Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is any good? Never played any of the Castlevania games.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is any good? Never played any of the Castlevania games.
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Where is the porn
>get Yomawari bundle
>start the first game
>acquire stone and throw it
Oh shit. This is going to be good
All I ever buy now are multiplayer games. Piracy is so easy.
Is Resident Evil 6 good?
It's a very standard hack and slash, the production quality is honestly really cheap, it has sound effects I've heard used in indie Unity games
Sunless Sea any good? I like Fallen London.
Knot here.
Also, GOG sale is better.
What VR games should I get?
Did you like Darkest Dungeon? The RNG can be really frustrating at times.
>Is Resident Evil 6 good?
for a couple dollars sure
The mercenaires mode is really entertaining if you play it with a friend and get used to spastic controls. I have over a hundred hours in it by now.
The campaigns are a mishmash of bizarre story-events and constant game-interupting cutscenes. Can be fun "ironically" though.
How's Vampire da Masquerade Bloodlines?
I wanna slay that werewolf (female).
move on fags, this is a warewolf GF thread, not a BF
I have no money
Good, but no reason to buy it. Troika doesn't exist anymore, so you're only feeding the ActiJew.
Werewolf girls are the most underrated
Fuck off furfags Sup Forums is a scalie board
>The Ringed City is still not on sale
If you like Fallen London then I imagine you will also like Sunless Sea, its apparently the same game but you can move around in SS, Personally I love SS so I recommend it to anyone that likes that style
Sup Forums, being full of plebs and children, is a furry board
/vg/ and /vr/ are scalie boards
Post some cute wolf girls then.
>salt & sanctuary
>mark of the ninja
Only things looking interesting but want something 3D, might get sims 3 from g2jew instead.
False. Sup Forums is an imp board.
What are the odds of Stardew Valley going on sale?
KSP is on the Spooky sale although there is literally nothing scary about it.
I love Apu
If it's not on sale now it won't be on sale at any point for the sale.
Wait until the winter sale desu-ne~
I think it usually drops to like 12 dollers or something
who /shark/ here
0/0 != 0
It's fun if you like RE4 and RE5.
>Another humble bundle tier sale
>crap games that got bigger discounts on numerous ocassions
>people showing zero interest
geee, why it's happening? it's total mystery wraped in enigma
This thread is now interesting
Thanks, doc.
Has anyone an opinion on Streets of Rogue? It looks fun and not that expensive, but it's also early access pixel art, I am torn Sup Forums
>Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is any good?
You'll finish the campaign in 5-6 hours and then never touch it again.
On my wishlist of 14 games not a single one is on sale. Not even fucking Skyrim
I love you
At least post something good.
but how can he hold a controller or type on a keyboard
No no no, Sup Forums is objectively a bara board.
Rate my purchase.
Boys, who can tell me about
>Rain World
any worth it?
Why is sfur such trash
I enjoyed both those games a lot and I hope you do to
>College kid simulator
Because it's an entry drug to hfur
what's Darkest Dungeon like?
does the dungeon crawling part remain fresh throughout the entire game?
also does anybody have any good horror game recommendations? not Frictional because I've played all their shit already
We need more fun Halloween games.
Also, the Steam sales are lame. GOG is offering cross-claim on some more titles via GOG Connect during their sale. Be sure to grab what games you own over there as available.
What, hermaphroditefur?
Darkest Dungeon could have been one of the best games I've ever played but holy fuck is the RNG fucking stupid.
next year furre porn?
Played XCOM?
>96% hit chance
That what Darkest Dungeon is like.
Mark of the ninja is really good, I have fond memories of it years later but I've kinda played it to death. Lots of dynamic interaction between the game's systems.
PS: Path of might seems terrible, but if you ignore the scoring system it's a lot of fun.
I liked Soma
We do Klonoa threads a little differently around here, buddy.
>Played XCOM?
>That what Darkest Dungeon is like.
and I'm guessing you don't have the luxury of savescumming your terrible RNG in DD?
