Anyone playing Super Mario Odyssey today? Pretty rad game.
Post your best pictures and findings here.
Best Super Mario Odyssey Pictures
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I was going to take this pic
how old are you OP?
holy fuck
It actually has a textured asshole!?
This whole thread got disturbing very quickly.
Did they seriously draw a butthole on that dog?
japs think buttholes are "cute"
What did Nintendo mean by this?
i wonder what it smells like haha
They actually gave the dog an anus.
Post more screenshots
>"I call my dog 'little Miyamoto'"
>waiting for R34 of this
Fucking memetendo
Shiba's are the national breed in japan
Great job! I wouldn't expect anything less.
Thanks nintendo
>got a friend who is testing the game
>he's gonna show me every game breaking glitch that hasn't been fixed
I'll be sure to show them to you guys.
my dad works for nintendo too!
10 out of 10 masterpiece
he makes fucking $13 an hour and didn't graduate high school, fucking anyone can be a tester if you want to and live in the right area (north of seattle)
you just gotta email aerotek about wanting to be a tester, they tell you when to come in and take a competency test, then you wait 6-12 months because there are dozens of people in line in front of you, then you get an email out of the blue on a thursday afternoon after months of no communication saying "can you come in next monday" and then you go in and fill out some paperwork and you're starting your project later that week
the commute sucks
I'm going to take pics of every enemy, probably including the hat variations. Can you take pictures during boss fights?
Japan why
Is this pasta?
nah man that's how to be a tester for nintendo
well, that's how to be a tester for the company that nintendo contracts work to
I wasn't implying being a tester is a hard gig to get.
I was mocking the way you acted like 'that' kid in school before internet was a big thing.
haha when you think they're gonna give yoshi a textured butthole haha it would be cute haha
I get it but I wasn't bragging, my friend has been bitching and moaning about the game for months now. He hates it so much.
I hate you so much for making me laugh this hard while I feel like shit. God damn it, user.