Despite how randumb the new TF2 update is, is it time to return after all these poor decisions by Actiblizzard?

Despite how randumb the new TF2 update is, is it time to return after all these poor decisions by Actiblizzard?

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>all these poor decisions by Actiblizzard?
Could I get a quick rundown? I've been out of the scene for mp shooters but I used to love tf2. It's it just lootboxes or what

play what you want who cares stop making threads

>s-stop showing everyone how stupid blizzard is acting!

>banned for picking a character out of meta
>banned for using voice lines
>added a cooldown to crouching so you can't teabag
>people too scared to type in chat because it's likely they'd get banned

How long did it take you to quit? Sup Forumsthread/393311494
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>Spamming voicelines are now a bannable offense. Overwatch is fucking dead.
and crouch cooldown >You can get banned for spamming voice lines The absolute STATE of Overwatch. Sup Forumsthread/394740663
Blizzard taking action against Overwatch players who spam voice lines Sup Forumsthread/394571704

i play tf2. but nice assumption.

Isnt that just the same shit as the Mackarel?

I think the mackerel just kept track how many times a person was hit by it.

I stopped playing Team Fortress 2 for a long time, and I never bought into Overwatch. A few days before Jungle Inferno launched I decided to get back into it since seeing all the stupid shit Blizzard is doing was starting to give me an ulcer. I had the time of my life, it truly felt like I wasn't being forced into playing the game the way some geeks in some office think I should play it.

The only positive thing to come from Overwatch is that Blizzard did such a good job at marketing it for the entitled, sheltered and thin-skinned crowd that now everyone goes to play that.

Why is the last part highlighted? Wasn't that same shit in the Scout's fish melee weapon, and that was released 7 years ago.

Still the same idea, Blizzshit would never dare to add something like that to their game, unless they were trying to shame a person for getting too many kills.

I guess it's to show how the philosophy of the game hasn't changed over 7 years

Mackerel was a default bat reskin. This actually changes damage values and does something on hit that effects gameplay, but yeah besides that it's just a mackerel.

To show the difference between the two companies. Valve still goes on to give players a way to openly humiliate other players serverwide whilst Blizzard over there is trying to make a safe space in a game where you kill each other.

The spirit of rebellion still lives on.

Oh right, I missed the whole point of the OP pic. I thought it was related to how stupid the new update to TF2 was, my bad.

Years of shitposting have fried your brain, if you have the opportunity you should kill yourself.

Might be, it's also 3 AM where I live. I'm looking for an opening every time I go outside my safe space.

That's one thing Valve has going for them; their games aren't hugboxes

yes basically
the speed boost doesnt last long enough for it to be anything but a meme weapon

I keep comparing TF2 and Overwatch constantly, trying to find out why I can't enjoy Overwatch at all even though I had a fucking blast with TF2 almost a decade ago, and I suppose it ultimately comes down to the whole different tone of the games which is entirely Blizzard's fault for trying to appeal for the most fragile human beings alive.

Also the 15v15 pub experience over 6v6 every game might have had it's effect.

Im not saying the actual weapon is like the mackarel, just the whole kill feed part

You talk about OW like it was the first sign, but you would be wrong about that. Blizzard has consistently made games, that do not allow you to talk to your enemies. This is their idea of a healthy community, solve the problem of disaggreements between players by removing their ability to communicate.

The funny thing is, most of the salt in team games can be found in the allied chat and rarely in all chat. Of course, they don't have an all chat even in Hearthstone. Maybe they know how much anger losing to RNG can cause, because I have played other card games online and I didn't encounter unacceptable behaviours even by people losing to infinite uncounterable combos.

If you played TF2 during its (lengthy) prime then OW offers nothing new at all and just has to feel boring. Most people who played any class based shooter before feel this way.
OW is just a more simple and streamlined version of TF2 with more characters (of which most aren't useful for balance reasons) and then you have less maps and as such far less variety, too.

>added a cooldown to crouching so you can't teabag
How fucking retarded can blizzard get?

> Despite how randumb
TF2's had randumb items in the game for about 85% of it's life.

Holy mackerel, Frying pan, suicidal soldier taunts.

also that may not be too bad. joke weps are great on Sup Forums / party servers.

>finally break down and get steam guard so I can shit on again

>7 day waiting period

This is basically what I found out too. Overwatch just feels to "clean" for lack of a better word. Ignoring all the shit outside of the community and developers response, from a gameplay standpoint everything is too sanitary. Just about all of the classes are total goody two-shoes and the few characters that are supposed to be "evil" or "darker" like Widowmaker or Die die die man feel almost like the designated disgruntled memeber of the team like Shadow the fucking Hedgehog in that they're just the designated "darker" character to flesh out a stale cast. All of the TF2 classes have a lot going for them in the character department. All of them have enough character they could carry a game on their own because each of them have something that defines them and every so often they'll defy those expectations.

>cooldown to crouching

Holy shit

fish doesnt show to EVERYONE in the server unless you kill the guy

this one shows EVERY SINGLE HIT to EVERY PERSON on the server

they actually added a cooldown for crouching because people were binding it to their mouse when and using it to evade snipers by crouching super fast
but the most recent changes to address toxicity is retarded.


That sounds fine if they slow down.

That sounds like bullshit because i have only ever seen it when a pyro slapped me
The only one that shows everyone is the Machina im pretty sure

It's unnoticeable if you use the default keybind. People were binding it to their mouse wheels and crouching at the speed of light.

>i just came to your medic bro

>all nu-tf2 players are crying like a bunch of babies because Valve doesnt ban all the players who did the chocolate exploit.

Four years ago if you did that all the server would laugh at the retard getting killed.

No one was taking the ban accusation seriously.

>blizzard shuts down any manner communication that could remotely hurt someones feelings, going so far as to criminalize in game features.
>TF2 actively encourages humiliating enemies and teammates alike.

Its sad that this mindset actually shows TF2's age. I'm surprised there arent any articles about how "TF2 is such a relic, can you believe a dev would let you taunt kill someone?! It even has a humiliation round between matches. Can you believe such toxic features were widely accepted when this game released?"

I know, but back in the day nobody use to cry about that kind of stuff, we all got our fun doing the new fancy exploit, had some shits and giggles and move on when Valve patched things.

Imagine the crybabies when you could build lvl 3 minisentries, spies spawn dispenser, crash servers with the fish and bonk. kill teammates with pumpkin bombs and all of other crazy shit

>then you could be actioned
These weird fucking euphemisms are straight from a dystopian novel

Remember when videogames could and would actively insult the player for being shit at videogames? I miss those days.

>Sentries under Gravelpit