What are the best JRPG games, Sup Forums?
I beat most of FF. Looking for something new.
What are the best JRPG games, Sup Forums?
I beat most of FF. Looking for something new.
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Legend o Legaia, Grandia and Breath of Fire IV are my favorite non-FF JRPGs from the PS1 era
Any specific era? I'm playing Lufia on the SNES right now and am having a great time. I hear Lufia 2 is better though.
What is that?
>Legend of Legaia
You, I like you.
What's a good JRPG for someone who can't stand anime and only plays cRPGs?
Lufia 2, xenoblade chronicles, chrono cross/trigger, Persona 2&3, golden sun
Ye Lufia 2 is pretty great.
The first is still worth playing though
Inindo - Way of the Ninja (SNES)
Romancing SaGa (SNES)
Romancing SaGa 2 (SNES)
Romancing SaGa 3 (SNES)
Metal Max Returns (SNES)
Metal Max 2 (SNES)
Uncharted Waters - New Horizons (SNES [not even a RPG, but close enough])
The end of the second game is literally the first few minutes of the first game Now I know how it ends and I wonder what's the point because I know how it ends.
What type of dog is that animal in the OP?
The Saturn has a few gems that would be cool to look into. Albert Odyssey, Shining the Holy Ark, and Shining Wisdom to name a few.
>JRPG games
>Japanese Roleplaying Game games
As far as plot goes, Rance VI.
Yes, I know it's an eroge, but I'm not fucking with you. It hits the beats of the story so fucking well, and all characters are fantastic. It's also one of the more playable 3D-dungeon crawlers around.
Skies of Arcadia
I hear Phantasy Star IV is really good.
Legend of Heroes: Trails series
Trails in the Sky, but it's not for everyone.
My family has done the traditional breakfast, lunch, or dinner like 10 times in my lifetime. Be happy you have a family that's actually willing to get you out of your trash heap of a life if you weren't such a lazy cunt.
you're right, it's only for retarded weeaboos
In other words it's perfect for anyone browsing Sup Forums. Where are you going with this?
Legend of Dragoon.
Also lets keep this thread alive, I need some jrpgs as well
Legend of Heroes series.
The whole thing is sequential and they managed to be consistent in both gameplay and lore.
Etrian Odyssey games are pretty good. Dungeon crawler with decent difficulty and good mechanics.
Xenoblade babyyyyy
I really loved the battle system is Wild Arms 5, which is strange because I don't like SRPGs.
does it run on toasters?
Anachronox, that's it.
>decide to try and find out OPs pic
>get this
Something's not right... Time is folding in on itself.
Just replayed Earthbound, liked it more than I did a few years back. Idk what to play next, here's some stuff I have in mind.
>continue Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei
>SMT1 and 2
>Romancing SaGa 3
>Glory of Heracles 4
>continue Live a Live
It's ok, I'd recommend playing the first one and maybe 2 before going for 4 though.
I liked 1 but the second game didn't do it for me, the little you see of the main characters in the first game is better than anything in 2.
Parasite Eve
It'll probably run on the toastiest toaster you can find.
What's wrong with 3? Also, isn't the first on on the Master System? I'm pretty okay with older RPGs, but I was told to stay away from that one because it's extremely archaic.
Phantasy Star IV, Lunar Silver Star Story, Grandia 1 & 2, Eternal Arcadia, Xenogears (if you can handle the game completely changing genres halfway through), Live a Live, Bahamut Lagoon, Star Ocean 1 & 2, Tales of Phantasia, Seiken Densetsu 3
Really? The most i've heard of Lufia 2 is that the ending is extremely satisfying in the same way that Terranigma is.
Also OP, play Terranigma ASAP. It's fantastic.
Anyway, try Shin Megami Tensei
You have to be weeb to play JRPG's going by the Sup Forums definition.
>Tales of Phantasia
My nigga! I beat it for the first time a few months ago and it really reestablished my love for JRPGs.
3 has some interesting ideas (generations system, going from generic fantasy to scifi in a way that makes sense) but horrible, horrible execution. It's a fun game to read about but not fit for human consumption otherwise.
1 is archaic, yes, but not unplayable. Advancing quests will require a lot of guesswork as the cartridge didn't have space for fancy dialogue. The dungeons will require either a pen and graph paper (or just looking up maps online), but that part applies to 2 too. Giving both 1 and 2 a try before going for 4 might be worth a shot as they all happen in the same setting and there's a handful of recurring characters.
If you like real obscure vidya, Luicinne's Quest on the 3DO is apparently pretty good.
Are there any 3DO emulators available? I don't think i've ever seen one.
>emulator-zone. com/doc.php/3do/
>calling others weeaboos on Sup Forums
I knew they were all in the same universe, but I wasn't aware they were connected. I managed to power through Star Ocen on the SNES, and that apparently is a lot like Phantasy Star III according to how you described it. Phantasy Star is on the backlog though i'm not sure when i'll get around to it.
>emulator-zone. com/doc.php/3do/
Fuck me, I've definitely heard of 4DO before. Thanks for the link user.
How's Kingdom Hearts? The 1.5/2.5 collection is £25, worth it?
>What's wrong with 3?
Only played it for a little bit, but it seems completely unrelated to the other three (could be wrong), last I checked there was a thread on /vr/ As for PS1, the game is pretty similar to early Dragon Quest titles, you may have to grind a little bit at the beginning to get out of the first town. I think there is a Genesis version but the SMS has better music and a better translation patch.
To be honest, I couldn't get myself to finish it, but as far as I know, the beginning in the first game spoils the ending of 2.
Yeah, Lufia 1's intro is the team from 2 beating the big bad and restoring peace to the world. From what I hear the way it works to that climax and end credits really tug at your heartstrings like the victory lap in Earthbound.
What game on PS1 are you talking about? Phantasy Star? It wasn't on the Playstation I think.
Was talking about Phantasy Star 1, not playstation, sorry about that.
It's not completely unrelated.
Remember how that one planet blew up in 2? 3 takes place in one of the ships that escaped that. It's a worldship with a bunch of separate biodomes, most of which have civilizations that have forgotten they're on a damn ship. 4 has the ruins of a similar ship that crashed on the desert planet. Online and Online 2 also have similar ships.
But yeah getting to the point where that is revealed takes way more punishment than I could ever wish on a fellow Sup Forumsirgin.
I started playing metal max returns, seems OK though I'm not a fan of random battles.
Radiant Historia
Mother 3
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne (remember to use buffs)
No worries user. The PS1 was a juggernaut of a console with arguably the best library in the history of video games.
Speaking of, Check out Alunda on PS1 OP.
Fuck. I didn't get too far, but enough to leave a plot point ambiguous.
>Ctrl F: Vagrant Story
>Phrase not found
I don't know why I keep wasting my time on this fucking board, fucking Sup Forums is more knowledgeable in vidya nowadays.
He says on a JRPG thread.
The hell do you think the 'J' stands for, mate? Jewish?
Kek, I did think about this but I thought the dome would have already landed in some far away planet outside the Algo system many years later. Anyways, I think one of the sidequests in 4 has some bird enemies from the third game.
Vagrant Story is alright but not the kind of game you can recommend to everyone, the game's got a great presentation but the gameplay itself is a mess, also, you can tell the people developing it were running out of time and had to cut down the story half way through.