Uh fug nigga

uh fug nigga
I gave in
523 canuck bucks down the drain

yea I was the same leaf user from yesterday

Other urls found in this thread:


jesus christ they charge for the plastic bag? god canada is a shithole

Why the fuck was your switch $500?

Only in first world countries.

>paying for bags

fucking leafs

> neon
superior taste my maple friend

damn these are pretty to look at
so small

shitty canadian dollar

He got switch and game, in Canadian funny money, with harmonized sales tax.

Read the receipt, it's 400 leafs.
It goes up to 500 due to Odyssey and taxes.


Ah gotcha I cant see shit lol

I just noticed l***s have to pay for fucking plastic bags.

That's why you buy a pro controller, pro controller is 100x better than the joycons, only good thing about them is they're great for the rumble and taking the system on the go.

>$52.80 in tax
What the fuck.

>paying for a plastic bag

Yes, a lot of big chain stores now expect you to bag your own groceries and have bags to do so, and if you don't have bags they charge you per bag. I'm shocked that the US doesn't do that because it seems like such a jewy thing to do.

>Sup Forums doesn't own a gaming plastic grocery bag

i was going to buy a switch, but i chose to spend 550 bucks on upgrading my ram and getting a new hard drive

i think that was the better purchase

Could have gotten it cheaper on Amazon #usa with prime

why didn't you buy the bundle?

>a Switch box and a game
>needing a bag
Just carry that shit out of the store.

for what purpose?
if it's anything other than work related, gtfo

Ram and a new HDD shouldn't cost you $550

My town only has the $500 Splatoon bundle Switch. I'd have to pay $600+ if I wanted to get Odyssey

we get to watch the slow descent into buyer's remorse. a rare pleasure on Sup Forums. keep posting OP

32gb of ram is expensive af

the 4tb hdd was only about 120 tho

Being a leaf is suffering.

CAD just took another dive a few days ago and the census from the other day is just depressing. Just fuck our shit up, senpai.

>one mario switch wahoo bundle
>one 128 GB micro-sd card because Nintendo doesn't put storage on their console like everyone else
>one "pro" controller because Nintendo doesn't include a real controller with their console like everyone else
>one screen protectors because Nintendo made a handheld device intended to be taken in and out of a dock that can potentially scratch the screen
>"That'll be $750 Trudeau Cuckbux please plus bag tip"

don't type like this

>the census from the other day is just depressing
For a racist, maybe :)

can we talk about how the fucking joycons are 90€ and every piece of periphery for this thing is priced like Apple products?

You mean you don't like the fact that 1 out of 5 people in Canada weren't even born in Canada? Ugh I just can't even

I apologize.

dont talk to me faggot

I must be getting to old for video games. I can't imagine spending $500 on a shitty computer that some kike shoved in a colorful box with his company name on it.

>Yes goy you can play my new $60 game, don't forget your one time fee of $500 though :^^^^^)


well weinstein
you'd be happy to know that I paided $80 canuck bucks for odyssey

Not surprised that Americans don't care about the environment.


>not making a jp eshop account and buying mario for 65 dollars instead of 80+tax
The jp version supports English and the switch automatically detects your consoles language settings too so you don't even have to switch it

>spending $500 every few years is to much of a hit for this guy


no, I want the case.
I'm sick of buying games that way. I want to enjoy the game case like I did when I was 9 years old.

I don't see why I should get KIKED every few years for no reason other than some of god's chosen want to make more money.

post yfw when you have a switch and didn't have to pay for a plastic bag

OP, I'm glad you got the chad neon version and not the virgin grey version.

>half a grand for 6 hours worth of easy Mario platforming

Was it worth it?

I can see why.

my big brother is into SMT, he'll be able to play the new one. not to mention I'll get BOTW later.

forgot sweet pic

>people allowed this to happen

>Not using my VPN software, thus making me monies.

Fucking retard lol

>80 leafcuckdollar

Jesus i mean by allah here in Cuckgermany i have to pay 50 Euros for that game.

