Why aren't you part of the prestigious GOTG race?

Friendly reminder that you need a Switch and a PS4 to play the best games of the generation.

>b-but muh 3rd parties
ALL of them are on PS4.

>b-but muh indies
ALL of them are on PS4/Switch.

>b-but muh PC exclusives
Don't exist.

>b-but muh xbone """""exclusives*****"""""
Don't exist.

>b-but muh grafix
You'll get over it when you grow up.

One of those games doesn't belong.

If you can figure out which one it is, you get to stay on Sup Forums

Switch is region free, that's all about it

I guess it's not the nintendo games since the place is called Sup Forumsintendogaf, and it's not the dark souls derivative either.

>Even remotely comparing Horizon-shit to Zelda/Mario/Bloodborne

You are a diagrace.

Never understood why people shit on stuff they can't play. There is literally nothing wrong with good videogames being released even if it is on a platform you don't own. And no you being poor doesn't fucking count. If you can't afford the cost of entry fuck off and find a new hobby so we can actually discuss videogames.

You're right, it's Horizon. That game is barely a 7/10

Horizon Zero Dawn is shit, the rest are great.

>also own PS2, PS3, DS, PSP, 3DS, and Vita
Idort is the only way.

Poor peasant...

There are entire genres that are exclusive to PC. Not to mention mods. I'd say own all 3. I agree that there's basically 0 reason to own an xbone.

>No persona 5

Eat a dick faggot.

>PC exclusives don't exist

I've read some stupid shit on this webzone but that's right up there.

Because half of Sup Forums is NEET and can only get one system. Therefore, they need to shit on other games so that they can convince themselves that they made the right financial decision.

Because XBC2 and SMTV aren't released yet. The Switch has not a single interesting title for me at the moment but I plan to get one when the two mentioned titles are released.

Agreed. I'd also throw Stardew Valley on there.

What games are worth getting a PC for if I'm not interested in RTS, simulations and multiplayer shit?

There are at least 20 better PS4 games that could be on that spot.

>crystal PS4 controller

All credibility is lost.

>"Look at me being expert at the game i've never played. Please take my opinion seriously"
The game is great, stop being obsessive fanboy.

horizon unrelated?

I recommend you go to steam or gog if you're looking for a list of PC games.

I mean sure. If you ignore almost every RTS, 4X, Grand Strategy, most MMOs, and a pile of other stuff I've forgotten, then yes. PC has no exclusives. Not to mention that any game with a decent modding scene is infinitely better.

This is pretty good bait

It isn't.


>Not even 90+ rating


>Never understood why people shit on stuff they can't play.

Cognitive Dissonance where people under-value something they didn't choose to justify their choice. It's a defensive mechanic to re-balance their dissonance.

Bought a Switch today to play those games, I also have a PS4 and a PC.
No way I'm playing shooters with a pad

No PS4 in sight.

He must have just bought those 3 things to look cool.

I dont like platformers so I don't want a switch

Yeah I hate all the platforming games like BotW, MK8D, Splatoon 2, ARMS, Mario x Rabbids and Xenoblade 2, Metroid Prime 4, Pokémon, Animal Crossing

>Friendly reminder that you need a Switch and a PS4 to play the best games of the generation.

where is Noctis's game ?

Would have preferred Switch and Xbox anyday.

>Sony won't crossplay
>vulnerable security
>higher membership prices
>no 4K BD
>most of their games are going to PC (FFXV)

How're you guys enjoying Cuphead so far? It been great for me.

>Xbox over PS4
>most of their games are going to PC (FFXV)

Do Grand Strategy and 4X games appeal to you at all?

Original Sin 2 came out this year. I haven't gotten around to it yet, but people seem to love it. Bethesda games can actually be made to be quite good through mods that usually are not on consoles.

Mount and Blade Warband is my favourite game of all time due to it's awesome modding scene. It's ugly as sin, but leading a huge cavalry charge into the enemy flank and couching your lance into the enemy lord's head never gets old.

How will you play bannerlord?

This guy gets it. Why snivel like a child when you can have the best of all worlds?

This will be GotY when it comes out. Game of the generation once the hundreds of amazing mods come out.

>>Sony won't crossplay
They do, when it's in their favour like FF XIV, when it comes to the Xbox they have no reason to, they have the biggest installed bases.
>>vulnerable security
Live has been down more times that PSN.
>>higher membership prices
>>no 4K BD
>>most of their games are going to PC (FFXV)
who cares.

Botw I will emulate one day

Mk8 oh wow judt like the 7 other fucking MK games? Wow no way how good

Splatoon dont make me laugh

Arms oh you mean motion control gimmick the game?

