How much longer until we get actual Toy Story Graphics? 10 years, 50 years, 100 years?
How much longer until we get actual Toy Story Graphics? 10 years, 50 years, 100 years?
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Even if you could get hardware capable of rendering Toy Story quality graphics in real-time instead of one frame every X hours or X days, the man hours needed to create content for that level of graphical fidelity would be so massive as to make it uneconomical to produce.
5 year [spoilers]ago[/spoilers]
Probably never. Transistors are approaching sizes of only a few atoms, and we can't go smaller than than. Even with that tech it takes days to render a frame with that much quality, even using multiple computers.
we get better visuals nowadays
TS1 looks like shit nowadays except for 2-2 toys
In terms of overall quality visual quality? We're already ahead of TS1 except for some of the lighting
But the thing is games have to render 30-60 frames per second while movies are rendered from multiple seconds per frame up to multiple hours per frame
Even TS1 was rerendered for the bluray release on new comouter farms and it still took a few minutes per frame
and I'll add that this Adam demo has reflections, 100x more geometry, way more complicated shaders, way more shaders in fact, there is also self shadowing
this looks better in every single way, toy story looks like garbage
>eyes have actual reflection you can see where the lightsource is
genuinely retarded, you achieve specular highlights with PS1 era rendering methods
I don't know why everyone's obsessed with Toy Story graphics.
They're shit by today's standards.
games today unironically have better graphics
But prerendered trailers have long reach that peak
But when will they have Rango graphics?
when everyone has gigabit internet and cloud computing is the norm
God Rango was so underappreciated it was a phenomenal movie.
It's funny you say that, considering humans and movement in Toy Story look awful. They may look "smooth" because of the graphics rendering but Toy Story was surpassed years ago.
i need to see this now, thanks
>actually wanting a game to render all those reflections in realtime
something would have to fundamentally change about the way we do graphics in videogames. and we have no idea when some genius is going to come along and revolutionize the way we do graphics so this is a dumb question.
Minor details like that are hard to render in real time, they are so costly but improve little, so they skip out on them
Real time just can't compare to pre rendered CGI
It's fucked up that the entire film had been filmed in live action, before they just sporadically decided to transform it into an animated film instead.
>not knowing what ray tracing is
>reflecting on one surface
>needing to fundamentally change how things work
you are mega stupid, there's trillion games with reflections that surpass this shit
Not even Carmack can do somehting like that and Carmack's a literal genius
what we need is actualy quantum computers
>not knowing that toy story is not ray traced
mega retard
it uses shadowmaps, manually plotted AO and very simple rendering methods
That was amazing, what's it's deal?
I can't believe I forgot about it until just right now.
It's an incredible film.
what fucking reflections? video games have better reflections than toy story having a reflective floor
he mentioned the reflections in the eyes too, you tard.
We are getting to a point where graphical fidelity will stop progressing, simply because it will become too expensive for the audience to purchase a PC or system capable of rendering games that powerful. If you price out the largest consumer base (poor-middle) then you burst.
At the absolute most conservative estimate, two days per frame, 24 fps, 90 minutes, toy story took 710 years to render on modern computers. Interesting fact you got there.
I'm not sure what you mean but it's basically an Unity tech demo.
here's part two
We'll reach the industry not being able to meet those standards first. Computers jump in power every X amount of years
>transistors are as small as a few atoms
What the fuck, link?
holy shit you people are stupid
holy shit you get it with basic phong shading
I was wondering if it was a trailer for a game seeing as it was in Unity. So it's just a in engine cutscene that was rendered via unity?
Fuck graphix, they need to step up the facial animation game, Woody's expressions look barren and uninteresting compared to the movie.
Not until quantum computing, we are simply reaching the limits of computing now and it's not pheasible. Gains have severely diminished in terms of memory and poly count over the years.
yes however it runs in real time, it's not a prerendered video
you can even download and run part 1
Nigga it won Best Animated Feature
This isn't a question of power anymore, it's a question of detail and craft.
Why would SE waste time giving Woody round ears when they can save time and spend it rendering the other 5000 fucking models they need.
TS1 had like maybe 200-300 models.
KH games need models made for npcs, enemies, attacks, weapons, costumes, etc.
They don't have the time or manpower to spend all that effort on a single character from a single portion of the game.
Literally the Lone Ranger remake with animals (same director even), flashy but nothing special.
The tech is available but there's no point in spending that extra cash on something that 99.9% of people couldn't tell or care the difference of
The main places where real-time has problems catching up to pre-rendered is in complicated physic simluations, lighting, and reflections.
With most other things, real-time is started to reach the same quality as pre-rendered.
Heck, the Ratchet and Clank PS4 game used slightly altered models and environments from the actual film.
You're a retard, the detail is already there, all we need is better lighting and more polygons
actually modern games have way more geometry on screen than toy story
toy story just has less assets on screen so more geometry goes per asset, not only that but the assets themselves are incredibly simple, all that geometry goes to large surfaces
toy story lighting is dog shit as well
not really. half the shit you think is 3d are actually bumpmaps
You have no idea how any of this works do you?