>tfw can't afford to get Odyssey

Hopefully in a month or so

>taking the tissues out of the tissue box


>No screen protector
Enjoy your scratches.

My nigger

Britbong here. Tescos (think Wallmart) wants to charge 50p for their bags.

So instead of getting a Switch, this stuff came in the mail today. How did I do, Sup Forums?

This thinking on getting switch for BING BING and zelda. Maybe OP can stop me.

>Not getting the LE Edition Switch with SMO game card and carrying case included.

I'm lucky it was available locally. I've been playing it on and off since last night. Also anyone else think the switcch screen is a bit yellowish/brown? The whites aren't as pronounced as the other colors but the screen still looks great even with the tint.

at least your plastic isn't in the form of a $500 blue and red kikebox

I just got my first 2 beastboxes yesterday m8 hella good taste.

This is a a awful bundle. Was thinking about getting switch but goddammit that is just terrible.

Tojo loves your submission to nip. You will buy the bing bing toy or animal toy either way gajin goy.

It's not that bad. At least ours is not a download code. It actually includes a physical game card. so I think it's worth it for the special edition joycons.

>bandai reprints most of their model kits infinitely, still possible to get kits from a decade and a half ago for fifteen dollars, almost never a waiting time or scalpers fucking up everything
i feel sorry for nintenkeks

The switch uses very low quality plastics and panels. I think they use AUO's cheapest IPS panels.

I'm not canadian, but this is common in other parts of the world. They give you actually good bags that will last a long time. You are supposed to not buy one every time like a retard like myself because I'm too lazy

I can't even talk shit, California passed some retarded shit banning single-use plastic shopping bags, so now we have to pay 10¢ or bring our own reusable ones too, it sucks. Although it still looks worse in Canada since it's just the regular-ass tissue-paper thin bags, at least with the ban on the old bags, they then replaced them with much thicker "reusable" plastic bags so I no longer need to double-bag anything.

>carrying around spare plastic bags like some homeless idiot
Boy, the elites sure fucked you in the ass real good.

>more taxes
>"hey user! remember that time where the plastic bags were free, looked awesome and were big enough? I don't! now I pay for paper shit that looks terrible and doesn't last long. what great idea having paper bags in a rainy day..."

Here is 0,10 to 0,12 for "plastic". Like 0,50 for stronger ones. Shit in Mediamarket is like 0,30 for paper ones that aren't good for bigger stuff

You know what the excuse is? "Muh enviroment", this while you fuck the planet with everything else. But the real deal is that you are paying taxes for the paper or plastic bag(80% of some tax that isn't shown in the bill) and leaving the big companies free of wasting money on these things.

You are supposed to have an sturdy reusable bag for groceries in your car. This is environmentally friendly. For the eSports shoppers there are ones with a padded egg area. In other words it's the elite who now have the best shopping tools; bag pricing only cuck poor people without pro shopping bags because they need to buy 2 for the milk jug

Yeah but you can play while doing a poop!

>This is environmentally friendly
The environment hates people, why would you be friendly towards it?


I learned from Trigun that love and peace is the way to go

>Pre ordered MK8Deluxe on Amazon months prior
>On the last they they tell me it will ship my copy 2 weeks after launch
Have you checked the estimated delivery date again?

Not him, but seeing as he shopped at a Walmart, I'd ask for a bag too so I don't risk getting mugged by a hobo standing outside asking for handouts noticing me come out with valuables in tow.

Hitler was sperg like most of the people on Sup Forums. If Hitler was alive today he'd probably post on Sup Forums.

yeah it says release date delivery but still nothing. I'm going to best buy to buy it right now and when Amazon decides to get off their ass I'll just return the game.

Literally any 1st world country that gives a damn about waste charges for plastic bags. Either your a "not my generation's problem" fag and don't give a shit or you're an absolute poorfag that can't stomach the pennies it costs. In that case, why are you buying a Switch?


I just have the reusable bags in my trunk and throw them in the cart when I go to the grocery store. Never need bags for any other stores, though oddly enough many food places still use plastic bags, like El Polo Loco.

He never said he wanted to buy a Switch, you're terrible at arguing.