ELEX - Black Holes suck edition

Lets go

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>Sinda is my goto Crafting Trainer
>Nine times out of ten I teleport to Edan at night.

>"W-Why did you wake me up??"

So fuckin' cute.

Wrong Webm, lol, sorry about that, that one is shorter

>he joined berserkers
>he joined outlaws

>cleric fags so butthurt they start another thread with this

Can't make this shit up.

Might aswell dump the webms ive made

She's Charisma though.

>realize she's actually the charisma trainer
>woke her up for no reason


Pure patch kino

I kinda wanna join Berserkers cuz everyone is doing Clerics, Thoughts?

Quality gameplay

Am I doing missing something or are the outlaw promotion quests easy as fuck? I was done and ready to be promoted a second time at level 17.
Now I'm here just fucking around trying to find quests that don't involve helping for the sake of helping.
Especially those retarded fucking zerkers

You posted this last thread except to shit on going clerics.
Make up your mind!

Screw applying the patch. Is there already release with 2846 version anywhere? Rather download game anew than bother with the buggy patcher.

You will join the Clerics in spreading the word of Calaan. (Suggestion)

Go Outlaws instead. They're the real black sheep since most people are too stupid to realize the value of drugs.

caught this fag taking a piss kek

What are the rules for stealing in this game?
Just be out of sight and sneaking and there's no penalty?
Also any way of avoiding the NPCs super senses when you go into an area they don't want you in even when they can't see you enter the area?

Random pew-pew action

I hate that beserkers are treehuggers not tech
I hate that clerics are religious zelots who literally believe in some shitty god being that caused the apocalyopse
I hate that outlaws are a bunch of edgelords who don't care about anything but their own needs
Sadly it seems that clerics have the least cancer, not to mention being the most organized and with the best plans for the future of mankind.
Convince me not to join them.

Quality gameplay, this time with Cyclops

Is the kind user who told me where to look for the resistance stim still around? Should I look directly on the island the clerics are hanging around, or do I have to find some way underground / search it in those giant walkway--connections?

Yeah I realized that when I got there. Alrik doesn't teach hacking! how inconvenient but logical! I'll have to go find that dude in the motorpool of the clerics instead I guess

Holy fuck thats awesome

Clerics have the worst doorman.

can i join berserkers and still do quests for other factions?

I'm pretty sure he does, scroll down.

The alb waifu on Domed City teaches all crafting skills

They also have the strongest secondary ability.
But the Outlaws have bigger shooters and more explosives.
I hate all the factions, but the Outlaws Weapon choice kinda did it for me.
But honestly, I just wanted to go around and kill everybody. I'm really having fun killing quest npcs.

I swear to fuck I scrolled once and it didn't go any lower.
Why does this bastard know how to hack?

I would enjoy her company if she weren't dead in a ditch.

>Convince me not to join them.
I can't, everything you said is true. Their religion is retarded and turning people into mindless slaves is shitty but it's still preferable to hippie treehuggers and junkie bandits.

Being a berserker also grants you 100% immunity to sarcasm

>Why does this bastard know how to hack?
That's nothing, tell me why one of the warlords can teach me how to throw grenades.

is there any reason to ever use anything but the black hole psi?

Close quarters?

That's about it.

It is literally on the table next to Volkar or whatever his name is. They have eyes on the back of their heads so he'll always see you take it. If you're gonna steal, might as well steal the small gemstone (forgot the color) in the shack behind him as well before you hightail it out of there.

I have it maxed out, and a glitched Clerics amulet that regens my mana, so you will use it few times as a not very damaging spell and you are out.

Also you have to get to the point where you will get it.

When you want to kill singular enemies faster and not join the shitty Clerics.

How do i unlock the "suggestion" option in dialogue? is it tied to charisma?

faction for this feel ?

How much res does that give because I found a Stone Skin stim that upps all of them by 25 for 90 secs.

Get the pickpocket skill it makes you harder to detect.
Yes out of sight means 100% success stealing. You are only punished for stealing a specific sword in a berserker quest. Pickpocketing seems like a 90% chance to succeed, so far only 2 characters caught me, both times they were named characters. Pickpocket is easy elex (one dude had the 500 elex sunglasses & I just sold them right back to him)

100 to all. Not that it'll save you in the areas the devs were too stupid to apply resistances to but still put enemies and items there.

It's Cleric only.

Statist cuck

Question, if you stay clean from Elex, can you do the Mission that Ulbricht gives you or do you still have to find someone?
Also, does drinking Elex like a madman do anything bad to you?
Because honestly, I've had like 20 Elex potions and 5 greater elex potions and I'm going to make tons more. Pure Elex is farmable from Traders.


Only thing consuming Elex does, to my knowledge, is increasing your Cold level, +1 for every 10 elex i think

>Fix where you get a 2h Hammer instead of a 2h Sword
FUCK YES, just in time.

My Ulbricht died in the converter raid dammit

It's close to unsuable in tight, cramped spaces (like the alb converters) and when there NPCs you don't want to turn hostile are a part of the fight.

thx bb

any way to get alb armor?
can i join separatists?

>A person mastered in martial skills knowing how to pull a pin or press a button and throw an object is "nothing" compared to a dirty tree peasant knowing how to hack complex electronics.

