A Hat in Time Thread

That reference to the mario pachinko level made me chuckle.

This is honestly one of the most fun games I've played in years. I'm sad that it'll be overshadowed by all the other big releases this year. The team really deserves to be hugely successful, and I hope we get a sequel one day.

Other urls found in this thread:


>we want the pedophile audience

Posting that one guys art

Hat Kid? More like, Hat CUTE


She doesn't deserve to be bullied.

accept it this is her in 10 years

5 cute facts about Hat Girl:

- She's a girl!
- She wears a hat!
- I love her!!!!!
- Hat girl!!!!!!!!!!
-She's the best!!

not with that nose it isnt

>it's actually 5 facts now
Oh fuck.

The actual game is extremely innocent. I'm surprised anyone is even capable of being attracted to hat kid to be honest, but I guess it shouldn't be a surprise since there are people Her who jerk off to Bowser, Pokemon and Tails from Sonic.

Is that the reason for the nonstop samefag threads?

>they can model the costume now

So is this game actually fun or is it only good for cringeworthy autists who make those "hat girl is cute! CUTE!!!" comments?

Her umbrella gotta be reskinned into a conductor's baton.

Ignoring one absolutely atrocious voice actor, there's nothing wrong with the game and it was time well spent (for free).

>1 thread up currently
>one billion Mario threads up

The latter. Buy Assassin's Creed or Shadow of War instead.

It’s no mario and it’s only six hours to 100% but it’s alright, def not 30bucks worth of content by any stretch if the imagination, come on let’s be real

It’s also good for the cringeworthy autists who do literally spam this shit 24/7 however

Is the atrocious voice actor Jontron?

this, Jontron should be hanged


and /thread.
gaffers are here.

its mustache girl

Well I don’t know if you can call this abortion a thread but whatever.

>buy these crap games instead
No thanks. Guess I'll just have to wait until I get a switch for my playforming fix.

>thighs bulge over stockings

think again nerd!

You know it’s a zero content game when 90% thread revolves around talking about the character in autistic ways.

can someone explain how Yooka-Laylee failed when A Hat in Time succeeded

Really? I thought she was great. That's actually the point where I thought "wow, this game actually has surprisingly good voice acting". Is it because of the accent?

It's worth a pirate. It's just Mario Sunshine with some different gimmicks in each world. Not anything too great and not nearly as good as the Sup Forums hype would lead you to believe, but good platformers are incredibly rare these days so you'd be missing out if you don't give it a chance.
If you've played and hated Mario Sunshine and Banjo Kazooie though, I can guarantee you'll hate it.

Well Yooka Laylee is more popular so your question is loaded as fuck bait and should be ignored.

>It's worth a pirate

How is this phrase not a meme yet

>The animated series is so successful that most viewers don't realize it's based off of the game.

hat in time have jontron,yooka-laylee lack jontron.

Yooka Laylee didn't have any pedobait.
If they made Yooka a girl, gave her a cute voice, gave her long eyelashes and a loli body, people would be singing it's praises.

Hat is cute

Lizard and nose bat are not.

>its just mario sunshine

mario sunshine is one of the best games of all time, what do you mean its 'just' mario sunshine

The game is actually really good. It's short, but I honestly enjoyed every minute of play time. The controls are honestly some of the best I've ever used in a playformer, and the music was fantastic.

I don't know why the fan base here is so autistic. I guess there isn't much to talk about in a simple platformer. I would have thought that there'd be more actual conversation here but it seems like it's just autists shit posting about the main character.

hat in time has good music, aesthetics and level design, while yooka laylee doesnt and has a bunch of pointless shit to collect.

Better camera, more memorable characters, inspired not emulated. That's all I got since I haven't played Yooka, but I forgot about yooka-laylee until HiT started to be compared to it.

I wish I could refund a title after 3 hours. I thought this game would get better.

I mean it's just Mario Sunshine. Mario Sunshine is great but why would you play the knockoff when you can emulate the original anytime?

its more a mashup of a bunch of gamecube games, has some paper mario, some luigis mansion, windwaker, and even has some mario paint in there

Most of the collectables in yooka laylee were tedious as fuck to collect, whereas the collectables in aHiT are pretty much consistently fun. Also, the levels feel more jam-packed with content. The humour in aHiT connected with me better as well. That's pretty much it.

Yooka laylee also ran like shit on my computer, but that might just be me.

Well the problem is in the disproportionate amount of threads versus people discussing the game and also the amount of stuff to discuss. Aka these fsgs brought it on themselves to be hated on.

