So Sup Forums, what did you think?

So Sup Forums, what did you think?

Did you like it more than HR? Favorite new augs? Level design/aesthetics?
How did you feel about having half as many weapons this time?

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Mankind divided threads die really quickly on an average day, and you're making one during BING BING WAHOOO weekend on Sup Forumsintendo? enjoy your 2-3 replies bro.

liked it a bit less than HR, favorite augs are cloak and high jump forexploration, love all of prague specially at night, and still mad about all the cut content for sequels we'll never get now

It was fine, futuristic european city wasn't all that wondrous since I live in a modern one and it looks quite similar. Aug ghetto was a cool place though. And the game got some nice music to it too:

I guess threads don't last long simply because theres nothing to really talk much about. The game is good, nothing amazing but theres no big problems there either. If Deus Ex 3 would come out for 20-40 bucks, would I get it? Yeah, I would. Thats it.

I liked it more than HR in some aspects like hub exploration and environmental storytelling.
The sidequest were great too.
Biggest shortcoming is obviously the unambitious story and its lenght.

>fave aug
Icarus dash since it easily replaces the cinematic knockdowns, making melee more bearable and quick.

Really liked the attention to detail in the world and the aesthetics.
It's a game I'll keep returning to in the next years.

It really has some top notch ambient tracks.

didnt played it yet because no money but I've watched a few video

>dialogue just as good
>but I find the characters expressions and move a bit jarring when they talk, especially jensen, I liked him being stoic but it's a minor detail
>great artistic touch, you can see the progressing towards the style, look and atmosphere of the original deux ex and invisible war (people start wearing long leather coats, level design is closer to the original)
>Over clocking looks fun
>Again dialogues feels closer to the original, the fact your boss send orders you to see the psychiatrist if you murder bone was weirdly reminiscent of the original's games feeling
>Game looks fun, doesn't seem to have lost any of its previous mechanics, instead, it seems to be genuinely improving on them
>feared I'd be bombarded with virtue signaling and sjw shit, something I was already being paranoid about while playing the first one, I kept telling to myself ''this is so nice, I hope they don't fuck the next one up'' especially since it's out of Montreal, capital of the snowflake
>It's nothing like that, game picks up right where you left and still have this morally grey area surrounding it
>doesnt seems to be like the graphics have improved that much but I'll only be able to really tell when I'll play it for myself

It's probably the next game I'll get

Its strange i never had the urge to try it out.


It's better than Human Revolution, and has the best side quests of any game in the last 5 years.
People who go on about how short the game is clearly haven't played it, or just rushed through the game rather than exploring the fantastic hub.
The characters don't get enough screen-time though, and whilst the music was good I don't think it stood out as much.

I think theres a distinct lack of side quests.

And just exploring the hub doesnt make up for that. Plenty of the emails you find are suppose to do something yet have obviously been cut.


Gives you brouzouf

The shortness was not problem for me but the story feels like if the original ended after the versalife mission just as Tracer Tong first mentions Illuminati.

Where do you need to go to get it?

It runs like shit on anything but a 1080 or better and has horrendous input lag so I can't judge. It's been sitting in my library and I'm unable to play it. I liked HR though.

Lol no i have a i72600k and 970 and it ran fine on almost everything maxed.

>distinct lack of side quests
There were a few less than before, but they're all quality

I prefer HR mainly do to the story. MD was more fun thanks to the augs and much better combat system, but man wss that story such a letdown. No grand conspiracy, no overarching plot that sends you all over the world. Just find out who did the Prague bombing and then stop the London attack.
What sucks to is that since this game didn't do well it'll be at least 5 years before they decide to try to make a mere game. I need my fucking cyberpunk and there aren't enough need games coming out for it as it

The story was just too bad. It felt so incomplete.
>muh oppression
>muh aug rights

Gameplay and evel-design were garbage

HR was 10x better

It's £5 right now for the PS4 edition, so I'm tempted at that price. Or is it so bad it'll leave a taste in my mouth?

As everyone said already the sidequests are great but the main story ends without payoff.

for five euro, I mean, come on dude, it's a hotdog and a coke

I'd say it's worth 5. I didn't like it as much as HR i lost interest around the last level. didn't even bother finishing it. The story is just so bland and the side quests feel pointless.


It WAS incomplete thanks to square enix fuckery. It was designed as part of a trilogy and with the story dlcs in mind, it was very incomplete and they just expected everyone to pay out of the ass for the complete experience. I will never not be mad at these fucks for killing the franchise because their own meddling caused it to collapse.