Yeah okay

So, ive had
>Gas Mask
>2/2 Rad Resist
>Rad Resist ring
>Rad Resist che,
>Woodlice Soup that gives Rad resist
>I think some kind of amulet aswell
And i still take quite a lot of damage in irradiated ares...
So, you cant get immune to poison/fire/frost/rad even with every possible resistance adding item/stat on?
Or atleast resistant enough to not be killed in a while?

>You like Evola and Kaczynski?
>You like Sup Forums, the pope, and black science man?
>You like coke, speed, the black-yellow memeball, and Fallout and are furthermore an assclown?

I just know that he asks you to lead his people on the offensive, only if you're a sweet and innocent guy who touches no elex.

Unfortunately not afaik, but I'm still searching for my armor. Hopefully that thing is able recoveralbe after some tedious amounts of missions and searching

is there any reason not to steal?

What is the fucking point of one time skill conversation options? I can't talk to people because maybe I won't have the correct skill needed and the option will be gone forever.

Is there a helmet with "show enemy outlines/herbss" like tha classic glasses? Because despite helmets having armor or ressistances, glasses so far for me remain a must for convinience of finding enemies and NPCs as well herbs.

Nah. Steal as much as you want.
If you don't get cought, you're not to blame ;^)

>Sup Forums
>dislike these things
>like clerics

Yeah okay

Roleplaying? Trying play hardcore on Ultra with no savescumming?

is this your first rpg or something?

Does anyone have a list of weapons that belong to each faction?
I want to know what to sell/salvage without finding a workbench and figuring out if i should upgrade it or not

Nobody tell him there are also glasses that highlight all items

different builds when you replay the game and go with a different faction

dont obsess with doing everything in a single playthrough

This game mimics reality. If no one saw it, it didn't happen.

In fact the items disappear from existence. No one ever questions where they went either!

He asked me & Jax said somethinh about not being able (or maybe willing) & so I recruited Nasty

Glasses have a hidden 10 armor on them, checked with cheatengine.

You forgot to add "Biggest Guns" on the Outlaw list.
Clerics however do have bigger Machines

The skill checks don't even do anything. They just give extra XP. Pretty fucking pointless.

Ah I see, suggestion has claimed yet an other poor soul.

It's a high skill requirement for a starter quest, there is no way that someone, who wasn't expecting the skillcheck, will have the required skill level.

He asked me if I took Elex and Jax was like "Yea, about that, uhm.." and Ulbricht just replied with a "See, that's why you're scum" not really

some of them will do

It darkens your soul

>Trying play hardcore on Ultra with no savescumming?
not ultra permadeath

No they don't.


Eh, not quite. Sometimes you'll get rare weapons or just some shit, or outright avoid combat or let people kill themselves.
Unfortunately the General Skills are pretty pointless aside from Skillchecks, which makes it very underwhelming. It should've had abit more depth.

All I ever wanted was for some user to upload the gog patch. I tried the amazon prime/twitch deal but even setting my country to UK, the price is still $60. I can't get it to work.

Can anyone tell me where to find or buy the recipe for stamina elixirs? I got two of the plants for it

anyone else here can't choose a faction?

berserkers are retarded, they live in wooden huts and use ballistae b-but muh magic!

clerics would be great if not for the brainwashing and religion

outlaws are just fucking hobos, there's no future with them

Why can't you just buy the game?

>neglect to pay the hippies money after getting caught stealing
>they sent fucking bounty hunters after me
>kill the bounty hunters and make money with all their loot
Dumb zerkers thought they could punish me, but they're only making me richer!

The City of the free people in the middle.
Buy the Trader for 2k Shards or smthin and he'll most likely sell all the recipes for elixirs

zerkers are the least cancer
sure they're stupid paranoid about technology but at least they're not brainwashing slaving zealots or 2edgy4me edgelords

Because it is not worth 50 bucks.

Exactly the same.
But like I said it seems clerics are the way since they have the least cancer

outlaws are pretty fun imo. they live like it's fallout and just go with the flow of "oh, another just died and replaced him? ok then".
Pretty fun and nice looking gear if you ask me.
Shame you need level 25 minimum to get it.

Clerics: Bad End, you are a cold machine bringing world to ruin for "greater good"
Berserkers: Neutral End, you are indecisive hypocrite unable to fight Alien menace and hiding in your shell
Outlaws: True End, just fuck shit up. to be continued in Elex 2

are you pumping bloody burgers with well fed for hp regen + potions? or is radiation like a seperate meter that kills you instantly?

Beggars can't be choosers poorfag.

Nah, they just have a jungle death prison camp that you have to stay in or are hunted down and brought back to if you so much as touch a piece of technology.

Don't they kick you out of the Outlaw base on the Outlaw ending tho?

Berserkers are literally Albs without the hivemind or tech. They're worse than shit.

Dude, that sounds amazing. Guess I just have to kill some Zerkers and let them send me free meat.
Choose a faction, get their stuff. Outlaws atleast have big shootaz, and grab yourself a the encampment in the middle and build yourself a castle.

I'll just be a chooser and wait a day or two for an upload. This is PC, land of the free.

Daily reminder cleric are literal fallout 3's megaton nuke joke taken to absurd

being sent to a battle royale island is somehow worse than getting a lobotomy?