Sup Forums ACTUALLY fucking BELIEVES this game is 4 hours long because some retard said so with no proof

>Sup Forums ACTUALLY fucking BELIEVES this game is 4 hours long because some retard said so with no proof
It's just as long as The New Order. My buddy already finished it, and i'm 4 hours in and things only getting started

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Hitler is alive, Sup Forums.

We need to stop him.

sup bethesda. I personally will not be getting wolfenstein 2. sory

continuing embarrassing trump pictures, post what you have

Daily reminder.
I personally will not be getting wolfenstein 2

>It's just as long as The New Order
How bad do you have to be at video games to consider that a good thing?

Watching a streamer right now and he's 6 hours into the game, not even done at all yet.

>Shilling for Wolfenstein II: THE NEW KEKING

Shit taste OP, I mean I'll still play it but I'm going to be getting it on the Switch instead, as well as DOOM. Planning to pick up Assassin Creed instead, along with Mario probably.

>with no proof
It's not 4 hours long but literally the first result for "wolfenstein 2 playthrough" is 6 hours long, with all cutscenes intact

the new order was fucking shorter than COD campaigns. what are you on about?

Why does this game support antifa?


>with all cutscenes intact
>people making Kojima jokes in the comments section
Lol wut.


>tfw venezuelan
>tfw love wolfenstein and killing nazis
>it has turned into commie propaganda

why do they ((they)) have to ruin everything

Swedish videogames


>tfw venezuelan

How have you not been eaten yet?

>3rd worldlet
who cares about your opinion?

>Game set in the alternative history 1960s
>Surprised that a parallel of the black nationalist movement is portrayed

Why is Sweden still allowed to make video games?



>Sup Forums will unironically defend Bethesda sticking Antifa propaganda into their game
>Sup Forums will blame Sup Forums for the political shitflinging when Wolfenstein openly promotes communism now

meant to quote

look at all these NAZI FUCKS


>Actually caring about that shit

What's about Mario wearing bride costume?

This is getting fucking ridiculous.
Who are they marketing to? Literal college hipsters?

This board is neofaggot and /r/gaming central now. Cripplechan v is where it's at. There's no faggot sjw hot pockket jannies there.

where can i see her get BLACKED

i want to marry mario, so it's cool

>goes in a communist's room
>there's a communist poster
this triggers the idiot

im a programer get paid in usd

>it wasnt real socialism

>actually caring about that shit

thanks to communism millions are in misery, yet you defending it

Reminder the original Wolfenstein was hated by old sjw.
They wanted it banned.
It had cool nazi monsters, zombies and occult themes.
Sexy leather wearing nazi female characters.
All removed from the new games.
The latest one even phases out the Uber soldat with robots.
It had multiplayer allowing fans to play AS THE NAZIS. This is also removed from the latest games.

tein was never a sjw game. It was strongly despised by sjw and antifa. That wanted it banned.
It was simply an indiana jones homage and politically incorrect game series. Where you fought mad genius scientists in castle Wolfenstein.
The sjw are only showing interest in it now because of the communist and antifa themes. Which means they are only interested in it because of their politics.

This is the best thing ever. Finally I can kill whitey and my main caracter even says kill whitey! It doesn't get much better than this. I fucking love Sweden and hate nazi racist bigots.

Finally a game willing to tell it like it is. It's really long too. Very good game.

This game is pretty fucking boring.
All the games feel and look the same outside of the most favorful ones which have limited ammo.

>genetic anarchy
How would you portray a modern revolution without faggots like yourself thinking its automatically antifa.

I consider TNO to be a pretty good length for a FPS campaign.

I wanted to buy your game, but you overdid it with leftist propaganda. Fuck you, Bethesda.

>when the supporting cast actually makes you root for the fucking nazis
Way to go, Swedes.


mewch is better

I can tell you were born around 2000.

>Sup Forums defending propaganda
Sup Forums is dead

there's a raised communist fist, who the fuck else would it be?

Holy shit those ammo tray textures

maybe not covering their faces like cowards and dressing ironically like nazis?
Real revolution would be a lot more ballsy thank a pack of skinny twinks throwing bottles.

mods deleted the post

Nazi shit aside...

Is this worth a purchase? Really liked TNO.

>I consider TNO to be a pretty good length for a FPS campaign.
Even doing a 100% run would barely give you 8 hours. Fucking 8.

It's clearly subversive, it's about an invincible ubermensch half Jew wearing 18th century power armor paling about in a Nazi submarine with black power militants, appalachian rednecks, and bible toting southern communists.

Like the entire thematic thrust of the plot is that as much as Americans disagree about all sorts of shit, we can all come together to hate on Nazis, because we're ultimately all a bunch of mongrels, deviants, and refugees and proud of it.

Argie here and its fucking sad how people are eating this propaganda bullshit.

You are probably american, so its most likely you dont realize how fucking hard american trends hit on 3rd world countries. We are already fucked and we dont need extra ideological bullshit to catch on

Yes. Ignore the trumpalo butthurt.

the game is very short but its fun

Yeah but now BJ actually calls whitey whitey. It was only implied until now.

I fucking love the BBC too. I want it in my wife's every hole.

>actually caring about what is being to his country at this very moment
shitlibs are the very monsters they're always on the hunt for.

If you liked it then yes, it is an improvement over the first game.

>white Americans died in droves on the beaches of Normandy
>They are now evil cowards that needed to be rescued by blacks

It's more TNO. If you liked that, you'll like this.

