At what point does the amount of fan service in this game become embarrassing for you?
At what point does the amount of fan service in this game become embarrassing for you?
When those brain gargoyle things grab you after the first boss.
What fan service is there aside from the onion bro?
Anri wearing E Knight was were I stopped taking it too seriously
It did have some nice additions to the lore, like the Ringed City, but the base game had no idea what it wanted to do. It felt like a mash up of ideas and old things pulled from previous games, which fits the story I guess
>bringing andre back but giving him basically zero story significance, he's just 'bound to the shrine' even though he was nowhere near it in ds1
>not maiden in black as fire keeper
>siegward is literally a carbon copy of siegmeyer
there's lots more but those are the ones that i can think of off the top of my head
Title screen.
>Member Artorias? here's abysswatchers!
>Member Oolacile and blightown? Here they are in one area!
>Member Pinwheel? Here he is as a sage, twice!
>Member congregation? Here it is even worse!
>Member Bloodborne? Here's a entire village with copy-pasted bloodborne assets.
>Member the catacombs? Here's some more catacombs
>Member Izalith? Here it is with some of the exact same enemies
>Member Black Knights?
>Member Silver Knights?
>Member AnorLondo?
>Member Darkmoon invasions? Haha just kidding, theres no BEO
>Member Gwyndolin? here he is.
>Member Priscilla? Heres a QT 3.14 version of her.
>Member Yuria the witch? Here's a copy of her.
>Member Tower of Latria? Here's the same level
>Member Giant Lord and Storm King? Here a fight with both of them!
>Member the Hellfire Drake? Here's two drakes!
>Member Ornstein?
>Member the Astral Clocktower from TOH?
>Member Kiln of the First FLame?
andre and gillian were odd. I didn't mind the rest; overall the game was perfectly enjoyable to me
When it doesn't stop reminding me of a better game that I could be playing instead of this one.
It's pretty fucking pathetic, but then again it's pandering to a pathetic fanbase.
I'm a bit confused. Dark Souls 3 is a sequel to Dark Souls 1 and 2. Of course it's going to re-use names and places. That's what sequels do.
Why did people jump onto this stupid idea that each dark souls game has to be a completely separate universe with few connections? Have you people never played a sequel before?
>Member Pinwheel? Here he is as a sage, twice!
That's a stretch.
Onion Knight was dumb, but other than that nothing stands out.
>Literally every character from the first game is referenced unless they were shit tier
>Black Knights despite no Gwyn
>Silver Knights
>Izalith. Fucking Izalith.
>Darkwraiths, despite no New Londo
>Mushroom people
>Anor Londo is an actual level in the game and it's so much shittier that it makes you depressed instead of happy, because all the personality; everything fun about Anor Londo is gone.
>just play it like bloodborne they said
fuck this game.
You are either a massive fucking mongoloid or massive disingenuous faggot.
>worse than congregation
I don't dislike das2 but what the fuck bro.
Almost everything you are claiming is "Fan service" Exists solely because dark souls 3 is a direct sequel to 1 that takes place in the kingdoms built overtop of lordran
what was fun about anor londo? that's the part that always makes me want to stop playing.
I'm being sincere here, I don't understand why people cry "fanservice" when the game is clearly a sequel and it all takes place in the same universe. Significant people and places are made reference to just like every sequel.
Get over your hateboner, nerd.
Hating everything doesn't make you look intelligent. Quite the opposite, especially when your reasons are as flimsy as your temper.
Dark souls 3 is a direct sequel to the first and every game in the kingsfieldsoulsbourne series repeats dhit from previous games constantly
this whole point is a way for ds2 apologists to deflect blame. notice in every ds2sux thread they bring up ds3 out of nowhere.
I said the new one is shittier, not that the old one was fun.