Uh, it's spelled Hallowe'en."
>Rain World
Underrated gem that came out this year. Pretty good, but very buggy.
SOMA is one of the best horror titles to come out in years and it's made by Frictional to boot
go for it, especially if you like deep sea/underwater sections and atmosphere
If you've already played games like Amnesia and Outlast there's not much Soma will do that's different. But it's worth a playthrough for the story and setting alone.
>have werewolf mascot
>literally zero (nada) werewolf games on the market
Why fucking bother? Just use a zombie or vampire or fucking skeleton
But werewolf bf's are way better. And they have better art.
ds3 went on sale twice in september, on humble bundle and on steam.
It worked on Sup Forums well enough.
I'd buy a lot more games if the sale had card rewards featuring that Wolf.
Aztez is good if you like CURAYZEE games. It's 2d, but the devs are huge platnium fans and general beat em up/character action game fans and do combat anlayses of them so the combat system is similarly involved and rewarding of mastery.
Because gfur steals all the better artists
picked up the dead space bundle yesterday for $10, i was not expecting a 2008 game to look this good
If the good artist all acquire some taste eventually, maybe sfur fags should too.
They'll all start fapping to gfur eventually.
Insurgency is only like $1.50
Is it any good?
darkgem and null ghost are top tier
Werewolf b's oversaturated AMD overrated gfs are rare and 10x better
Rain World is great but I'm personally waiting for the easy difficulty patch that comes out sometime later. I just want to explore the world and not feel anxious about the lethal monsters
Shitty sale.
Pretty good, and it has only gotten better. $1.50 is worth it just for the co-op mode.
If she's got the cookie she gets the nookie.
There's more werewolf bf's because they're good. Feels good, man.
One of the best RPGs ever made, but you should pirate it. Or buy the GOG version if you must, since it comes prepatched.
Go play SotN or the GBA/DS games instead
Or fucking start from the beginning even
But where are all the furry games? And good games?
Mark of the Ninja isn't mindblowing but it's worth the price. Also looks like a Tartakovsky cartoon.
Anyone got a link to the patches? I saw a post with everything on it last night but it was in a deleted werewolf thread.
Most of it is easily one of the best RPGs ever. It kind of falls of towards the end thanks to devs running out of time. Also, you need the unofficial patch, it improves the later parts of the game some and has a ton of bugfixes.
I'm not usually a piratefag, but the dev for this game doesn't even exist anymore, so all the money goes to Activision. You're probably better of pirating it.
I want to hug that bun.
use google nigga like what the fuck
Excellent taste senpaipire.
That bunny probably has a mutated penis
Is KF2 worth picking up?
That's just a generic anime girl.
Damn, bro, could barely decipher your post. That sfur crap is rotting your brain.
This is what a proper werewolf should look like. He's perfect.
It's gotten to the point where the gameplay is arguably on par with KF1, but it still lacks good music and maps.
Found it!
Reminder not to buy Bloodlines, doing so just gives Activision money they never deserved. Use one of these torrents instead.
CD Version with v1.2 patch
GoG Version
GoG Version has the Unofficial Patch 9.5 Basic pre-installed, CD Version is pure vanilla which might not actually work on your machine if it's past Windows 7 but is the only way to run True Patch. Both can use Unofficial Patch Basic/Plus so pick your poison.
Unofficial Patch (Currently 9.8)
Unzip, run installer, follow instructions. Pick either Basic(Bug fixes, little to no changes) or Plus(Bug fixes, a shitload of changes) then launch the game only using the new shortcut made from the installer. Even if you got the GoG version and want to run basic it's recommended to install the most recent version because UP continues to fix shit in the Basic version.
True Patch Gold Edition
Open up the zip, look for TRUE_PATCH_MAIN, should be three things in there, drag and drop over your game install folder. Really meant to be run on older Windows machines ie the type of rigs you'd use to play Bloodlines at release, so newer systems might not be able to actually run it.