Which one was the best and why was it Ape Escape?

Which one was the best and why was it Ape Escape?

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Ratchet original PS2 trilogy was the best.

i prefer the spinoff

Why do you think that?

The gameplay loop is satisfying, especially in 2 and 3 with the upgrades, the games are well paced, and I think the difficulty is pitch perfect with good replay value in the skill points and NG+. I also like the characters more.

I also adore the Jak trilogy, and think the Sly games are fun but have a lot of meh sections as the games go on. Sly's gameplay is still the fun part of his games.

Shame most actual spin offs in this series sucked

Shame these two other series are dead

Ratchet may as well be dead too.

Thinking about it, it's a zombie, while the others are dropped dead

i just saw games boys, also. they struggled for shit to talk about. i just realized that yheir young console players and this is gonna be a short series


Which series had the best soundtrack?



Ey when is that Jak collection for PS4 coming out? TPL is already available

What happened to that and AE3?

There are better options.

What happened to Ty?

someone called?

>Ape Escape > Ratchet > Sly > Jak

Ratchet probably should win due to having the most (as in number) amazing games.
but Ape Escape is more unique and has 3 amazing games.

>Ape Escape 4 never

Didn't he had a remaster, like that Voodoo game?

it will happen eventually.
every mildly successful game with a nostalgia following will get a sequel in our lifetime.
pretty stoked for Medievil 3

How do we convice Sony to do it?

spam social media until it happens eventually.

jak was generally the better series but Ratchet and Clank was more family oriented

Sly Cooper seems to be the favorite here


Rmember Jumping Flash?

yeah it sucked