Wolfenstein flopping hard in germany

>take out all the swastikas for german version
>ehehe but don't worry - you german go...uys will have equally atmospheric symbols instead, I swear
>game is flopping hard right off the bat


seriously, when will this censoring shit end? Everybody's getting patches anyway

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I don't understand what's in the box.

It's full on illegal to have swastikas in media in Germany.

>germans being even bigger cuckolds than swedes

What's honestly new at this point?

who cares

Why does that make you laugh? what about game sales is humorous?

It says

>de-nazified version. Historic, fascist symbols have been replaced by equally atmospheric alternatives. Only available in german

That's wrong.
Movies can show swastikas all they want

Cuckolds for not buying yet another game where they’re the villains?

That's retarded, why would they remove Swastikas from the German version? Are they trying to erase history?

I can't read schnitzel talk, what does it say in the box?

some history should be erased

I was under the impression it was illegal. I don't care enough to fact check, but I have seen that most media with Swastikas in them (in Germany) get backlash the point it becomes demonized.

Actually what makes me laugh is the use of the word de-nazified


Like we are living in 1946 and germans still have a massive risk of falling back into the third reich.

They deserve those sales just for formulating it like that


They get off on that though.

Cucked if they do, cucked if they don't

see Indiana Jones is running on TV just alright. Even when I was a child.

It's illegal to have swastikas in games, you can only use them in art (which is non glorifying nazis of course) and for educational purposes.

did you actually think this game would be a success anywhere? with the plot being a nigger bitch single handedly bringing down the nazis? kek

You're joking, I assume?

Swastikas and nazi symbols are allowed in the arts and education material.

In german law games are not art.

Thats why its not allowed. No one tries to change the law.

And nazis are allowed. Dont know why they removed all traces of nazis in the game.

Its only the symbols because after the war the victors didnt want anyone running around with them.

what did they replace it with?

>Erase history
>Suddenly it happens again because nobody was around to know the warning signs
Yeah real great idea you fucking idiot

germans are fucked up b
they still feel bad about that bullshit

>some history should be erased for it to happen again
I like you

He's not.
He's german.
Watch out amerifriend - he might contaminate you with his love for genocide and shitporn.

"videogames are art" fags BTFO eternally

no, it's actually pretty clever

Banning symbols is retarded. Are they scared Germans might actually become Nazi's again or something? Do they have so little trust in their own citizins they need to censor things for them?

So much so that they want to bring all of Europe down with it.

Some fuckretarded eagle symbol.

For some reason there is a W in it. I assume somebody put it there - like in "Wolfenstein" - and thought it's clever. When in reality its really fucking gay.

is the swastika replaced with a Sup Forums ?

Its illegal to display Swastikas in most parts if not all of Germany

MODS here is a reminder

Lmao, cuck nation indeed. But the bigger cucks are developers for taking them out, oh who am I kidding, of course they did, they want as much money as possible from the sales, they don't care about a quality entertaining media. This is why I will always continue to not pay for games.


It depends on context.

Have you ever heard of the phrase "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it?"
There's a reason it exists. Erasing parts of history make us doomed to repeat them.

>Wolfenstein flopping hard in germany
but they have scenes likes this. why would it flop there?

that's because of the hundred year demoralisation program thrust upon them by the allies at the behest of the jews. The jews will not allow them to recover for as long as Germany exists

There's one innate problem with the recording of history, it's that it's always biased. It is still very important to record history and those who try to erase history should be executed.

Can't see any racism here you faggot nigger.

No one enforces that rule you dumb nigger.

Isn't that the Wolfenstein logo?

>German censorship

Please go back to neogaf

Well... yeah.

Boy oh boy, they could at least have put some effort in it.

Like, type in "Third reich symbols" in google once and just kinda but not really copy one of those. Seriously.


This has been this way for ages. It is not new to wolfenstein

Wow, that looks terrible.

Rada rada rada rada, rada rada rada.
What do you not understand?


>impotent rage

Thanks for the bump faggot nigger


>SS runes are a circle and a triangle

If anything that just makes nazis seem cooler and counter-culture, so whutevs

I'm surprised they got rid of the Iron Cross as well. That's been used by lots of different groups throughout German history, not just the Third Reich and it's forces, and I'm pretty sure other games used it in their German releases with no problem.

>a game that isn't Job Simulator 2017 is flopping in Germany
I bet it has too much action for them.

The word Nigger actually has two meanings.
One can be a derogatory word towards black people.
The other is another word for an ignorant person. Like you for thinking mods are on Sup Forums these days.

Wait, so the evil Regime taking over America are actually the Wolfenstein development team?