'Mechanical Apartheid' was the wrong direction for this series to take. DEHR dealt mainly with economic inequality giving rise to biological inequality, which is a much more resonant threat to most people given the massive wealth divide that exists now. When someone can go to the best school and ace everything to become a surgeon and work their entire life, and make less money than what someone in the .0001% makes in an hour by putting $100 million in a government bond, one can easily imagine society becoming a scifi dystopia when you add cybernetic enhancements.

Also the idea of the super-intelligent and super-powered Augs being an oppressed class was silly even in the first Deus Ex.

Definitely worth the price. I bought it at launch and regret it not because it's awful but because it just isn't worth $65. Not with the clearly cut main story being the way it is.

What other direction could they have gone in? They can't just ignore that the previous game ended with the augmented going crazy and killing millions of people.

I never liked the whole mechanical apartheid angle myself. I was really hoping they'd play up the economic angle like you mentioned. I wss expecting a much more in depth look at the illuminati and how far does their control really go in this game.

Instead we get muh aug rights and muh train bombing. The bombing should have been a setup for Adam to go deeper into unraveling another conspiracy, not just stopping another fucking attack.


Ive always loved the art in these games. I think the Augmented people being segregated theme was a little forced, but I very much enjoyed my time with the game.

Favorite aug was remote hacking. It came in handy in so many situations for my stealth hacker build. Cloaking is always amazing as well.

Its a shame that we most likely will not be seeing another deus ex game for a while / ever. I always thought it was an amazing IP

Its not even necessarily the wrong direction but the pacing was fucked, the way it was explained made sense ingame, divide public opinion on the matter, make it as unattractive and prohibitively expensive as possible and leave augs solely to the powers that be. Bet the next game would have been a lot more interesting with their hinting at the grey death and the cloning of jensen but that is not to be. Game was too much social commentary and not enough conspiracy.

Is he a clone too?
What was their endgame?

Right on the money. I would have liked to see Page get developed on more along with seeing the start of nano aug research. Finding about more about the Dentons would also have been nice instead of the social commentary bullshit we actually got

what resolution? I ran the benchmark yesterday and it was at around 40 fps with some settings toned down. It was at 1080p.

The bank is the best designed "level" in all 3 Deus Ex games, but that is where MD stopped being great. Prague was pretty good honestly, except loading between the two halves constantly for missions.
Golem City was very disappointing, not fleshed out at all. The other out-of-hub missions are mediocre. London is okay but its a very small place.

Deus Ex needs to go back being able traveling around the world.

To clone the president and put their puppet in place of course!

I only want an hack aug that makes you take control of other augs

>instead of the social commentary bullshit we actually got
For fuck sake guys, you can wish that we got all the conspiracy stuff as well, but you can't seriously think that showing society segregating the augs was the wrong direction to go in - it wouldn't have made sense for them to just ignore it!


AO and some others are real performance killers.

I got 60 almost throughout the game, at some points i did feel a drop which was annoying, like the red light district.

Open areas are terribly optimized i'll give you that.

The problem was that everything else took a backseat to the social commentary.
As I said the direction is not wrong and made sense but they gutted the core of what made deus ex. Thats why people complain that it felt unfinished, because it literally was. The hinting is there, its everywhere but it all lead nowhere and was obviously left as sequelbait. Then the game ends with that bullshit terrorism plot and the reveal of that psychologist chick as an illuminati mole and bang, done, buy the sequel. Theres like 3 missing levels right there for everything to make sense. Its like the original deus ex ending after the talk with the nsf guy in the statue of liberty.

its kind of like wolfenstein 2 where its just the same thing but slightly better.

Blame it on a solar flare. Downplay the actual destruction it caused. Have the Illuminati do a worldwide media blackout. Throw Hugh Darrow under the bus.

They easily could have continued the themes of the last game while showing rising tension between regular people and Augs because of what happened. It would be like the 2008 economic crash and bailout waking people up.

It was done it a stupid way in my opinion.


Also on an unrelated note worst character design ever.

was planning on reinstalling when they made this shit possible to run on 970s, have they done so yet?

780 ti here, most settings maxed, shit like MSAA and this one neato shadow setting disabled.
Stable 60 FPS almost everywhere with very few exceptions.
Fucking love the bad optimisation meme which comes from faggots who leave EXTRME ENTHUSIAST features on and wonder why their budget build chokes to death.
Devs should build in a tech quiz to access advanced settings and turn them off permanently for literal mongoloids like a parental lock.

I wasn't planning to play it before I upgrade anyway. The GTX 970 is surely an amazing card but I think I need to retire it once I get a job.

The social commentary itself only becomes an issue because it is literally the focus of the whole game. It should serve as a backdrop and reference point, but by no means should it serve as the primary motivator for the plot. After the events of HR of course it makes sense for their to be a societal backlash, but buy the second half of the game we should have move beyond that into deeper conspiracy territory

>we will never get a sequel

fuck square from the depths of my black heart

>hundreds of thousands of augmented people all over the world go berserk all at once and start murdering people indiscriminately
>"just play it down"
user, no. Everyone in any remotely civilized country would have been directly affected by it. You could probably have just looked out your window in any city and seen people going on a rampage.

