>7,300 at launch
Did better than Lawbreakers, but why did they launch it on the same day as Assassins Creed AND Mario?
Other urls found in this thread:
because they were going big?
and are obviously very fucking naive?
Oh what ever will I do not having anyone to play an entirely single player game with. I didn't even buy this game but holy fuck are you retards desperate for new games to fail TORtanic was a mistake.
> >7,300 at launch
> 9 a.m. friday
>not having anyone play your game is good because it is single player!
>Sup Forumstard
>in charge of intelligent thinking
Still more than the real holocaust numbers
honestly the Sup Forums boogeymanning is getting really fucking tiring
It's always nice to see a shit game fail. Don't see why you are so upset about.
You have to go back
>Reading comprehension
I never said it was a good thing, I just said it doesn't matter to me because I don't need other players for a single player game.
it's no less annoying than the content and OP of this thread, stop getting triggered
For once I agree with you; the Pol menace must be stopped. Fuck Blompaderozito Dickslzlompfrocht and all his supporters.
The amount of time average Sup Forumsirgin spent discussing this low budget cashgrab "game" is probably twice as long as its actual length
Are you annoyed to see your nazi shooter fail?
pretty sure the problem is that they didn't optimize it and now barely anyone can play it
Viral marketing works - even if the exposure is mostly negative. This is the sad state of gaming we live in today.
you do realize it's a multi platform launch, right?
you do realize most people who are going to buy it aren't even awake yet, right?
of course you do. All Sup Forums does is shit post now
I am a Iranian, I don't go to Sup Forums too racist for me.
This game is not about shooting nazis, which are all basically robots in this game, it's about race-baiting and divisive politics agenda pushing.
Well on amazon it sells worse than Xbox one currently
>viral marketing works
>game has below 10,000 sales
>below games that came out weeks before
It didn't work at all
>you do realize it's a multi platform launch, right?
You do realize that Assassins creed Origins is multiplat too right? You do realize that Mario Odyssey is also coming out the same day right?
Are you annoyed to see your race-baiting and divisive politics agenda pushing shooter fail?
>CCU = sales
kys my man
>even if the exposure is mostly negative
It's universally considered to be debunked long ago. Just asked EA how did it work for Andromeda, or Sony how did it work for fembusters.
I didn't even know this wolfenstein was coming out today
I'm annoyed by the fact there are more nazi shooter threads than Mario Odyssey. Literally just wow, a nazi shooter game can reach bump limit in less than 2 hour and there will be fucking a freshly thread to migrate. Not even Nintodddlers are this obsessed with Mario Odyssey, but somehow Sup Forumstard are not even subtle anymore.
Welcome to Sup Forums, the controversial subject will be talked about more than the non-controversial one.
That depends on who is pissed off about negative exposure and who is indifferent or it appeals to.
If you make a movie, the exposure is all negative and everyone who watches movies is unhappy about it, then that's not good exposure. The people pissed off are your customers in this case.
LMAO fucking shadow of war had more current players at launch.
I wish Nintendo people could condense their discussions in one thread.
Yeah, bride Mario is more controversy than this shit
But the key was it got sales and it justified there being a demographic that wanted this garbage. Let's just hope the sales bombed so bad it will cause immense financial devastation and they will fold the studio or never do another one.
>Buying $60 dollar single player games
You obviously were post 2000 then because games back in the day were pushing $80.
>But the key was it got sales
You need to provide proofs for that. Based in players in-game, it sold 3 times worse than Origins, which would probably sell around 200k based on previous AC games performance.
So are these post falseflags to hate more and more Sup Forums , or Sup Forumsfags are just that retarded?
That's a load of bullshit m8.
Stop pushing niggers where they don't belong.
Let's see, currently monitoring: steamspy.com
I was like 3 back then
>You do realize that Assassins creed Origins is multiplat too right? You do realize that Mario Odyssey is also coming out the same day right?
yeah? your point?
Its 1-4 am in NA.
Whatever happened to the 4 hours of gameplay meme?
Do you remember when Battleborn did well when it was released within a hop,skip and a jump away from Overwatch?
>PC normies and xbone bro dudes are busy playing PUBG and its clones
>sonyfriends are busy shitposting about new Mario game
Didn't see that coming.
>wolfenstein is bad
Then you haven't seen this
Spotted the wagecuck.
im peeing
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums in charge of intelligent thinking
People in America are fucking asleep and people in Europe just woke up and are at work.
Also SteamSpy data is not reliable for sales until week or two after release.
>20k owners
wow, that's pretty abyssmal, also, why are there so many chinese reviews of this on steam? Some sort of early chink launch or something?
I mean the first game was only at 11808 at its highest peak and was released on the weekend.
It might climb to 8~9k, but I'd be shocked if it went higher.
But let's not pretend the first game was a super massive release.
You're retarded. See
literally shaking?
It's not unfair that a game that disrespected mein fuhrer would ever be successful, today i'll pray to Odin for this awful game to fail
They're following the trend that comic books did where they focus on the SJW audience only to find out the hard way that the audience doesn't play the games.
Viral marketing doesn't work if the exposure is negative. Especially with piracy being not only a valid tactic but also something a lot of people do.
They even made it super short to better entice them.