit. 60fps makes 30 look like garbage
where were you when Sup Forums was, without any shadow of a doubt, finally put down?
was it when Sup Forums was wrong about pubg? or andromeda? or is it now?
I'm Mexican and that shit fucking hurts to read.
Some 12 year old Spaniard wrote that shit.
Stay away from the switch. You are clearly too retarded for any console judging by what you wrote.
The shield is stronger
And the switch is a hybrid it should be inbetween the power of a handheld and console
>sonygros could ever only DREAM of getting an exclusive that has over 90 meta critic
the sad state of sonygglets
Switch still only has 2 games.
That's like saying the Galleria dell'Accademia is a shit museum because all it has is the statue of David.
Last of us remastered
Persona 5
All got scores above 90 dumb nintenbro
I know, movie critics are very fond of them
This is a list they're proud of!!! Lmao at the utter state of sonignogs.
Hmm no arguments i see
I think this one has brain damage
So got any arguments
If you have one you can stop moving the goalpost
>stating facts
>"hahaha no argument"
It's time to go to bed
What facts i only see opinion and butthurt
>nintendofags give 10/10 because its nintendo
>sonyfags give 0/10 because its nintendo
there's no difference
Don't buy switch, mario is good but it doesn't worth it. You can play botw on pc
I agree with this dude wait until smt and a few other games
>ps3 games
tell me when you want to join us in the decade gramps
Just like how mario kart and botw are wiiu games
>sony has no good games
>lists good games
lol those don't count
Oh i forgot bloodborne
Honestly the top 20 is full of shit so whatever, just shows that this medium is for cumguzzling fanboys
I still don't see how grown adults can like such a simplistic child's game.
It’s hilarious that you left out the only PS4 exclusive worth a damn, Bloodborne
2 console exclusives netting 97+ scores on metacritic within the first few months of the console's release.
That's something that Microsoft, Sony and their fanboys can only dream of.
Nintendo has truly created something amazing here.
Wanna try again?
no bully
why was this so badly received? isn't it just 64 with updated graphics?
>„Playing SMO after Knack 2 is like eating a proper food after consumed 1 ton of grass.“
Sometimes I feel sorry for pathetic fuckers like this
Unironically the best game of all time
It's over, Sonybros.
AJjaJAAJjaAJAajjjA el q ya muchos con MUCHA OSADIA nombran a este mario como el MEJOR JUEGO de la historia del milenio y del universo y de los planetas de la NASA cuenta exclusivamente con menos MUNDOS d los habituales y JEFES con la misma mecanica q no es ni nada mas ni menos q el d siempre, el BOWSER de la saga y como he dicho solo hay POCOS jefes en comparacion con otras entregas luego resulta extremadamente FACIL venderlos a todos parece q nintendo nos trata como a niños pequeños ya solo con esto desmonto lo q dicen d que ma a ser el mejor de los marios pero los d DS me parecian bastante mejores y lo peor es q algunas batallas son un intento de imitar al GTA y lo q pasa cuando intentas imitar a un JUEGAZO pq has perdido tu identidad es q quedas RETRATADO en fin em esperaba mucho mas de este mario viendo las notas q estaban dando pero esta CALRO q nintenda ha dado a los periódicos de videojuegos acceso a sus productor anticipado a los q tengan por venir si no no se explica q esto tengo un DIEZ lo q muchos ya deciamos ni a la suela de los zapatos del de N64 para vosotros FANBOYS un mario q ni es mario ni es nada es un mal intento d GTA Collapse
>user score 8.8
>game hasn't even been out for 12 hours yet
Jesus Christ.
Botw is a port retard
Too late just bought one. I'm gonna enjoy spending the weekend having buyer's remorse when mario turns out to be a disappointment. But it was only €333 for the combo so it's alright.
>Odyssey is now the highest rated game of all time
>Botw is a port retard
I can emulate it in pc
You can?
Show me how you can emulate Odyssey.
Oh sorry i meant to reply to
Sonic Forces is just around the corner ready to nothin-personnel-kid Mario's ass.
Oh, you bought it, well done. I'm sure you'll have fun.
Post snicker cookies.
>don't own a console
saged again, op is a fag again
Fuawck. Why?
They'll find another thing to shitpost about.
Probably Xenoblade 2 or Sonic Forces.
