>Top 5 highest rated games are all nintendo
>4 of them have been in recent years
You seriously can't tell me there isn't a Nintendo bonus.
Looks to still be a few reviews short, doesn't it?
>being this bootyblasted cause your favorite games are shit
Or, crazy thought, they actually really are great games.
The fact that GTA IV is on that list should be more than enough proof that reviewers are nothing more than puppets of the PR hype machine.
Seriously; I'd love to hunt down all the GTA IV reviewers and have them defend their score today.
all these games have very wide appeal and are some of the highest quality games in the industry. the best of the best japanese developers are putting their heart into these. combine those two things and you get a game with high ratings
I mean, it's a game that got expanded on, unlike gta5
Paid reviews.
It did, but those usually have their own separate reviews. I really liked the expansions but the base game really didn't feel that great. GTA4 on that list will never stop being a reminder of how the industry manipulates.
Imagine being so petty that you actually get mad at games getting good reviews
The Lost & Damned and The Ballad Of Gay Tony didn't exist when all those near perfect reviews were written.
>GTA IV higher than V
>GTA IV even on the list
I really hate that reviewers hated the mystery dungeon games, that was a main selling point in the DS for me.
>Kirby Air Ride
Absolutely disgusting
All of them are paid reviews. Nintendo plays dirty all time and they have mob and will hunt you down of review their games badly. Mario oddesy with PS3 graphics Zelda is an average open world game. Fuck Nintendo booty lickers
>kirbys air ride that low
i swear critics are faggots as far as the eye can see.
okay. GTAIV was and will always be a better game than V.
V has three completely awful protagonists, a half fleshed out city with a garbage country side, an absolutely abhorrent multiplayer aspect, worse driving, worse shooting, worse world interactivity, worse attention to detail in the world.
But uuuuhhhhh it's got meme tier wacky Trevor and fully nude penises so it's way better!!!!
Come on people at least wait till the dust setttles before posting this shit, there'll be more reviews soon and there's bound to be a few contrarian faggots to drag that number down.
Because the game don’t deserve it and it’s false marketing if your game is shit you don’t force it to be good
skyward sword and 3D world being rated high proves there is a bonus
seriously how the fuck are custom robo and emerald so low?
>not a single mainline Mario or Zelda title
You should include those just to show the disparity
Rockstar literally crying into their dudebroshooterlmaobf's armpits
Mario Galaxy 1 is a few weeks short of being a decade old, how is that "recent?"
>hurr its shit cause i say so with no proof or reasoning as to why its bad and you need to kys because its not on sony!!!1111!
Yeah, how that piece of shit is that high even, I don't know. Maybe I'm just salty that Kirby GCN was never realized in any of its forms.
>Tropical Freeze
>One of the tightest platformers of the generation with THE best music of the generation
Let me guess, people still mad it wasn't Metroid?
I remember where IGN did a video where a group of their guys were asked "What is the most overrated game of all time" and 3 of the 4 agreed that it was GTA4 and that it was "A solid 8/10."
>kirby air ride 61
it's like these faggots didn't even play the game
>GTA IV cuts car modding, character customization, jetpacks, helicopters, airplanes, business ventures, property ownership, gang warfare and more
>But it has a protagonist who regrets the shitty things he's done despite continuing to do shitty things
>PS2 version of RE4 ranked higher than GC version despite being clearly inferior
this is about V vs IV. and IV has helicopters you fucking complete retard, you can at least wear different clothes who the fuck cared about getting fat or buff? that was a literal meme that was funny the first couple times and that was it
>air ride that low
>custom robo that low
>luigi's mansion that low
i literally do not understand this
Aw fuck, don't even remind me of that shit. I remember getting so excited for it and then it just disappeared off the face of the fucking planet.
I really, really hope Tropical Freeze gets ported to Switch, so that way people might play it and realize it's probably the greatest Sidescrolling Platformer ever made.
I don't get it.
I believe anything above 50 is above average, isn't that how the scale is supposed to work from 1 - 100?
Anything below 90 is bad?
This is about IV being a piece of shit compared to its predecessor (San Andreas) and still getting into the top rated games of all time.
I don't think GTAIV is a bad game. I don't even think reviewers were bribed to give it a good score. I think reviewers are manchildren fanboys who gave the game a ridiculously inflated score because the hype surrounding the game was so huge.
Videogames as a medium are inherently tied to technology. Technology gets better with age. As a result, a game that is considered "average" today would be considered a technical marvel 10-120 years ago. That's why review scores are so fucked up.
