Borderlands 3

Where is it?
What do you guys want to see most?

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I don't want to see Anthony Burch's writing.

>materials that apply toon shading dependant on dynamic lighting
>at least 4 active abilities per character
>non meme writing

An actually good game. Borderlands is about being BADASS, right? So how come the gameplay is a boring, slow cover-shooting with regenerating health that you have to stand behind cover to regenerate and bullet sponge enemies?

>What do you guys want to see most?

it not released

Fuck gearbox
I want battleborn 2

God Bless Riot, they hired him and stuck him in their comics division nobody reads so nobody has to deal with him again

Gearbox has no idea what makes Borderlands good, it's better off dead

>What do you guys want to see most?
That such an abomination never sees the light of day.
A just and loving god would have mercy-killed Pitchford before Borderlands got off the ground. It's a clear turning point for the company from a competent game developer with interesting ideas into a hot mess of shitty programming, incompetent world design and replacement of story with LOLsorandumb OMG MEMES XDDD.
The few games they've worked on that weren't reddit-bukkake demonstrated clearly that they have absolutely nothing else to bring to the table.

I didn't get the prequels but I think if a 3rd game were to come out i'd buy it. Just make the Siren class different and i'd be cool. Speaking of Sirens, were they powerful compared to the other classes? I never really compared or looked at specific builds.

A handwritten letter by Randy Pitchford e-mailed to me apologizing for being such a fucking asshat.

nice shitpost

>What do you guys want to see most?
I want to see it flop

The Siren was really powerful in the first game, whereas in the second game she was one of the weakest classes overall, with limited build variety in that a lot of her skills were shit and wouldn't scale correctly.


if they make a new game and it isnt a entirely new planet/cast it wont even be worth playing.
then they need customizable weapons & a sphere grid. basically steal every non shit aspect of arpgs and apply it to borderlands.

>what you want to see
Stuffs that made Borderlands 1 good ie revolver, non retard gun designs and actual useful abilities, good looting rate and non retard level scaling
Stuffs that made Borderlands 2 okay ie expanded skill trees, mini map
I want more corporate gun vendor like that Jakob vendor in zombie DLC, as for new class it would be great if we have skag rider with skill tree that let me build my skagzilla

>Where is it?
Dead, hopefully
>What do you guys want to see most?
Your company to die too, Randy Bo-bandy

That's what happens when you make a dedicated support in a game you don't even need to play with others.

>Customizable weapons
This. I love the look of the guns and I love that they're largely modular, but why we could never, say, rip apart the guns to cobble together our own never made sense to me. Sure make it so some guns can't give their super special shit, but If I like some stuff from certain weapons let me slap them onto other ones, God dammit.



Anything but Handsome Jack, he was the star of 3 games now, let someone else take the mantle.
Remove the white level gear, is useless, not even to sell.
Legendaries actually useful and not just a handfull of them
Remove Slag, holy shit just no.
UVHM that doesn't rely on the aforementioned slag and Legendaries.
Remove (or at least tone it down) meme script.
Remove Lilith, i don't want an emotional train wreck bossing me around.
Remove Bandit manufacturer, or make them more useful that just ammo capacity.
Make the world a wasteland that is advertised and not a world with the odd bandit.
Bandit cities.
The god awful level scaling
There are probably more, but i forget them, feel free to add.

i just want gearbox to die before they shit on Brothers in Arms

I'm not a giant fan of lootwhoring but I can get at least one playthrough out of most hack & slashes
Borderlands is insanely boring though, only one ability and the rest is shit gunplay

One of the things they should tone down quite a bit is bullet sponge enemies.
They should make it so that mobs come in large hordes that deal less damage and have less HP overall, as opposed to few enemies that have a trillion HP and take off 80% of your HP with one blow. In other words, make it more fun to kill stuff.
A proper armour system that emphasizes weaknesses and resistances on the player characters and enemies alike. The current elemenets apart from slag are fine, they devs just need to go all out and make them have a bigger impact on gameplay.

