What is the """appeal""" of visual novels?

What is the """appeal""" of visual novels?

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some of them are actually good

what does pic related feel like?

Play higurashi

entertainment and escapism, just like any other media

Reading a story with pictures and music


A few of them have a neat atmosphere and great/unique storytelling. They really are for weebs though so there's not much point unless you're already down that rabbit hole.

Ever 17

Are you talking about Skyrim?

Story focused games that have the decency to not pretend they have gameplay.

And also none of the genre's best games are localized because fuck you.

They warm up lonely hearts.

Ego stroke and penis double stroke

I'am trying to get the uncut version of "If My Heart Had Wings" but all those uncutpatches don't work 100% on win10.

>tfw Exra ends up being the best part.

That's not how spoons work.


Ever17 is the greatest piece of literature in history

"people" who disagree to that fact are plebs

>tfw no lacrosse in alternative

Reminder that Subahibi is the greatest work in human existence.

I am a different human now that I have experienced it.

You should too.

When does it actually get good? I'm up to Jabberwocky and it's a massive dissapointment


What is the """appeal""" of books?

Which VNs have the best soundtracks?
After reading umineko I can't think of any VNs that hold a candle to its ost.

>try some of the "classic" VNs that Sup Forums keeps recommending
>It's all 20 minutes of exposition, then a pantyshot, then 20 minutes of filler, then a sex scene

I keep hearing how the story of x VN is so life-changingly good, but I just can't get immersed in a story that feels the need to shove pussy in my face every so often to keep me interested.

Danganronpa 1-2

House in fata morgana has sound novel-tier OST right after chapter 2 ends until the ned of the game

>reading VNs with sex scenes
There is your problem

Best? I don't know. Every single VN has at least one decent song.


biman 1 translation fucking when
i want that vampire loli goodness


hair intakes and shitposting imoutos

just learn nip you lazy fuck

A book with pictures and music.

I regret reading muvluv desu. At least the ZE trilogy had some fun puzzles.

wasting my life reading thing that a middle aged japanese guy wrote for a highschool girl

Are the Deus Machina Demonbane VNs worth reading beyond wanting to see what Demonbane is?

The "it's not written by an actual high school girl so it's shit" """""""""""""""argument""""""""""""" is one of the most baffling

What VN?

Can you recommend some non-porn VNs?

>he enjoys anything written by uchikoshi

it's a decent motw super robot story yes

I want to be loved

They actually follow the rules for time travel they lay out early on and actually has a good plot

Im not complaining about that
Who the hell expects that?
People really uses that as an argument?

House in Fata Morgana


>Uchi's writing is too complex for me



have you ever read a book?

not that user but
sell it to me


Do you like suffering?

The Demonbane in the first VN is a galaxy destroyer at best and that's the only one translated.

It's a book with pictures and voices about anime shit, with a narrative you sometimes have a degree of control over. It's just a narrative-driven experience without all of the bullshit, unless you want one with other bullshit like Sengoku Rance.

Also a lot of them have porn that caters to degenerate fetishes, that usually helps.

got it, thanks

For polyamorous semendemons

Slice of Life that turns into Scooby-Doo mystery that turns into thriller.

For the cream of the crop of prose

Kuon is a loveable dork.

Wtf I love Dies Irae now.

>>Wtf I love Dies Irae now.
thats not dies irae

>underwater ray romano

pretty good my nigga

how many games underwater ray romano has? I played the first but then I lost my HDD when I was fucking the prisioner girl for the first time, I didn't want to play it all again but I am going to look for a resume or something like that

The one I'm writing desu

Good ones can be like colored manga with voice and sound
Best ones has great gameplay (Kamidori, anything Eushully...)

It's not for brainlets. Sorry.

>wanting all-age kusoge
Literally laughing at your life.

I wish it wasn't, then it might have some depth

Is it still worth playing this if I watched all the anime? I don't usually like VNs but I enjoyed the show.

>I enjoyed the show.
Your standards seem low enough to enjoy it.

not really

MangaGamer OST > steam OST
Prove me wrong faggots

Can i get reccomended some good Porn Vn thats not fatem tsukihime and G senjou cuz i already finish them

Sengoku Rance, not even joking, the best game and vn I played

Grisaia no Kajitsu, all ages edition.

The Steam version has a different soundtrack? Where can I listen to it?

i already heard good things about it also that soundtrack

Kara no Shoujo

Everything in that game was good in my opnion, I can't find a single flaw


You think "hey, this is "eroge", I guess people only get this to fap to random waifus" but then you end up liking the game and not giving a shit about that aspect of the game much.

Some argue they're not games. Whether they are or not, some visual novels are quite decent.

If you want an example of a good visual novel that puts some scenes in the way, but is so good that it wouldn't matter anyways, try YU-NO.

Not sure, but probably this youtube.com/watch?v=4fDzd9ydZ24&list=PLE1FA9582D46A0841&index=1
It includes from all question arcs.
I think it's was original one, reused in steam version.

Also post your face when

So I can have a cute faux tsundere gf that also has a second personality that forces her to break her tsun tsun mode to say she really likes standoffishman

Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai Converted Edition

SoonTM. It's translated and proofread, we're just working on the patch and testing it for wordbreaks and shit. And the project lead has been sick for a few days.

What's this from?

boku no koiken

I'm a brainlet that lacks imagination, so I need pretty pictures to help me imagine what the text is describing.

Thanks dude.

I don't mean muv luv specifically, that's just visual novels in general

Osananajimi wa Daitōryō: Mai Gārufurendo Izu Za Purejidento

np bro

>he didn't like YU-NO
>He didn't like Kara no Shoujo

A person who says "I don't like VNs with sex scenes" hasn't played YU-NO at all, so he wouldn't know.

Now this is some good shit. Especially the first chapter. The rest is shit though.

For its refined humor

Honestly, the higher-tier VNs have some of the best stories and character writing in vidya
>inb4 not vidya
They're certainly not for everyone, but I love them.

read a book with pictures

It may seem kind of slow at first, but when it gets going it really gets going.
If you end up liking it, Umineko is by the same dev, but more focused on the mystery than the horror.

>playing a VN starring generic noface MC
>one of the endings has the MC marrying one of the girls and having a child together
>get sad when i realize ill never live that life

>Playing a VN with a handsome MC
>one of the endings has the MC fucking all the girls at the same time
>get sad when I realiza I'll never live that life