>germans don't want a game full of killing german stereotypes

Because movies are art and games are not
it's that easy kid


>That's been used by lots of different groups throughout German history
The iron cross is currently on every vehicle because its the symbol of the german military...

Not a meme.

The worst thing is, it only has the German dub.

They are actually called "The Regime"
No mention of the Third Reich. I really really wanna see how they handle hitler in the new one.

I wouldn't even be surprised if they skip that whole part.

>I let the law decide what I consider art because I'm a bendover

That's not how art works.
And I'm not even one to say that video games are art.
But that argument is just the typical "german order don't ask questions" bullshit.

It's funny... when you think about it, they haven't really changed all that much.

>two world wars and we still haven't convinced germans to kill themselves
Do we seriously need a third one so they get the idea?


Saddest part is that there are newfags who believe this is legit someone sperging out and not just rustling their jimmies. Whatever happened to lurk moar?

For it to change somebody has to sue.
When somebody sues it will be changed for sure
I guess it's too expensive for bethesda

Go back to neofag you nigger.

The real issue is that no one tries to change those very old post war laws.

For a politican it can mean the end of career when they (for example oposing party) start calling him a nazi.

When the fuck will Germany get over the nazi shit? It has been almost 80 years since the fall of the regime but still they seem to think that if they allow nazi imagery in media that somehow the remnants of the nazi party will rise and take power again.

Is this why they want all the Syrians and Africans to go there and breed?

>When somebody sues it will be changed for sure
It wont
The change won't get support in parliament for reasons pointed out by

See you've been had, friend. Lurk moar.

These fugging simulators are so often in the charts, it's not even funny anymore
Besides job simulators you see regular shit like FIFA and CoD

>people posting the inferior version of that comic

>lame boring old guy vs cool sunglass wearing walking piece of TECHNOLOGY

>lose two world wars
>get butthurt
>blame each other for losing
>country attacks itself
>fills it with foreigners to attack each other

If they had won WWIII they'd be fine, or destroyed, but not like this.
I blame those damn nukes for not letting more World Wars happen.

>he thinks germans actually care
It's a demoralization policy

Classifying games as art has nothing to do with nazi stuff

Oh wait...

It's the jews who haven't gotten over it. And they never will because it grants them special status.

It's one of those remnants of de-nazifying Germany. Much like how Japan can't have an army. Losing a war tends to cuck people badly.

It has.

The law only allowes nazi symbols in art and education.

Games are not art.

If you think the ban can be completely lifted you are wrong, people dont want to see nazi flags on the street.

Nazism directly and indirectly destroyed this country, the will of its population, its history and its future.

How do you propose fighting to revoke a law to allow Nazi imagery without political opponents burning you to the ground? It's not worth the fight for anyone.

Japan has an army. Its just not called army.

TV & Movies can have swastikas because they are recognized as an Art form. By that swastikas are fine, because of art expression.

Video Games are not an Art form according to the government, therefore its illegal to use swastikas in them.

who gives a fuck about germany theyll be gone in 20 years anyway

Just to be clear GAMES ARE ART in German law
But you know what happened?
When the first game with the swastika symbol came out, the German court banned it
The thing is the only thing those developers had to do is point out that it's protected by law and that it falls under art

It's just that no developer since then (and it's been 20+ years) has ever done this
Developers know this very well but publishers are scared of seeming like they're promoting Nazi's so they just act retarded and like this law exists


There is no ban on games featuring a swastika in Germany
No such law exists, games do fall under art in Germany, it's just that publishers are scared of being called Nazi's
Stop spreading this dumb meme

To those that keep saying that killing Nazis are fine, everyone keeps forgetting that WW2 is over. The treaties and shit have already been signed.

Killing anymore Nazis = murder

>How do you propose fighting to revoke a law to allow Nazi imagery without political opponents burning you to the ground?
Say that these laws are demoralizing, offensive, and prejudiced against economic migrants who may happen to believe in such symbols.

Killing regular civilians or fuckretarded demons is fine, it's a videogame.

>"lol get over it you just caused the death of over 40 million people and brought ruin to much of europe XDDD :P"
>"le rapefugees am i rite XDD"
>"only i should be able to live a good life!!"
Go read a book once in your life, either that or kill yourself.

I'm not talking about games. It's fine to kill ANYONE in games, but in real life, nope.

>Top seller
>less than 700 reviews on Steam (US)
What did Valve mean by this

Yeh, movies can have as many swastikas as they like. No matter if its a blockbuster, a cheap horror movie or a porno. But one small swastika in the background of a game and all hell breaks lose.

Is this what you call iconoclasm?

Everyone knows that Germany is pro-Nazi. If they depict Nazis as the bad guys on German videogames, they'll lose even more sales.