>There's no way they can have BL3 without a playable recently-bankrupted Torgue
>Gearbox couldn't possibly hire Christopher Rager for that much voicework after the failure of Battleborn

I want the guns/loot system from the first game, but expanded.

get rid of the 'bosses drop certain legendaries slightly more often' BS

keep the humor, but tone it back to BL1, dry and dark.

instead of 1 planet, have multiple planets and have a space ship/space station as the 'home town'

more bandits

more trash planets

and more npc dialog where they talk about eating your face

Who are you quoting?

>What do you guys want to see most?
Wilhelm returns as a brain in a jar with a fully robot body, his action skill is to summon some loaders, skill trees change 'em up

lasers return

fix damage scaling for fucks sake


I'm just abusing muh meme arrows, fag. You can handle, can't you?

As long as they ditch the sjw bullshit that even fucked with characters canon in the Pre-Sequel, I'd be fine even with the Reddit tier memes.

This guy gets it.

No, I legitimately couldn't tell whether you tried to present your own opinion, quote some kind of consensus you feel exists, or were going for some type of monkey's paw thing
It really wasn't clear, man

I bet you play siren with sniper only

>not Borderl3nds

I only care about getting Rhys and Fiona. All else is worthless.
Gortys can come along too.

Otherwise I'll probably go for the jack of all trades unless they make a character that is literally gambling because I have an addiction.

>5nal Destination
>Thir13en Ghosts
>Pokemon 4Ever
>2 Fast 2 Furious
Stop doing this

N0 F46637

I dunno man, I like the ones where the digits actually look like the letters, makes me nostalgic for pointless 1337 spam
It's full-on retarded with shit like Thi4f

Liquidation or a file for bankruptcy

The best Borderlands game is Tales From the Borderlands

Who cares? The first one was the only good one.

I wanted this to be the opening, but Tales already did it.
Aside from that, I just want the enemies to not be bullet sponges or constantly scale with you. While unlikely, I also want decent writing.

>a claptrap memorial
wont buy the game with that fucker in it, claptrap was the most annoying fucking character ive ever met, did nothing but pad the game length in an already long enough game

This is true

With the best intro ever

What? he didn't even die, what did he do to deserve it?

Granted, but it will be the most well written and fun game yet but will be shunned by normies for unknown reasons.

This is very true.

Please no more force tutorial area, have it happen in the actual game world. And less clapass is possible but I think it's too late now

>Could have had literally any robot sidekick trope out there
>End up with the Meme Machine

>play BL2
>that fucking intro with Claptrap
>Hammerlock (who is just as fucking annoying by the way) goes "haha Claptrap is so annoying right wink wink"
>Gearbox continues to subject us to Claptrap anyway

>finger gun scene

I want the leveling system to be way faster. By level 13 it felt like everythimg came down to a grinding halt. Also better powers and less generic upgrades.

I'd like more active abilities, like 4 or so.

Nioh is the new loot game guys get on that shit

Did anyone actually even legit like Claptrap at any point? Or is this Randy's way of showing dominance and saying fuck you to the haters

I can't think of any other character in video games that I would want to see less off

But user, perks that required you to spin in circles and swap your weapon 3 times were funny and so creative!

He was ok in Borderlands 1.

I like the Busy Earning OP from the first episode.

he was funny at first, got really obnoxious before reaching Hammerlock. doesn't help that his quests are "lol so random" or shit like its birthday party.

Is that the general opinion? Sup Forums isn't that big a part of the gaming market.
Certainly when I googled whether to play TPS or BL2, a lot of people on gamefaqs and reddit seemed to love BL2's humor

>at least 4 active abilities per character
This, Borderlands gets old super fast because you just have one thing that differentiates the classes

fuck no, what a shit game series

Borderlands humour is borderline(lol) fine.