>the most linear of all the games, even compared to DeS and BB
>nostalgiafag reference pandering out the ass
>rehashed characters
>Lowest Boss count after DeS
>Half the bosses are gimmicks
>Boss weapons shit as usual, despite having 4 games to draw experience from
>weapons in general are 90% quality based
>these quality weapons are also usually the best weapons in their class
>some weapons have retarded stat requirements where they don't even scale with said stats, which also happens to be quality
>armor system a horrible imbalanced mess
>the heaviest armors are the heaviest they have ever been in the series, while offering basically no additional defense over medium/light sets
>poise implemented in such a stupid way that only Greatswords and Maces get the most bang for the buck
>Some UGSs, GAs, and Hammers weigh more than entire armor sets
>Equip load is now done by VIT, which for some reason gives LESS per level than fucking dark souls 2
>Souls required to level up not adjusted for splitting stats into two
>a majority of the small weapons sped up to bloodborne speed, but some of the larger weapons have been made SLOWER and consume MORE STAMINA
>rolls cost next to nothing with extremely fast recovery and many iframes
>magic is garbage
>faith is garbage
>FP system is weird
>Too many useless fucking stats
>WAs are mostly just special r2s or powerstance moves copypasted with an explosion or two at the end
>MLGS is the worst its ever been
>awful covenants
>covenants are stickers which can be changed on the go
>shitty rewards
>Dragon form the worst its ever been in both aesthetic and practical sense
>community now filled with normies who hold hands with their SL 800 Friends to get through the game
>invaders have the most disadvantage compared to all other games in the series
>First DLC was a 1.5 hour long disappointment with a rehashed arena
>Second DLC had no end despite being the very last dark souls thing we'll get for the forseeable future
Andre being there is a huge tipoff that you're being tricked. He's an illusion.
Massive fucking mongoloid it is
Figuratively kill yourself.
It's the Pinwheel/ 3-1 fight but with a fucky big hat Logan dude
Literally nothing wrong with all the references.
Gameplay is good, graphics are good, why get your panties in a knot over nostalgia bait?
So your only complaints of DS3 are vague subjective things that are actually non-issues? Cool.
Still better than shit souls 2 at least
then why is his hammer in the untended graves and why does he reappear if you kill him (shattering the illusion)
He's not wrong. An example is Soul of Cinder; he is an amazing endboss yet people bitch and dismiss it as fanservice.
Are dark wraiths bound solely to new londo? Why would the black/Silver nights just disapear? Why would anor londo just disapear? Why would mushroom people just go extinct?Why would major characters be magically forgotten ?
>Thread about DaS3
>"REEEEEEE DaS2 REEEEEEEE" out of nowhere
The mind of the typical Souls faggot
i don't know. I'm not too bing on headcanon
And I liked it. Too bad.
Uh oh, take your pill. Looks like your ass is talking again.
>Here's a entire village with copy-pasted bloodborne assets
what area is this referring to?
I can't remember the tower of latria equivalent in dark souls 3 for the life of me, as well as the astral clocktower reference.
Also, the dead mushroom guys in the poison swamp. and the taurus demon clone thats like a mesh in between demon firesage and taurus demon to go with the molds that mnake up the walls.
You're just throwing words out your ass you fucking baffoon. Stop posting forever holy fuck
You're such a fucking piece of shit. Nobody likes your posts. Fuck off seriously.
You offer nothing NOTHING. you just say stupid shit and make no sense. Eat shit fuckward. Fuck face. Cunt.
Because Untended Graves is tied directly to your shrine. Hence why the same messages show up in both areas. Its why the merchant recognizes you, too. You're rused.
I think he's referring to the area you fight the 1 shot kill dragon at, with the enemies that are straight up BB enemies.
If you didn't notice literal pasted sections of Hemwick Charnel Lane in Undead Settlement you can't have good vision.
>Gameplay is good,
roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll wait half a second roll roll roll roll roll
...are you a 12 year old girl? What in the mother of fuck.
This has got to be the most underage post i have ever read on Sup Forums. EVER.
Undead settlement with the tall undead that are the yharnam people?