Kingdom Hearts is fucking magical. What a great game. Thank you Japanese people!
I guess it's more accurate say that toy story assets are made up of simple curves
This could be obnoxious but I figured I'd let you know:
>an Unity tech demo
No need for 'an' there, it's more of a phonetic rule than anything. If it sounds like a voewl, use 'an'. The 'you' sound that 'U' makes isn't that, however the 'uh' sound it also makes is.
But don't thank the Westerners for creating all the Disney/Pixar shit
Fucking weeb
it's obnoxious because I already knew that
kill yourself
assets for games are built at very high polygon counts, the detail is already there. If devs were able to import their full models without downscaling the polygons they'd be as good as Toy Story.
>NURBS out of the ass
>Less geometry than modern games
Oh right. Thank you based Disney and Pixar!
prerendering is always going to look better than video games. Running reflections and self-shadowing real time are intensive. Maybe if we were happy with small environments and 480p we could do it, but obviously we're not. Visual quality is pretty close, though, enough to feel like you're in the movie, and KH3 has better textures than TS1.
Not to mention, KH3 is still prerelease. Look at how much Odyssey changed from the reveal trailer (right) to now (left).
Some games got pretty good facial animations
It could be today, it just takes effort and skilled animators. There's nothing technical holding it back, just laziness.
>floor has reflection
is this supposed to be a good thing?
What was it with 90s CGI fucks that they had to make every floor look like it's covered by an inch of water?
well I guess an infinitely smooth curve counts as more geometry technically
if anything KH3 will be downgraded, i don't trust Square
Actively breaking the rules? Such a rebel.
lol this is very wrong, generally 3d assets are made high quality and then reduced to meet hardware limitations
no, I keep making mistakes and missing them because I'm careless
Raytracing, reflections on objects and these reflections in another and another objects, give photorealistic lighting.
Raytracing use supermassive resources.
>i was just pretending to be retarded
According to Wikipedia in 1995 it took 800000 machine-hours to render the 114,240 frames that compose Toy Story. At 30 FPS this means it would take 48 million minutes of rendering to create 64 minutes of gameplay, for a ratio of 750,000 to one.
If we assume that computer performance doubles every two years, we can say that the ratio would be 23,500 in 2005, 732 in 2015, 22 in 2025, and fully overcome by 2035.
This ignores the huge differences between batch and real-time rendering, the limits of silicon as a semiconductor material (this doesn't matter as much as it does for AI and pathfinding as graphics tend to be parallelizable), and the huge advances in rendering technology.
I'd give 2035 as my pessimistic estimate
heck, that's how art is made in general. it's a lot easier to make changes when you're not constrained by resolution.
If you want proof, look at Pokemon 3DS and Pokemon Go. Same models, but higher res on pogo.
toy story is not ray traced
any company other than square enix surpassed is like 5 years ago my dude
Yes it is, you mongoloid. All CGI is ray traced by definition.
I'm not pretending I keep making mistakes like these without noticing, I just suck at writing properly, I also keep leaving out words without realizing
KH uses U4 and could render a toy story identical version of woody if that was the style of the rest of the game. Obviously KH doesn't use TS 1s visual style, it's been adapted to fit with the aesthetic of the rest of the game. Things like the ears could use a few more polys but the lighting for TS1 is way behind whats capable in realtime now.
Shame about the 30fps tho.
t. gamedev
I wouldn't worry too much, there's a fuck load of common mistakes native speakers make with the language unknowingly because it's awkward. I just thought I'd let you know in case it wasn't your native language and/or you were unaware.
tldr; It's not that far
Sorry about that user, you did save your work right?
>Historically we don't use raytracing. It wasn't until Cars that we actually supported raytracing (and even then it was a haphazard and mostly broken support). We really only used it for highly reflective smooth curved surfaces that absolutely needed to be truly reflected and not faked. We fake almost everything - mirrors, wet surfaces, eyes, shiny props like belt buckles/spoons/swords/etc.
Hmm really makes ya think
This thread again?
pic related is you
CGI is not by any definition ray tracing
lmao wanna source that quote little buddy?
>This thread again
Just stop, nobody cares about how dumb you are op.
We're hitting levels of almond activation that shouldn't be possible
Fuck you
Everyone with basic proficiency in CGI will tell you this picture is bullshit, and graphics in Toy Story is horrible. Btw, modern pixar toons employ like 10s of terabytes in geometry alone per scene.
damn son that's impressive and the universe looks interesting
Talking about KH3 there user, I figured it was obvious.
I know right! But it's just some tech demo film series.
But the premise is cool as fuck:
some dystopian commie society takes prisoners organs and puts their brains in these robots, organs used for organ transplants of course and the robot prisoners as slaves
Faggot ass bitch
Thread sponsored by ninja theory
toy story used something called the reyes rendering algorithm, this is actually very similar to modern GPU rendering pipelines
Ah yeah, my bad.
i wonder just how many game's development time get eaten up by maya crashes?
So what are everyone's hopes/fears for Toy Story 4? Pixar proved with 3 that they still have the magic so I'm cautiously optimistic about how they'll handle the new one being a romcom.