Claptraps humour is a whole different kettle of fish

I'm still a sucker for the first intro, the way the music accompanied it was masterfully executed. that and the escape pod one (don't remember wich one that was.)

These are real good, but I can't imagine they won't add mulitiple characters. The last 2 kept adding more, and they're all fairly unique from a gameplay perspective. Hell, just throwing everyone whose still alive into one game would give us about 10 characters.


What, isn't that actually kinda good outcome?

Money don't grow on trees.

Yeah mate what is up with that
Are you one of those faggots who cares whether the retarded masses like your favorite game?

I thought it would be bad since the series wouldn't continue after they finally got it right but only now do I realize that would be a good thing.

cant wait for all of the brick and mordecai quests
maybe brick will even turn himself into a pickle

>not playing anarchy mechromancer with a torque sponsorship
>not enjoying the sounds of your friends crying about there being too many explosions for their delicate brains to handle
>he probably plays singleplayer

Exactly. As much as I like borderlands, randy bobandy has to go.

I want to see Benedict again...

gearbox shutting down.

>Anal Destination

How can Gearbox stay afloat with shit like Dook and Battleborn happening?
We Happy Few was also a flop, right?

They should leave the current vault hunters as NPC's and from now on give us a character creation engine where we can make our own class.

Build a Siren, Gunzerker, or Turret dropping Soldier of your own.

>one of the weakest
Hell no, Maya is no Salvador but she can MELT shit with the right builds
If there is a weakest Character in BL2 its Axton, Everyone else is pretty good

Lots of playable characters, improved skill trees, more usable guns, linear scaling, and the Tales writing team to do the story.

Axton has the most survivability, the worst character is Kraig who is utterly shit when it comes to doing anything.

Have fun trying to use his turrets for more than 5 seconds in UVHM

>krieg is shit at everything

Look at this fucking pleb and laugh

>best voice
>some of the best quotes a lot of them are pretty lul random xd tier though
>most versatile playstyles based on skilltrees
>most fun skilltrees
>also the only character able to do a pure melee build
>tanky as fuck
>massive damage
>can become an elemental effect spewing madman which shits on everything
>almost universally praised as the most fun and best character

Explain to me how he's bad in any way?

>Implying the turrets are even needed if you understand how over works.
>Implying anything can keep you down long enough for you to die anyway.
Come on, Axton is the most boring character sure, but Kraig can't even stay up for more than five minutes.

The song is called Retrograde by James Blake

Thats part of what makes him Krieg tho
You do damage by taking it. You can ever throw nades when you are down, I think.

I must just really fucking suck with him then because I seriously can't make it passed normal with him.
I managed to do UVHM with Axton on my own but fuck me if I can even do the the first zone on Krieg though.

Post your Axton build

I want to see it kill Gearbox.

What do I want?
>tiny Tina as a playable character with abilitys built around explosives
>ability to customize guns
>the balls to introduce new characters instead of clinging to every single other one we've ever met
>just a little less "borderlands voice"
Ever since that user pointed it out I can't not hear it and it's driving me nuts.

variety in active abilities
more manufacturers
350 hours of bl2 with friends can't be forgotten, i understand hate for the writing but the coop is just too great

Off to of my head since I haven't played it in years.
Scorched Earth=1/1
Crisis Management=4/5
Double Up=1/1
Last Ditch Effort=4/5
I do not remember what I had in the blue tree.


You know this is going to happen, right?

Fucking this.
It was even already in 2

Let the guy who wrote Claptastic Voyage do all the writing and keep Randy away from the project at all costs.

>tiny Tina
God no, she was worse than Claptrap. How did anyone actually like her?

Maya's abilities were crazy overpowered when you play with friends. Being able to bring someone in their last stand phase from any distance as long as your cursor was on them was god-tier.

Playing in single player, it's not much fun and it's not very useful to give tons of support to bots.

Hell. I don't care what I get at this point. At least I'm not Anthony Burch.

You honestly just want to play a different game
play fallout maybe