When will Sup Forums admit that DS2 was a good game?
When will Sup Forums admit that DS2 was a good game?
I don't think Sup Forums tought it's shit ever.
It wasn't
it was always a good game and a good souls game. DS1 babs are just mad it wasn't DS1 and all the people who sucked at DS2 play DS3
It definitely wasn't
I liked it a lot after dropping it when it first came out and going back to SotFS this year, after DaS3.
Fight me.
It's okay. DeS and BB are the gems. Dark Souls 1 would have up there too if the combat wasn't literally two steps back from Demons... needless to say Dark Souls 1 was the most influential due to its world and bandwagoners.
I play primarily for PvE, and I heard DS2 was the worst in the series for PvE so I didn't put more than a few hours into it. It's definitely not impressed me so far.
never, because it isnt
F what v says DS2 is the most replayable and complete sb game by a mile
Can we wait a few more days for this thread? So frequent.
It was a good game but very mediocre by Dark Souls standards. Didn’t stop me from enjoying it and going all the way to ng+4. The dlc were top notch top.
But hey, DS3 was my favorite of the whole series, so taken my opinion as you will.
DS1 - 9/10
DS2- 8/10
DS3 -610
BB- 10/10
Yeah, very replayable. the problem is it sucks nuts and the NG+ system of DkS2 was lost on the game.
Hello, i'm Sup Forums. I admit that DaS2 is a good game.
While it certainly had issues, it excelled at pvp and invasions with its superior weapon balancing.
You could use any weapon you like in pvp, very much unlike in DaS3.
F off congo mfer
I only liked the fight clubs and fashion souls the rest was shit
Every time someone says "Dark Souls 2 had the best PvP", I'm reminded how few people played Demon's PvP which was the best in the series by miles.
>F off
It has Dark Souls combat and it is huge. That alone makes it a pretty good game. It has a bunch of flaws, but they don't make it a bad game.
It's a good souls game, probably my favorite but the pvp summoning mechanic is autistic as fuck.
BB > DaS > SOTFS > DaS3 > DeS > Shit > DaS2
Come @ me
>******OFFICIAL RANKING*******
2 > 1 = DeS > 3 = BB
There. Something we can all agree on. Now stop arguing
>99 stacks of healing grass
DS1 - 7/10
DS2 - 8/10
DS3 - 7/10
BB - 15/60 %%FPS%%
Come on now, BB is definitely better than DaS3, arguably better than DaS1 too. Despite the nostalgia, the latter half of DaS1 was just shit.
Stop separating sotfs from base 2 like an autist. Do you separate 1 from prepare to die?
>Inb4 b but they changed some minor things!!!
Meant for
I actually think Scholar is worse because of the enemy placement.
Spot on, m8e
They really did improve it ALOT with SOTFS, though I still wouldn't put both version in rankings.
Main thing is of course the agabe ring.
Aside from grass, clearly. Everything else was better then DkS1/2/3/BB.
>Infinites, loops, and target combos. Best PvP movesets in the series too.
>Toggle Escape which allows for a deep and yomi game.
>Proper okizeme that isn't BS shit.
>Every weapon is extremely strong except knuckle/dagger... and both are still viable.
>No poise to save shitters.
>Can't be one shot by fish.
>Proper hyper armor on slower weapons.
>BS system is strong, but not nearly as broken as DkS1 or as fucked-up mechanically as DkS2.
>No 0f parry bullshit chaining from roll invul.
It's a good game dragged down by too many trash throwaway levels and bosses. DaS2 would honestly be improved a lot by cutting or heavily modifying a quarter of the areas.
dark soul 2 shall be forgotten
dark soul 2 shall not be praise
suffer not to bash dark soul 2, for the game is dung and ruin the franchise forever.
On Sup Forums strawpolls, critic, and user rating BB is consensually the best. If you start rating individual criteria, BB wins most of the categories in series. It's honestly not even fair to rate BB with the rest it's such a strong game.
PTD was mainly just an expansion pack for AotA though - there weren't that many changes. SotFS not only includes all 3 DLC, but changes enemy and item placement which radically alters some levels (Iron Keep comes to mind).
Oh and mocap animations were a mistake, the combat feels ridiculously floaty compared to every other game in the series. You get used to it though.
english isn't your first language is it?
Never because it wasn't a good game
>It's honestly not even fair to rate BB with the rest it's such a strong game
You're exaggerating now. I'm a PCfag who got PS4 and BB early this year and it blew me away, but I haven't gone back to it yet after getting platinum. It's arguably the best of Souls games, but due to the awful pvp/invasion system, it has weak replayability.
It doesn't change shit imo. A few enemy and item placements still require you to carefully deal with enemies one by one, just like base iron keep. There's just more of them to deal with.
Is this bait?
It's not an exaggeration though.
It has basically the same replayability as every other game aside from DkS2.
And yes, the PvP is weak, but none of the games have particularly good PvP anways; it's a bunch of rolling around, fishing for BSes and spamming R1.
But enemies, weapons, atmosphere, music, narrative, combat, and it's ability to subvert your expectations are unmatched. It's has arguably the best bosses and level consistency. Razor sharp mechanics that don't fall flat like poise/soul memory. The best BS system. The beast dragon forms as beast/kin. It's easily the best.