Sweden yes!

This is a nice article, and its nice seeing someone actually writing about the awful (yet effective) ad campaign that really turned a lot of people off of the game.

Still not sure I want it though, game feels campy in a completely different, zanier way than The New Order was from what I've seen.

yo viral marketer, I'll tell you what Sup Forums "actually believes", Sup Forums doesn't give 2 fucks about your terrible agenda poisoned game and Wolf 2 will fail miserably.

>Nazi shit aside...
What the fuck?

The funny thing is that Poles hate communists way more than nazis. No surprise because the ideology killed more than nazism ever could and left an entire region of Europe into a stunted underdeveloped shithole that's still recovering from decades of failed policies.

Sup Forums here, don't listen to him, Sup Forums thinks it's good

Do you think the dev team brought their wives to work and had them fucked by niggers while they made the game?

Sup Forums again, this guy is bullshitting. Sup Forums says this game is shit.

read here says it's way too short.

Can't wait to torrent it.

All I wanted to know was is it worth a purchase...what are you confused about?

real Sup Forums here, the game is shit dont buy it

an user gave his honest review on the previous thread:

"Just beat the game on Terror-Billy difficulty, or one down from the highest difficulty, and I'm disappointed at how short it was compared to The New Order.

I did the majority of the Ubercommander side quests, only left maybe 2, and still only clocked in around 8 hours. I don't really enjoy collect-a-thons if there isn't some type of reward that'll improve/affect the gameplay, so I just picked them up as I came upon them.

Despite what I was hoping and that it was just the marketing team, the game did feel like it was trying to push an agenda and some views to the point where it became obviously noticeable and eventually it got annoying. TNO and Old Blood were able to have decent enough stories without any of this, so why couldn't they just craft a story like they've done previously? The whole ending credits scene felt very detached from Wolfenstein in its portrayal as well or maybe its just I wasn't all that crazy about the Twisted Sister metal cover.

Thankfully, the shooting felt solid enough and the performance was pretty good after I turned off reflections, which gave me around 30-40-ish frame boost. I had some gripes about the weapon switching though, felt too slow and trying to change your weapons with 2 weapons already out felt clunky as shit.

tl;dr Solid fps gameplay wise but criminally short and shoehorned developer views."

I didn't think Sup Forums really had marketers, but every WN2 thread was choke full of unironic shills

ask your mom or dad they might know

Who gives a shit about Poland? Those gutless faggots couldn't stop a wet paper bag.

Yo goy.

Buy our game ffs you can kill Drumpf in it! Fuck nazis! Antifa all the way! You even get your very own somalian refugee with the collector's edition!

That's funny as shit because some shill was trying to claim 21% level completion in 26 hrs.
This guy did 97% in 7:46 hrs.

If you like killing white people, you have to buy it

I can't wait until all white christian nazis are murdered, and all their women are raped by black men forced into giving birth to mulatto children

It's not so much the policies as it is literally every Pole worth even half a shit being executed or fleeing the country. Round 1 was the Germans and round 2 was the Russians, between the two, Poland was knocked into the Bronze Age.

Are you talking about 3D or TNO?
Because W3D was disliked by soccer moms, and religious conservatives, SJWs didn't even exist. And Sup Forums sperged when TNO came out.

Just read this, someone else linked me to it.

Really a shame. Thought TNO was a really good game and it built a nice foundation for future sequels. I dont care how many hours it is, I just enjoyed the game and story.

But to hear they are pushing left-wing ideology in a game that is supposed to represent the American value of patriotism makes no sense. left-wing Marxist ideology is inherently against American values. Doesn't fit the BJ Blasz character at all. Communism and socialism are responsible for more deaths than any other political why would a man fighting to restore the freedoms America gave support those ideas?

>And Sup Forums sperged when TNO came out.


It really depends on how you play the game and how much time you decide to invest into listening to conversations in the hub. Kind of a Half Life 2 sort of situation, really.

>polish engineers designed a submarine with a screen door on it
let's be honest there wasn't really hope for them anyway

Gtfo. RTCW and Wolf 3D were both opposed by liberals citing anti-semitism and pro-nazi themes and that it was offensive and politically incorrect.
You can look all this up.

With how mad it makes Sup Forumsyps, I'd say it's worth a pirate
Don't buy games full price, and bethesda games even less

Sup Forums here. The stormweenies cried about it but no one else cared.

it IS 4 hours long if you skip collecathon and cutscenes.

What exactly did the twitter account do? I looked and just saw clips of BJ killing Nazis.

why put tits in the game if they look so bad?
why put black people in the game if they look so bad?

Buy the game 3 times, user.

One for you, one for your wife's son and one for your wife's bull.

Sup Forums here. I'm telling you to fuck off. Sup Forums doesn't give two shits about video games and the "Trump supporters = Nazis" implication wasn't even a thing back when TNO came out.

>There's no proofs
>6 hour playthrough with cutscenes and credits on youtube

>game features a commie
>Sup Forumsfag has autistic breakdown

ITT shills

At least have any clue what the fuck you're talking about before you start pulling bullshit out of your own ass

>left-wing Marxist ideology is inherently against American values.
>why would a man fighting to restore the freedoms America gave support those ideas

BJ doesn't support them, he makes an alliance of necessity with them in the fight against Nazis

like it or not, the staunchest opposition to fascist occupation in America would be home grown commie lunatics