ITT: Stupid shit Sup Forumsedditors say

>The controls are SUPPOSED to be bad!

post more cute cartoon girls

>a game doesnt need to be challenging to be fun!

>Spikat is such a shitty ship

>development is expensive these days so you should just accept a microtransaction for the privilege to ADS or walk 5 paces

>game is designed around very specific controls, quite literally build around this system and balanced in PERFECT sync
>some sub-human scum claims they are "tank controls" and game is unplayable

>he thinks they're called tank controls not because they resemble the movement of tanks but because they're bad

>it's a good game, just a bad X game

fucking hate this one

>Loot boxes are bad


>the bugs are part of the charm

>Sup Forumsedditors
> not “neo/v/ags


>This game has a toxic community

>making a human body move like a tank for no reason other than "muh challenge"

Ask why a game is good.


>certain area of the game is a complete slog
>it's supposed to be like that!

Shouldn't you direct that reply to the original post? All I did was correct his retardness, dumb FOTM poster

>This game is waifu bait

>it's good when you add mods!

>Metal Slug 3 is better than X
>Link to the Past is good
>"Any Senran not named Miyabi is the best Senran"
>Danganronpa V3 ruined the series
>Third Strike has cool characters
>I want a new Darkstalkers
>Literally any positive statement about Overwatch
>Hollow Knight is a good game

>Don't criticize! The game is still in early access!

>5th gen was bad

>Player X is annoying Players YZ with ingame chat
>Players YZ proceed to ruin the match by not playing/playing for the other team