Mario x rabbids babies first xcom

Xenoblade ive never looked up ever

Metroid looks good but I have the old ones

Pokemon oh just like the other 30 but with really fucking dumb looking pokemon

Animal crossing is glorified facebook game

So all in all 1 sounds decent well sign me the fuck up for the beating of a dead horse console

Wow amazing opinions you got there, I'm sure GTA VI will be totally unlike all old GTAs and same for Gran Turismo 9235

Good rebutle enjoy Mario beating browser for the 500000000000th time

>the typical "every game is crap" post

>bing bing wahoo

The yearly copy paste games

Typical nintendo

>mario game number 201
>lmao we don't need a decent story in our "rpg" game)))))
>far cry primal with robots and strong wymin
How about no.

Gonna admit, I'm jealous of that Bloodborne sleeve. The US seems to get shafted with Soulsborne covers compared to other regions.

>doesn't mention any games
So i guess you just watch football on it all day
>4k bluray
Literally the biggest waste of money out there.

I was planning on getting an xbonex with all the halo and gears games but after seeing the mario odyssey reviews, I'll be picking up a switch for christmas instead. Hopefully xenoblade chronicles 2 is also great.

Pic related


>no ps2

Next console that comes out, skip it or hold on and use that money to get a better, bigger stand to hold your consoles so they don't have to be on top of each other.

Nice try faggot

The witcher 3 is better than both zelda and bloodborne

Bloodborne is garbage. And I say that as someone with a PS4 Pro and Switch who bought BB on day one.

Only if youre stuck on xbox.

witcher 3 is a terrible clunky overrated piece of garbage game which doesn't belong on any game of the generation list.

PC+Switch masterrace


Why is it garbage? I love the souls games and BB is one of the main reasons I'm considering getting a PS4.

Literally seething

>GOTG race
you mean idort?

I could give you a lengthy post about how HZD is a 7/10 at best, but you would just disregard it.

>putting Horizon there

At least put Yakuza 0 there or something, christ.

Its sad that even after 4 years of trying there still isnt anything worth buying on the xbone.

Hopefully the hzd ripoff microsoft is working on doesnt end up like scalebound.

where'd you get the switch user?

FromSoft better announce their next game soon. I'll be waiting for SMTV to get a Switch but both those games for it look great.

i too am excited to play this in 2025

Amazon. They are not out of stock in EU

The only game there is Mario Oddysey.

its not bad, its just so average. does nothing new or interesting, which is an even worse fate than bad imo.

>Xenoblade 2, Metroid Prime 4, Pokémon, Animal Crossing
please list games that are actually out

>The only game there is Mario Oddysey.
it's the only game in that list that does not interest me. it looks very low on challenge. hopefully Donkey Kong TF will be ported to the Switch. So far I'm cool with Zelda alone.

I dont care about non of these games. Don't know why other people do?

>no replayability
>mostly catch quests
>not fun?!

what the heck did she mean by this?

Funny how both Cuphead and Sonic look more compelling than all those games together.

>>no replayability
is that about Bloodborne ? are you high ?


PS4/Switch/Hacked 3DS/PC Master Race, all others need not apply.

hunting giant robot dinos. beats killing endless humans in any far cry or tomb raider game.

>Funny how both Cuphead and Sonic look more compelling than all those games together.

as an oldfag that grew up with the Snes in the 90s, not all of them, just mario.

Hacked 3DS so underrated. Having the entire library of SNES,NES, GBA, GBC, DS in one portable just feels good.


Not trying to shill but you really should try owning hardware from two different companies, it's liberating giving yourself the freedom of choice if you've been stuck with just one your entire life.

>cannot read
It's in another room of the house. Wife has been playing Disgaea 1.

I've got a Switch and PS4, too. I bought the Switch just for Zelda (and I'm not even a Zelda fan), but I guess I'll get Mario, too. Xbox just doesn't have exclusives I care about. Halo ended with the third game, to me, so what else is there? Also, the 360 was a piece of shit that RRoD on me half-a-dozen times, no exaggeration.

I have both and a pc. I just work too many hours to justify any of it.

Horizon zero dawn is ok but it's far from GOTG
you can also take out mario and zelda since there can be only one GOTG

Outside of playing older titles on my PC I really don't use it to play modern shit. Would you lads say pick up a Switch over a Wii U right now? The Wii U looks good for comfy couch co-op. (Already have a PS4)

Horizon, easy.

In terms of current library Wii U is better, but otherwise it's basically dead and costs almost as much as the Switch anyway. If you care about future titles then you might as well go for the Switch.

Mario. Who plays little kids games anymore?