More than Ocarina of Time has, and only 4 away from gtaV
What about Star Allies?
I've never seen anyone talking positively about that piece of shit after it came out.
Well no wonder that happens when you never go into a Mario thread silly billy.
Custom Robo had a seriously cringe-worthy story. it's 99% good gameplay and 1% everything else.
ever played the n64 games in japanese? they are actually BETTER not knowing what is being said.
It had more content
Where the hell is FF7? I always saw it in the GOTY bullshit GameFAGs do.
>they actually really are great games.
They genuinely are not. They are rated based on the audience they are geared at. Nintendo is dead center of the bell-curve. Nintendo is #1 at being inoffensive and having mass appeal. That is it. Fuck, this board has become absolutely disgusting. Nintendo ruined this place. All the other stupid console bullshit moved into this place because of you manchildren.
Jesus Christ, calm down you massive, autistic faggot.
It's a video game man. It's meant for fun. Someone who makes a video game that is fun for a lot of people will get rated high. It's really that simple. Calm down.
That's just top 10 on metacritic. Look at the top 50 and you will see several games which are better than the top 5.
You're affirming the consequent here. If there were a bonus, then we'd expect to see games with higher scores than they deserve. But just because there are games with higher scores than they deserve, that doesn't mean there's a bonus.
(Bonus -> Inflated scores) -/> (Inflated Scores -> Bonus)
The Galaxy games fucking sucked
I'm glad I'm not you
Fuck, how much money did Rockstar payed to reviewers? GTA IV was terrible.
You're right.
Sup Forums is supposed to be a board for videogames enthusiasts and hardcore gamers, and yet at any given time it is possible to see multiple threads about Nintendo, a company infamous in the sector for being the one that most widely caters to the taste of casual and occasional gamers. Now, I don't see any threads on Sup Forums about series like Modern Family or Grey's Anatomy, despite both being some of the most popular TV series airing, and that's because the userbase is mature enough to either not watch those programs clearly aimed at a completely different audience than the film enthusiasts who browse it, or to realize that discussing them is out of place in a site dedicated to enthusiasts of particular interests like Sup Forums is. On the other hand, Nintendo threads plague Sup Forums constantly, and are some of the worst threads on the board in the matter of quality of posts. This, of course reflects the immature and non-internet-savy nature of the average Nintendo fan, which is not and could ever not be a videogames enthusiasts, so these threads pose an actual nuisance to the actual hardcore gamers that wished to discuss their hobby with likeminded individuals on Sup Forums. They are also known falseflagggers, shitposters and general console warriors, further decreasing the quality of content on the board.
My proposal to solve this issue, which is arguably one of the root causes for the current state of Sup Forums, is to ban any user that mentions anything related to Nintendo, be it games, consoles or IPs. I'm sure that the quality of the board would increase tremendously, as the moderation makes clear that Nintendo fans are not welcome on Sup Forums, driving them away from the userbase in a permanent manner, thus removing the main source of bad content on the board. Feel free to discuss how long the ban should be, I advocate a 3 days ban for first offenders and then a permanent ban for repeat offenders.
Luigi's Mansion had a pretty poor reception when it first came out. Back then, everyone was used to long 40 hour collectathons. An 8-10 hour game like Luigi's Mansion was considered extremely short. Kirby 64 had this problem, too.
Agreed, Mario has never felt worse to control than the Galaxy series.
It SHOULD be that 50 is average.
The actual fact of the matter is that the average inflates every year and we're getting to the point where 80 is the actual average.
It REALLY doesn't help that Metacritic fucking colour-codes scores and so basically has complete control over what is perceived as a "good game". There's a one-point difference between a green score and a yellow score and that has a huge difference on how a game's quality is perceived.
It'd literally take ten minutes of coding to switch it to a colour gradient rather than 3 discrete colours but NOOOOOOOO that would require being actually intelligent.
Right on bro. *fistbump*
87 is a pretty good score once you subtract the Nintendo bonus. Nothing to be ashamed of.
>Someone who makes a video game that is fun for a lot of people will get rated high.
That's an flawed system. Popular things are not necessarily good, especially in entertainment. I do not think Harry Potter is a masterpiece of literature just because it sells like gangbusters. If you want to have your fun go ahead, but don't parade around acting like this is the best thing since sliced bread, because it's not. It's shit. It's objectively shit. Shallow, smelly, shit.
Reviews have almost always run on the school grading system where anything below a 70 is failing. 5 star rating systems traditionally averaged closer to the middle, because it's harder to equate that mentality with /5 than it is /10.