Perhaps one of the most boring Mario titles I've played since Super Mario Sunshine was released. Full of the formulaic tripe that has become synonymous with what a current era Nintendo title is meant to be. I am amazed that people were actually enthusiastically awaiting this game as some sort of redemption, as a way of justifying, having bought such a sub-par system as the Nintendo Switch
wait 1 week and he will lose some spots, right now the only reviewers that had the game for enough to do a review were the ones nintendo approves, you need just 1 that gives it a shit score and it will go lower than zelda
Still a better game
We can't let XB2 get shitposted, it's our last bastion against social justice!
Is it possible for the score to climb to 98? Odyssey only has 67 reviews so far while BoTW has 120
Very doubtful.the way averages work at the upper ends of a scale. You could have 99 10/10's, but a single 4.9 will drag the average down to a 9.9.
Somewhat better. They fucked up on the final boss, could've been better if all the hats were needed
>Yet another bing bing wahoo 3d
Only if you are toddler
By playing and enjoying a fun game?
>mainline game that is the least like a platformer gets the highest scores
enjoy never getting proper platforming again
how did he expect to be taken seriously with that start? it's like he wants us to think hispanics are idiots and all the caricatures are on point
>enjoy never getting proper platforming again
Odyssey literally just came out with proper platforming user
Can we just take a moment to lament how much of a waste of a good idea Ruined Kingdom was?
But hey lets have a full fledged generic water level for the 10 000th time. Then lets make ANOTHER ONE.
AJjaJAAJjaAJAajjjA el q ya muchos con MUCHA OSADIA nombran a este mario como el MEJOR JUEGO de la historia del milenio y del universo y de los planetas de la NASA cuenta exclusivamente con menos MUNDOS d los habituales y JEFES con la misma mecanica q no es ni nada mas ni menos q el d siempre, el BOWSER de la saga y como he dicho solo hay POCOS jefes en comparacion con otras entregas luego resulta extremadamente FACIL venderlos a todos parece q nintendo nos trata como a niños pequeños ya solo con esto desmonto lo q dicen d que ma a ser el mejor de los marios pero los d DS me parecian bastante mejores y lo peor es q algunas batallas son un intento de imitar al GTA y lo q pasa cuando intentas imitar a un JUEGAZO pq has perdido tu identidad es q quedas RETRATADO en fin em esperaba mucho mas de este mario viendo las notas q estaban dando pero esta CALRO q nintenda ha dado a los periódicos de videojuegos acceso a sus productor anticipado a los q tengan por venir si no no se explica q esto tengo un DIEZ lo q muchos ya deciamos ni a la suela de los zapatos del de N64 para vosotros FANBOYS un mario q ni es mario ni es nada es un mal intento d GTA
This mode is too addicting
damn I wonder how Nintendo gets such high sco-
user, death threats are usually given AFTER the review comes out.
And that still doesn't stop bad reviews.
>You will NEVER EVER be this mad about Bing Bing Wahoo
I fucking love how much hate and shitposting Nintendo generates from people like that because it only increases as the game sells more and more
To those who played the game, is it really like 64/Sunshine or more like Galaxy?
64 style.
no shit
>Super Mario Odyssey is trying to be GTA
not even Sup Forums is that retarded
>all the 100 ratings are from media outlets that sell out for 10 bucks and a candy bar
>FNintendo, Nintendo Enthusiasts, Switch Player, Nintendo World Report
>5 different IGN's
Did anyone here even bother to read the reviews and who made them, instead of just looking at the overall score and proceeding to shitpost without a care in the world?
If you ever see overrated games on metacritic, just look at the 5 highest scored reviews
It's literally copy+paste text on all of these with just names changed to fit the game.
You people are beyond salvation. You probably haven't even played the game yet and only whore out (you)s here. Sad
>It's literally copy+paste text on all of these with just names changed to fit the game.
Except for every high rated game on metacritic.
Mine is arriving today, when do you get yours?
>Your average Sony faggot
So not only are they nogs but also chicanos.
I don't happen to live on a 3rd world country, I already have a copy AND I've already played it enough, will proceed to do a completionist run but never touching it again after that.
The main game is incredibly short and the moon collectathon is tedious. At least 64 made you work for those stars.
no one touches a collectathon after they do a completionist run, user, have fun anyuways
>The main game is incredibly short
Maybe because its a Mario game.
With that said the variety always came from the way you complete these tasks and not the fact that you have completed it.
Hell that's what's fun about platformers as a whole.
I play the classics even after completionist. I just never do a completionist more than once.
the controls are ass and the camera is worse than hat in time
bing bing wahoo for real jesus fuck