This isn't equivalent to anything else that has happened in human history outside a major war and even then, it's a stretch. It's more like a mass shooting, only it's in every city on Earth at once.

We can only hope for those shitstains to got out of business so they are forced to sell their ips to someone who cares.

Why does the only cute girl in the game turn out to be a psycho?

no it was terrible

Is the DLC for this game worth getting?

I was thinking about replaying.

the real reason they binned deus ex

breach didnt catch on and get people doing micro-transactions

Poyrate it.

The first one is pointless and a clear cash grab that was suppose to be part of the game.
The second one is slightly less so but its fun at least.
The third one is pretty good but entirely pointless.

Augmentation is a technobiological process of peace

I hope and pray that anyone other than.Ubisoft, EA or Activision manages to get the rights to the franchise. When I found at they weren't making any new games I was pissed off for days. I'm still mad desu, especially after thinking about all MD could've been.

The psychologist?

Beach was a fucking mistake that killed the game. They should have used that money to make a high quality expansion pack, or better yet, finish the fucking game.

Refunded it as soon as I heard Serif's new voice actor. It really just doesn't work without the crazy guy.

Maybe they shouldnt have made their shitty cash grab part of the game have terrible graphics.

Who the hell wants to sit though those polygons for any length of time when the actually game looks amazing.
I had enough of those polygons from the blade DLC

You are probbaly right.
Suit sub-humans operate on irrational greed.

I fear that may indeed be part of the reason.

What has aria done to you?

You are arguing about this from an in-universe viewpoint, where I am arguing it from a writing one.

They could have just retconned all of it if they wanted to. Say it was a new convergent phenomenon. See what religions and humanists had to say about it.

How the devs actually addressed it was by apartheid, which IMO is unrealistic and is in direct opposition to everything the last game established by making Augs the new elite class.

>The psychologist?

user i....

Oh fuck I forgot about this psychotic chick. You're right, she's the best.

I think you're both forgetting Aria...

Way too short compared to HR but the bits in it were pretty great. And what’s the point of less weapons if all I ever use is stun gun and sniper darts?

Only dorks use guns and violence after all.

How did you do the deed?
I used a nanoblade to the skull, it was the only way to be shure

Psycho > Psychologist > Aria

The battle rifle was neat.

Shit taste user

I waited behind a crate and hacked stuff as she saniced around then i rushed up and slapped her.

its just so obvious they wanted some kind of long term transactions, they tried it with hitman too. now both are in limbo.

>playing this right now


This just makes me sad for what could have been if only the IP were with someone who cares.

Underused cutie, deserved to have some sidemissions with happy ending.

Who would be the best publisher/dev combo for it? Bethesda/arkane?


Ruined the sales

>Implying she doesn't get jensens happy end

Does adam have a cyberdong?

well bethesda is actually giving single player games a chance at least

Das rite

I thought it was slightly better than HR overall. The story was a total blueballing but I didn't like HR's plot much either so I guess I was more willing to forgive that.

Killed the franchise which isn't a bad thing because they had no fucking idea what to do with DX IP.

That's why I figured they'd probably be the best publisher we could hope for. Fit dev I'm not really sure, although I do like how Arkane did dishonored

>they had no fucking idea what to do with DX IP.
I don't know, but making 2 of the best games of their respective generations seems like a good attempt.

I really don't get the doom and gloom over the dead of high production value single player games in the year that gave us RE7, Nier, Horizon, BotW and Yakuza.

I don't think you know what a generation is.

>Open fire on the streets of Detroit

Ah I see he’s a man who prefers chocolate.

The devs did the best they could given the situation, most that went wrong lies at the hand of the publishers so I would want them gone. I mean, square thought people would be frustrated to just, like, read shit and talk to people and experience the story IN A FUCKING DEUS EX GAME and thats why it must have that dumb Pixel mode. Also Microtransactions. I think I would like if Eidos just selfpublished this one.

>HR came out on 7th generation consoles
>MD came out on 8th generation consoles
Do you?

I don't think you know either.

It sounds like he was referring to the original Deus Ex and Deus Ex Human Revolution.

I would actually be fine with that too, but didn't SE own eidos?

What does it mean? Was this Eidos trying to justify getting a different voice actor? An imperfect clone? A body double so the Illuminati can't kill him? Fuck Disney they should have just kept LucasArts to make their StarWars and Marvel games. How is a franchise like Deus Ex supposed to compete against huge normalfag franchises?