why is no one talking about this? This patent they have just been granted will fuck over everyone who doesn't purchase the in game items.
This is a brief description of the patent in the patent.
"For instance, the system may match a more expert/marquee player with a junior player to encourage the junior player to make game-related purchases of items possessed/used by the marquee player. A junior player may wish to emulate the marquee player by obtaining weapons or other items used by the marquee player. "
Why you ask? (in the immortal words of pissed-off Juan) Because, fuck you give me money.
Activision are a bunch of scumbags
i fucking love her. i'm not a weeb. i don't watch anime. i fucking love her. i don't even know her name. i fucking love her
send help
there is no help for people like you
I do not purchase Activision games and I have no reason to change this position. They can do whatever the fuck they want.
>42 seconds of nothing in 4 minute video
>junior player gets matched up with more experienced one
Don't see the problem. This is just putting a new coat of paint on matchmaking to appease shareholders. And if push comes to shove and it actually makes a difference then they're gonna viciously defend that patent. It's not like you're playing activision games right, user?
Wtf is that fucking legal? How can this shit fly under the radar like this
does this patent solely alow activition to do this dushebaggery, or can other game companies configure their games like this?
Don't play shitty games from Hacktivision then.
What if other game publishers realize that they can make more money this way. Then they start to implement a system similar to activistions. Everyone who plays online games would be fucked
Thats the point of a patent you fucking retard to prevent other people from doing it
This is actually abgood thing because nobody but activision can do this and nobody with a brain plays activision gamds
At least in U.S. probably. Burgers take patents very seriously.
If it comes to other games, then getting paid cosmetics would be statistically detrimental for your matchmaking experience. Or in the case of people obsessed with cosmetics, they probably won't care, leading to a bigger schism between good and bad players on teams.
God, I WISH Activision would patent lootboxes. What would other publishers do then?
>For instance, the system may match a more expert/marquee player with a junior player
Honestly in my experience with online games this shit is always the case to begin with. I constantly have found myself fighting against people who have maxed out equipment and perks and shit while being a scrub. Matchmaking is just almost universally shit, there's no need for a patent.
How would you monitor something like this when nobody except the company itself knows how their lootbox system works
activision is a developer you dolt, that also means every blizzard game could be fucked beyond repair now if they wanted to.
Good thing the only Blizzard games worth playing don't have matchmaking
that happens from time to time but with this patent will undoubtedly guarantee it. Can you imagine a level 10 going against a level 90 in WoW
>Buying Activision games
>WoW with millions of in its player base
all multi player
There's always an alternative. Stop playing cancerous games. Or make/crowdfund a better game.
Yeah, I'm sure they will matchmake high level players against low level players who literally cannot win
>implying bnet 2.0 games are worth playing
i wouldn't put it past them
>just ignore it bro lol
t. Anti GG fags, Lootbox fags, DLC fags
And nothing of value was lost