Can someone please explain the "DLC is GOAT" meme
I mean, yeah in comparison to the terrible base game bosses. the best bosses there seem amazing, but they're still surpassed by a good boss from 3, not to mention the great ones from 3. And the optional bosses from the DLC are just 2 straight rehashes and LMAO 3 NPC!, overall terrible
Level design would be good if enemy placement wasnt designed for you to get swarmed by enemies that cant even be staggered by 2 dragon tooth R1s
Iron Keep has been completely changed though. You can no longer sprint through the area.
FotFG also sets up a bunch of sleeping undead in the area to teach you about enemy management.
I'll be honest, part of the reason I think this game is not as good is because I love boss battles, and I can't name a single one from the base game that I enjoyed.
Sup Forums honestly seems split on liking the game and hating it. I certainly like it while acknowledging it's flaws, however some anons will treat the game like it's the Anti-Christ
The animations were done in mocap? Well that explains a lot
They at least tried and didnt go full blown nostalgia masturbating with zones that are 2 rooms and call it a day. I hate the hitboxes and how some shit connects but i had fun and enjoyed it more than 3 definitely.
As for bb im very mixed because the game is technically a disaster with framerate below 20 and the chromatic abortion makes me sick but the setting, design, weapons and music make it stand out, ds3 tried to copy that fresh feeling and failed miserably
I played it offline and it was fine, though most of the covenants are explicitly for multiplayer
Well will DS2fags admit the game is just a piece of shit and move on?
You like a trash game , thsts ok you don't need validation.
>framerate below 20
You're not very good at eyeballing framerate
All the Souls games are good. Some have aspects people prefer over others and they have some issues but none of the games are objectively shit. Anyone that says so is either memeing or retarded.
You're telling me bb has a stable fps or what? Some zones dip below 15 even and it's a pain to play
I have noticed some dips from time to time in a boss fight but never a zone a causes a drop.
When they update it to not be shit. Hasn't happened yet.
Scholar of the First Sin has been out for a while user
Lecture hall?
Any zone with no lights tends to look weird when you rotate the camera, ghosting and all due to low fps
If changing enemy positions is all it takes for idiots like you to be assuaged then you probably thought it was good to begin with, and your opinion is irrelevant. Shut up and don't reply to me again if the only shit you have to say is so asinine and retarded.
DS2 has a lot of potential, but there is a strong lack of polish that stops it from being as great as it could be. Do you know how Unity Engine has that Unity Engine look and feel to it? DS2 manages a similar feat without actually being made on Unity.
If a little more time was spent on the smaller details surrounding the players haptic experience (vision, hearing, etc.) it'd be a much greater game. For the most part it feels like you have no friction in the world around you, so it has some kind of weird uncanny valley effect throughout the entirety of it.
There's also that, graphically, it's not quite as refined as DS1, 3 and BB. It looks pretty, but it also doesn't quite look as gritty. If it wasn't for the monsters and undead everywhere, I'd have thought this was another generic low-budget fantasy ARPG.
BB has terrible frame timing, but is an otherwise fairly stable 30fps with minor dips into the 20s.
I still play it mainly because of the gameplay.
People who like the souls franchise already do. It's just shit eating autist that never played/finished any souls game, or are too weak minded to get an opinion that hate it.
Started with Souls 2, didn't like it. Went back to play Souls 1. Loved it.
DaS3 sucks ass though and feels more "game-y" / "uncanny valley" than every other installment combined.
3 is hardly a dark souls game
Dark souls 2 has a lot of quality of life changes. But the combat is more punishing due to stamina management being key. Dark souls 1 is more open, and dark souls 3 has free infinite stamina so I guess 1 is a better game to start off with the franchise, to truly appreciate what the other 2 bringed to the table
But I wasn't talking about DS3. I'm enjoying DS2, but I don't like it as much as the other three. I haven't played Demon's Souls yet due to not being able to find a copy anywhere.
I actually did like DS3 though. Probably because it was pretty much Bloodborne with swords. It did have a unified look and feel though, and had a bit more effort put into the player experience.
you mentioned 3 a bunch of times as having "polish". i guess that's true but it's bland / tedious as fuck. builds basically don't matter + the game is mostly linear so every playthrough feels almost identical, and on top of that the DLCs are pretty weak. it's true that DaS2 has a lot of "hit or miss", but the level variety, build variety, and pvp make it much more replayable.
Every other souls game was better.
I mentioned 3 once in the final paragraph. Do you have me confused with another user?
I felt that Souls 1 was significantly more challenging and punishing for the appropriate reasons. While I felt that Souls 2 was cheap.
Dark Souls 1 was amazing because of the story telling
Dark Souls 2 was amazing because of the mechanics
Dark Souls 3 was amazing because of twitch and easy mode gameplay
>Dark Souls 2 has the best gameplay!
I have a hard time believing anyone actually thinks this, combat and movement feel terrible and lifegems break the game
DS1 was amazing because of the perfect first half.
DS2 is pretty good just because it has a lot of content and great build variety despite having the worst level/boss design in the series.
DS3 was pretty great because of the bosses.