You were right until you implied Grant Kirkhope's music is bad.
AHiT is even emulating Grant's music so hard it hurts. I'm pretty sure he composed the ship hub's theme himself, too.

Jon Tron. That's literally the only reason.

By keeping it to one thread since release? That's deserving of Sup Forums's eternal ire?

I only have one more Time Piece to get.
Where the hell is this one?

IMO, A Hat in Time is a much more enjoyable game than Sunshine, but I think I'm probably in the minority.

>keeping it to one thread since release

>AHiT is even emulating Grant's music
How can that be true when every theme sounds distinct from one another and none of them use any Neapolitan chords?

He only did the hub theme and most of yookas music was pretty unmemorable just like the rabbids ost.

I dont really remember the hub world song either

near the edge of the forest probably just left of the fire areas edge

Objectively it's shorter, has less challenge, and fewer movement options.
You can make the case that AHiT is a better adventure game but it is not nearly as good of a platformer as Sunshine.

There are two threads up right now, one of them is an obvious shitpost where two autists are fighting over nothing, while everyone who actually wants to talk about the game is attempting to here. Feel free to try and prove me wrong instead of posting reaction images.


You're not helping.

Area blocked by green fire wall, just past giant stopwatch

Yes since it’s the handful of you literally keeping up a 24/7 thread up with the intent to advertise it as already admitted openly. It’s just what happens when you try to force something, people will shit on your game.

I agree with all of those points. However, I'd argue that being longer and harder doesn't make a game better inherently. So much of Subshine feels like a chore to me.
>that eel level
>the chuckers level
>the star you have to ride the boats to get
>any of the harbour levels
>the pachinko level
>the chain chomp level
>that manta ray boss level
>that cassino level
>that level where you have to sneak into the pool
And many more. Most of these levels aren't even hard - they're just not very fun. Hat in Time is short, but almost all of the levels are great. I would also say that it's a better platformer because you don't have the FLUDD on you like in 90% of Sunshine. Hat girl controls a lot better than fluddless mario too.

You literally just proved yourself wrong.
Look at the fucking archive. There's almost constantly 2 threads up at a time. Are you going to argue that in every single instance of this, one of these threads is "just shitposting"? Don't be retarded.

glad you like it user

Notice how everyone else in the thread is talking about the game, and you're the only one throwing a temper tantrum?

>it's shorter
it doesn't pad itself
>less challenge
none those bullshit scenarios you get
>fewer movement options
but more meaningful ones that you will always, always use
as well as having more options and precision in mid-air instead of having to rely a clunky hover mechanic

I’m actually very reasonable and replying to your questions. I am also right, that’s absolutely the reason you get shit on so much. Same reason non stop assassin’s creed origins threads get absolutely demolished.

Decent bait, good job.

No it was fucking terrible bait

Actually, I've changed my mind. Continue shitposting, it helps keep the thread alive.

>false flag
>proceed to shit everywhere because of your false flag

Truly a cop out.

is this an anime


Well,you hardly have influence over me and even if you call it a shitpost it doesn’t make it any kess true
What does this mean?

I fully agree with you, dear Sony-friends and gaffer-colleagues. I heard this """PERSON""" said blacks commit more crimes than whites. Ummm, like, are you serious.. ? Blacks are the most civilized and intelligent human beings on this whole planet, obviously. They also were kings.

This whole board is shit.

Tell us something we don't know.


Most of the posters are pathetic baiting retards now.
That should sum it up in the most simple of termrs.

>what I don't like is bait
I like Sunshine but its flaws are as clear as day
Hat Kid's movement feels very different from Mario's, being floatier, emphasizing smaller jumps in midair and being able to land at any point with utmost precision so long as you can reach it
This combined with a wall climb gives her platforming a flow that's closer to something like Mirror's Edge than a standard platformer

Ok, I’ve never seen Sup Forums be anything serious or have serious discussions as a whole apart from occasional unique threads. Repeating ones understandably can’t do anything but devolve.

H-hey, we did it girls! We beat Mario!!

Actually that’s probably the problem, the fact that 90% of threads on Sup Forums are the same threads day after day. I have no solution though.

What's the easiest boss to get the 1hp achivement on?

>Mario just came out
Well, I'm done pretending to like this game. Goodbye forever faggots.

>how i get cheevie
The absolute state of hatfags

Hat girl is my daughterfu

Is there a good tutorial on getting in to level editing?

I can't even figure out how to place the start of the level.

I haven't played the game, but I take it to mean it's a reskin of Sunshine.
No new ideas or anything like that, merely the same things you did nearly 10 years ago