So what's the verdict on Mario Odyssey?

So what's the verdict on Mario Odyssey?

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why does he do this to himself?

at least post the good pictures

me in the center
i'm him

what is that guy doing

Thems some fine trannysuckin lips I reckon.

>star citizen

why am i not surprised

Is that Sam Hyde?

He got away with it

Sam hyde would rate as a 9/11

Who the fuck is this and why do I keep seeing his face?

Who is this guy and what did he do to Sup Forums?

Who the fuck is this? New Chris Chan or Nick Bate?

He's the las vegas shooter

These images are the reason I shaved my scruffy moustache and beard. Absolutely fucking disgusting.


some right leaning comedian whose comedy is very post-ironic and had a failed adult swim show. he's a meme on Sup Forums. every time there's a terrorist attack or mass shooting it's a meme to post blurry pictures of him and say he was the suspect.

oh jesus, that's sam hyde?

Lookin' good, Sam!

Lurk more.

The show didn't fail at all, it did quite well. Tim Heidecker didn't like him so he used his pull with Adult Swim to make sure the show didn't get a second season.

Beta detected

>tfw people are going to be doing that until the end of time even though the normies have caught on to it by now
memes were a mistake


I'll take the GEP gun.

>people making a joke because they still find it funny
jesus christ how horrifying

>Tim Heidecker didn't like him so he used his pull with Adult Swim to make sure the show didn't get a second season.

Sounds like a load of bullshit.

>Self improvement is bad

Nice pol thread

Sage an reported


What the fuck has he been doing that fucked his face up that bad>?

It's true, in part with other fags and articles calling the show "le altright nazi" Turner pulled the show, [as] was going to let them shoot 100 episodes.

Sounds like you have no interest in doing a single minute of research and wanted to shitpost anyway.

I opened this image and a thick, viscous oil starting pouring from my monitor

newfig doesn't even know the chon gb2reddit. Also his show sucked

kek what happened to him

Some reviewers claimed the game was TOO EASY so they took points off because of that, but other then that they all said it's an amazing game, just really easy and not challenging. Also the game has like 500 moons or some shit and collection can feel tedious.

Source: your ass

it was only funny when people outside Sup Forums got tricked by it
without that the joke is "i recognize that man", which isn't really a joke at all

sam is a pretending ass nigger and literally no different than that fake bitch ltg

I want to know also. He looks like a bloated corpse and it's fucking scary. Is he going to be ok?

>Being this physically repulsive
I dunno how some of you live with yourselves looking like this

It's true man and there ton of video evidence that proves that same did nothing Wrong, Plus when World Peace aired it actually was successful for it's first season

Go on Sam's channel you faggot, I'm not spoonfeeding you on a basic story.

Oh, how far we've come...

So you're just baiting it's not hard to find results my man And I'm not gonna spoon-feed you the whole nine miles for something that's so easy to search

Beardless Sam> Cody Cigar Sam

>wahhh my show was a TOTAL HIT, but it was censored by the evil jew/communist/mason/scapegoat!
His show failed, as simple as that.

He was on coke/meth and took selfies of himself hanging himself upside down I think



someone should start a kickstarter for a LTG vs Sam Hyde fight

The show achieved great ratings, it was taking down because Tim Heidecker / Brett Gelman campaign for Adult Swim to take it down.

The show had great ratings for a debut.

Come on, stop being stupid.

what the fuck happened with him

Goddamn I love Sammy. He is /ourguy/

> He was on coke/meth and took selfies of himself hanging himself upside down I think
I want to say that's outlandish but at the same time these pictures do nothing to contradict you

I thought it was that you tuber thunderfoot

For as greasy as Thunderfoot's hair looks he at least keeps his facial hair under control

>avg less than a million viewers

why do people all of the sudden know who thunderfoot is? is it because sargon threw a hissy fit over him?

thunderfoot's an old meme like the amazing atheist


The grease isn't even the biggest problem. It's patchy and curly and gross, like he glued pubes to his face.
I know some dudes just naturally grow hair like that but jesus, this is what shaving's for.

>gets btfo by liberals
>starts doing hard drugs as a *joke*

Who's this handsome guy

most adult swim shows dont come close, for a new show the ratings were great.

Just accept that you won't be liked by everybody and you are set for life.

Fucking hell stop posting this please, I beg you.

REgardless, taking care of one's self and just investing time in personal grooming isn't something that people should neglect.

This shit is repulsive.

I can't fucking wait for Sam to die just so I can stop seeing this gross shit.

Just one more, don't worry.

we got a problem, princess?

it's a concept, he is fucking his career up like joaquin phoenix and will make a movie out of it
except joaquin phoenix had an actual career

>sam hyde cult out in full force

he's not that funny. after a while i just want to punch him in the face.

That post has nothing to do with that though. Just you changing yourself because you're scared of labels like a beta.

I always knew Cody Cigar was a galaxy brain nigga

Well all can't like Egoraptor.

I don't know why Tim is always mentioned first, it was all Brett Gelman. Tim and sam even talked about it.

not great enough for them to mind canceling it.

I agree with you on this.

I find Hyde and MDE entertaining and funny to a degree but good god this this guy let himself go after he lost the show.

i dont know who that is

Proof? Thought he didn't do drugs?

he's basically a slave to his cult following now

because he has no skills other than making his unfunny videos

Cody Cigar>Every Other Sam

he's like the cosmo of comedy now.

>unfunny videos
i dunno, i like some of them. i like his college talks the most.