What is reggie thinking here

what is reggie thinking here

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Is that the same guy that "camped" out for a month for a switch?

looks like a cuck would lives in NY so yes

>why are people so obsessed about these literal toys for fucks sake they’re just a product of corporate greed I have no hope for humanity

>Why am I here? I could be home with my family right now and watching tv.

He's a major attention whore

I'm debating buying a Switch but I feel like a real retard after the Wii U died not even a year after I bought it

I was thinking about it and there are only a few games I'm really interested in. Definitely BOTW, Splatoon 2, the upcoming Pokemon and Smash games (whenever they are) and Mario Kart

Any of you guys have a list of recommendations or upcoming promising Switch games?

to be fair, the wii u was probably a good purchase. It did get a good enough library in the end, even tho that took years to make. The switch unfortunately is looking like it'll be the same thing. It wont have a fleshed out library until its end, and even then, Im hesitant considering how fuckin weak the hardware is.

"As the years go by, my body grows less ready"

Switch literally has and will have the wii u library + metroid and pokemon

Its not gonna be like wii u, the third party games alone makes the console worth buying

Who are you quoting?

>when you realize that being the president of a kid video game company is your limit and you'll never be a big ceo of a multi billion company where you can literally buy islands and sniff cocaine at international peodophilia rings

All the ports? Kill yourself it’s 100% wii u tier

>, the third party games alone makes the console worth buying
Nothing makes a overpriced tegra x1 machine worth buying


Switch has horrible third party support you crack addict.


You are wrong, what makes the Switch worth buying is the first party titles so far. Both Mario and Zelda were better than anything the WiiU had

Mario's nips.

Zelda is on wii u you literal retard

>zelda was on both wii u and switch

what did he mean by this

Last I recall, he doesn't even live in NY. I only remember this because I heard he dropped out of high school to camp out.

>"And I thought Krystal fanboys were bad."

Hello darkness, my old friend.

Just came back from Nintendo NY. Horrible experience. Cold af, annoying tweens spouting memes trying to become the next big youtuber and dick sucking CND and Etika, normies walking by talking pictures of me and shit, like fuck off. It was literally one big Reddit meetup, felt like tearing my skin off. Cops even came by to tow some poor fucker's car, imagine the sound of sirens blaring right next to you and having little fuckers run around saying "WHERE'S ETIKA??". Worst of all is that I forgot there was some event for the first 200 people, and that THOSE people would go in first. Everyone else had to wait. Stood for over an hour and a half while pic related and his tween groupies sang Jump Up Superstar. Fuckers were chatting it up with Reggie for so long I fucked of to Best Buy at 45th and 5th, literally empty. Got my amiibo, coin, and game then left.

Also was reminded of how fucking degenerate NYC is, all the goddamn homeless everywhere, people being loud when talking even thought the person their speaking with is RIGHT FUCKING NEXT TO THEM.

For all you NEETs out there, let me formally say that you are not missing out on anything by going outside, unless your existence depends on attention, like pissing people off, or have lots of money and need to let the world know it.

Thank you so much for too buying my Switch!

>look up who the fuck it is
>see latest tweet


So nintendo associates themselves with this kind of person who says such a blatant swear?

>"My body wasn't Reggie."

>got another one huehuheu

this pretty much

You belonged there.

PC master race blasting through these fags without a trace