Didn't you know? The Nintendo Bonus has been bumped up to 20% in order to dismiss the latest round of scores
Only thing I hated about TropFreeze was the atrocious load times. Digital copy was no better than disc in that regards.
Should port Returns as well. That 3DS version is an embarassment and shouldn't have happened, even though it outsold the Wii version.
I really don't get the adoration that Mario and Zelda games get. I've played OoT and Mario 64, and I felt they were just good at best. Not as amazing as people make them out to be.
Is it normie nostalgia?
It's a video game user. The literal point of a video game is to have mindless fun. If you want deep philosophical themes go read a book.
Is it actually better than Galaxy? I think Oddessy loses a few points right off the bat for the visual impurity of the human NPCs and the costume/hat store
Only in your dreams nintenbro
Those games are still great compared to every other game. If anything there's a Nintendo Tax because they don't bribe reviewers like EA and Sony. Look at all the games that get unfairly shit on like Donkey Kong Country Returns.
>how long the ban should be
Every ban is a 5 minute bab if you're not a retard. It's funny you call others not internet savvy.
Proof the Nintendo Tax exists.
so you didn't play them when they came out. Gotcha kiddo.
in 98 nothing was better than OOT. It was leaps and bounds beyond anything. Music, story, gameplay, puzzles, game length, pacing, everything about it was seen as pure perfection.
>based Tony
GTA4 is shit
It hasn't even been an hour, calm the fuck down
Plebs don't understand how difficult it is to control the middle of the field for as long as Nintendo has. Anyone in the industry or with a casual understanding of it can tell you that Nintendo are kings.
>Sup Forums
>Userbase is mature
Nintendo pulled a Disney and memed everyone into thinking that Mario and Zelda are the pinnacle of gaming and always will be because they're old and people liked them
This. That place is the meme capital of Sup Forums
On this list yes.
But if mario even TRY to get to first on metacritics the cult will rise and vote it down.
Nothing, NOTHING can touch OOT.
>in 98 nothing was better than OOT
Half-Life was better, and I was 14 at the time.
OoT was handholdy kiddie shit.
>The literal point of a video game is to have mindless fun.
No it's not. Right from the very beginning, the point of a video game has been interactivity. If it isn't engaging it has failed as a game. Holy shit, this industry is dead. What is up with people's obsession with non-stop consumption of mind numbing trash? Its like it has to dominate every form of entertainment it can possibly worm its way into.
But remember everyone
Nintendo is about to fall under and just make phone games now :^)
>in 98 nothing was better than OOT
Baldur's Gate did everything better. I played OoT when it came out. I was 17, and outside of music it was a boring game.
>handholdy kiddy shit
but that's wrong you fucking faggot. Half Life was the literal linear experience to set the standard for all future linear experiences. There's no way NOT to beat that game.
OOT however people had to actually fucking hunt around and actually play the game and figure shit out how to progress.
FPS's are literally unloseable.
If you really new your shit you'd say something like Kings Field 3 or something, but no, you're a faggot valvkid.
>sunshine not there
>OOT however people had to actually fucking hunt around and actually play the game and figure shit out how to progress
Is this retard serious? The puzzles were designed for children.
Except Balders Gate is not even the same kind of game, and is total shit clickyclick bullcrap.
Anyone who holds up games in the top down point and click genre as being of any merit needs to fucking kill themselves. Those games ask about the same skills of you as your average amazon shopping mom undertakes.
Name one single game that's not "mind numbing trash"
>total shit clickyclick bullcrap
Wow, just wow..
This just proves that reviewers only like to suck Nintendo off when they're "supposed" to, like with a new mainline Mario or Zelda, but when they actually have to discern quality on their own, they have no idea what they're talking about
Stanley Parable
>in 98 nothing was better than OOT
>Half Life
>Might and Magic 6
>Metal Gear Solid
>Baldur's Gate
All of this came out in '98. Nintendo needs to be contained in a separate board. This is getting ridiculous.
I'm sorry your right index finger liked the game so much user, but those games really should not even be classed as games compared to other genres
>being this delusional
Go back to playing Horizon. You know, the game where you can't ride a dinosaur even though thats the only thing one would expect to be done in it.
I'll be playing the new mario and ride a dinosaur anytime I damn well please
as it should be
>the absolute state of sonylingus
Wizardry, Betrayal At Krondor, Quake, Thief, Deus Ex, Lands of Lore, Ace Combat, fuck man anything where you actually have to pay attention.