Not xir but that place annoys me also
A better question would be why is his hammer such a worthless piece of shit worse than every other hammer.
*adjusts reading glasses*
>everything fun about Anor Londo is gone.
your words.
*whips out dick*
In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:
>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights
>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build
>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death
>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character
>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character
>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks
>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina
>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina
>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill
>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons
>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)
>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun
>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again
>Hating Siegward.
He just wanted to fulfill a promise to a friend.
>direct sequel has returning characters and locations, or references to them, like nearly every sequel ever made
Are you going to complain about how bonfires are fan service too?
Holy shit. I fucking know what I typed. Something can have both shitty and fun things about it at the same time.
Yeah I'm fucking out. Anytime someone brings this thing up as if linearity makes or breaks a game, I can no longer take them seriously.
I'm drunk and your post was just rude and uncalled for you piece of ass. You're the underage one here you fucknut. Fucking just insulting everybody here instead of actually trying to level with someone? Wtf is your problem.
dark souls itself is just demon souls with the edges filed off with bits of kings field
dark souls 2 is a bunch of shit from ds1 + even more kings field
Soul of Cinder was perfect final boss thematically.
What is so amazing about SoC? All it has going for it is the gimmick where it changes its fighting style but besides that it's just another piss-easy, humanoid-with-a-sword waste of time.
I just disliked how he was such a rehash. Cool questline but completely derivative character. I prefered Lucatiel even with the bad AI.
Ive played ds1, should I even bother with the sequels?
Dark Souls 2 is extremely light on actual connections to Dark Souls.
they should remove the stamina gauge. it creates artificial difficulty.
Yes faggot, linearity literally BREAKS an RPG. Especially one who's only real merit is build variety.
if you enjoyed ds1, why wouldn't you at least try the sequels?
yet, when asked, you couldn't come up with any. look, you seem flustered. I'm just gonna go now.
Take away the non-linearity and you turn a decent action RPG with decent build variety into a mediocre action game with no build variety. Might as well play Devil May Cry at that point.
he represents the players
I actually don't mind it at all, with the exception of Andre, which feels particularly out of place with no possible explanation given outside of it simply being "a very happy coincidence". Everything else is either what you would expect of a sequel, or an easter egg, like Solaire's armor.
If anything, I'm mad it didn't reference enough. Bestlord Nito went completely forgotten, and the game just kept taunnting me with those goddamn snake statues.
>souls games reuse assets
what a shocker, half of the original souls was taken from demons
*promptly sticks it in my ass*
DS3 is worth at least one playthrough IMO, but don't go in expecting the same experience. I say either pirate it or get it on sale.
Yeah I get that, he's still a boring boss in a game already filled with them.
and yet it has bonfires/pyromancy. talk about cycles, tons of returning armor, ornsein black and sunbros complete with solaire reference
thats just the big stuff
Yes, the incredibly lazy design with no relevance to the events of the game really accentuated the series' theme of "we can't finish our fucking games" and "fuck it, make up your own plot".
Despite getting himself into bad situations just like Siegmeyer he's actually way more competent then him. You had to humor Siegmeyer while Siegward is actually felt like an equal.
it was worse in 2 tbqh.
At least 3 claims to be a sequel, 2 just threw in random shit from 1 for epic lulz
I have a difficult time gettting into new games and I have like 350 hours in DS1, so I merely wonder if its even worth my time
When siegmeyer came up the lift.
It was a sequel you bungler
And it was one of those japanese stories about decay and fall of humanity, you know, whatever theme that stems from their obsession with getting nuked twice. So of course the sequel will check up on characters of ye olde das1 lore, and then close it up to mark the true end.
>fan service
>hurr look at me im a game connoisseur that is so smart and can read the industry and studio tactics like an open book hurr
fuck you.
>lazy design with no relevance to the events of the game
He is every single Chosen Undead to ever link the flame. It doesn't need to be explained why he is important.
Dark Souls 2 has some pretty embarrassing fanboy bait in it (like the Old Dragonslayer and the "praise le sun" faction) but I'd say most of its other connections are legitimate. It didn't feel like it was just constantly trying to please the fans by shoving stuff you would recognise into your face that Dark Souls 3 was doing, which is what this thread is about in the first place.
Also, Dark Souls 2 started the whole cycles idea, Dark Souls 1 just talked about choosing to extend the age of fire or start the age of darkness.
It's hard to think of something DaS3 even managed to do better that cannot be attributed to it being made to run on more powerful hardware. I guess they had some good ideas for weapons but so did DaS2
Andre was felt like there was much more to him than meets the eye considering there a petrified blacksmiths that look identical to him.
I know that's because they cut out a lot of blacksmiths but it still has intriguing lore implications.
>Retards actually defending the downright insulting shit that was in DaS3
Name 1(ONE) franchise with a more obnoxious fanbase than SoulsShit. You literally cant'.
If you're not a lore fag it doesn't matter, just kill bosses and have fun
Anor Londo was just there to get sales
I would love the game to be his own thing , but after DSII i can see why FS did that
But that's Siegward.
>DaS3 bosses are dogshit
Dark Souls 3 is my least favourite game in the series but it has the highest quality bosses on average compared to the other titles
DaS3 had way better bosses and areas than 2.
Why do normalfags jerk off DaS3 so hard? I don't understand, nothing about the game feels good. Combat feels like the bastard child of Dark Souls and Bloodborne, and it ends up just feeling like a floaty mess (although I guess most of DaS3's playerbase probably hasn't played Bloodborne). Level design is just fucking atrocious, with random ass swamps placed everywhere. People like to rightfull rip on pieces of shit like Farron Swamp and Dreg Heap, but Irythyll is even worse because it completely wastes the gorgeous location it's set in and the city aspect by being a FUCKING HALLWAY. I haven't played 2 yet, but it seems like a lot of my criticisms about level design and enemy placements are even worse.
Seriously all demon souls contrarians should be killed on sight
What are some of these bosses, user?
Every game in the series including Demon's souls and Bloodborne has half trash and half amazing bosses
Farron Keep is a god tier level and I have yet to hear any legitimate complaints about it.
>Devs gives the fans what they want
>This is a bad thing
people get so bent out of shape for the dumbest reasons, it's always this knowledgeable faggot that knows the lore inside and outside that it outraged, everyone else just enjoyed it for what it was.
>It doesn't need to be explained why this thing exists only now and why its even fighting you when you're trying to do exactly what it wants in the first place.
That aside, what does need to be explained is what the fuck they were thinking.
- It's a guy in armor on fire in a game full of people in armor, on fire, or both.
- If not for the game telling you he's important, you'd assume he's the equivalent of Demon Souls' Old Monk given how indistinguishable he is from a generic NPC invasion. Hell, even Old Monk rocked the wicked turban.
- He stumbles like a drunk fuck every three hits, it is impossible to take him seriously.
- He keeps changing his moveset, like that one friend you have that sucks at fighting games and keeps switching characters while saying "that one didn't count". These movesets aren't anything interesting either; they're yet more generic weapon movesets.
- After the first phase, the developers give up and resort to copying Gwyn wholesale.
I half-expected him to have a part to play in the Dark Shrine alongside the handmaiden, but it of course never went anywhere
I agree, especially with the OST. I'm not too fond of nearly every boss having '2nd phase powerup mode after you beat on them for a while' bs though
Evidently they didn't want it if they're complaining about it, you dip.
Nameless King, Pontiff Sulyvahn, Champion Gundyr (though I always had way, way more trouble with Iudex), the Twin Princes, the Abyss Watchers and Dragon Slayer Armour to name a few excluding the DLC
I know there's the risk of anyone just responding derisevly to just say each of those bosses sucks and was easy and they were bad, but I have faith in all the lovely anons here it won't happen.
>Member the Astral Clocktower from TOH?
Which fucking one is this?