So this is one sale. How much better than the first game is it?
Huge fan of the first game, and never paid attention to this sequel because I've been on a toaster until a few months ago.
So this is one sale. How much better than the first game is it?
Huge fan of the first game, and never paid attention to this sequel because I've been on a toaster until a few months ago.
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Bumping your thread because I've got the same situation as you OP. Sup Forums seems to hate it because they don't like Tripwire or how they handled the Early Access but apparently it's better these days.
Didn't hear about that drama myself.
Its fun, ive played both KFs extensively and prefer the second (although the first is great too for its own reasons). Never had a problem with early access. Game is by its very nature grindy but that gives an incentive to play the different classes a lot. Very challenging, maybe even too much so (hard is too easy and suicidal is too hard in my opinion).
Great game in general, even in single player, you can listen to podcasts or something and just go to town, thats what i do.
Game's fun. I skipped the game since it came out in early access because of Sup Forums's stories, but I tried it a while ago and it's great, especially the guns, though more would be better.
One thing I don't like much are the small maps, but there's some that are big enough.
>How much better than the first game is it?
It's quite different, with many technical improvements. It has more stuff to do and use than 1 at the moment.
If you liked 1, there's very little reason to not like 2. It's still superb fun with friends. It also has one of the greatest gore systems in gaming history, especially with all the Nvidia special effects enabled.
>especially with all the Nvidia special effects enabled.
It's a lot better, especially now.
Updates take a while, and there's still some stupid design decisions, but overall, it's really fun
>If you liked 1, there's very little reason to not like 2.
Being fair here, that wholly depends on what exactly he liked form KF1. KF2 plays very differently than the first game did, with focus on managing the horde that gets to you rather than stopping the horde from getting to you in the first place, and ZEDs in general are much more numerous and "hordy" but deal less damage than their KF1 counterparts while also being much easier to run away from.
That doesn't make it bad, just makes it a different way to play while maintaining all the familiar classes, ZEDs, and the nuances that come with them.
How is the class balance? In the first game stuff like commandos and firebugs were totally useless
>commandos and firebugs were totally useless
They were support classes meant to get rid of hordes of weaker Zeds.
Every class had it's uses in a group.
It felt quite lacking for a long while, but now it’s getting finally worthwhile due to added content and balance adjustments. Classes finally have enough weapon selection that you don’t always have to go through the exact same progression, the map selection is alright, only real disappointment is the fact how the final class ended up being a generic, boring ”jack-of-all-trades” shitter that brings no real advantages to the table.
However, it’s paced a bit differently than 1, so your opinion may vary depending on how you played 1 and what you liked in it. But it’s worth trying at least.
only bad classes are SWAT and Survivalist, the former because they're nothing but SMGs, the latter because they're literally nothing.
every other class is damn good though, and well worth playing.
>ZEDs in general are much more numerous and "hordy" but deal less damage than their KF1 counterparts while also being much easier to run away from.
Maybe on Normal & Hard moodo.
In case people didn't know it yet, in KF2, the higher difficulties not only make enemies more aggressive, they also learn new tricks + can appear in special "alpha" forms. Few dozen angry, sprinting Clots can be spoopy AF.
But yeah, the tempo between the two games is different. You may have to run from and/or fight THROUGH the horde at times.
made even a bit better with the customizable Skills you gain every 5 levels.
SWAT and Commando are practically mirrors of each other though.
>How much better than the first game is it?
negative 10
wow great input
Every class is viable, they still have their primary way to play like Commando and Firebug cleaning trash, but in extreme circumstances a skilled player can take down a Scrake or an FP with a Commando or Firebug as long as they don't mind using up a lot of their ammo to do so as well as risking completely failing to do so and getting mangled.
That said, Survivalist is pure, unadulterated trash and should never be picked on Hell on Earth difficulty.
I see Sharpshooter is still best class.
>bad glass
nigga what? Not only do the SMGs BRRRRRRTH! through cannon fodder and heavy-hitters alike, the armor boost is amazing (still a bit jelly they stole it from Medic), and the Flashbang grenades are god sent in a tight pinch.
If you liked the first game its definitely worth a buy on sale. More in depth perks, gore is amazing and killing zeds is a bit harder with their updated animations.
15bux is a great price. There's a lot of content in the game now. They botched the early access hard, but the complete product is solid now.
It's better because Zeds don't just shamble towards you with their heads staying still. Makes headshots much harder.
Is hipfire still crazy accurate? That's what I loved about the first game.
It was basically 2 guys. One mad that Tripwire said the game won't have sexy female characters and the other was literally Total Biscuit raging about cosmetic loot crates.
They added weekly events designed to favor some classes over others. Big Head mode for example gives zeds a ton of head HP making firebugs best for trash and gunslingers / sharpshooters only for big ones.
Do zeds still teleport if you walk too far?
Yeah but anybody can do that and aren't totally useless against scrakes and fleshpounds
Tell that to a sharpshooter surrounded by trrash.
Not really. I'd put gunslinger to be better thanks to superior movement speed. Only downside is ammo capacity.
>Yeah but anybody can do that
I can tell you only play normal.
Yes, depends on the gun
No, zeds just get an icon above their head when there are 2-3 left.
> It also has one of the greatest gore systems in gaming history, especially with all the Nvidia special effects enabled.
damn straight.
What about suicidal and hoe? Last time I checked, they still spawn on your tits if you don't spin like crazy.
>Heroic Afghani security agent takes out suicide bomber
I've never experienced any noticeable amount of teleporting in a very long time.
Sometimes they spawn around a corner though, but it's really no different from them spawning somewhere far away and just walking to that corner.
Not that I know of, I played Infernal realm on HoE the other day and the zeds smoothly made their way into the main room we were defending. Didn't see anything pop.
>still no option to disable auto reload on mouseclick
fuck you tripwire
Not him, but people in KF1 would bitch relentlessly if you were playing Suicidal or HoE and playing as a Firebug.
There were definitely Firebugs who knew what they were doing though.
best gun coming through
Wew, spooked me
I won't deny the EBR is good but I prefer the centerfire since I can still carry a railgun with it.
The AA12 is obviously the winner here, go home
i just wish it was worth using over Railgun
KF2 has the greatest double barrel shotgun in videogame history
I played the shit out of KF, but never picked up KF2 since everyone was shitting on it
Kind of disappointing that they didn't follow through with the Linux version. I dual-boot anyway, but it's nice to get support
more webms?
Why isn't there a Killing Floor General in /vg/?
There are a lot of conflicting opinions, people probably get tired of defending their favorite weapon/class and just go play.
why are there so many cheater on KF2?
Okay who am I taking to 25 next, Sup Forums? I'm not touching survivalist or sharpshooter.
Since the game is the literal definition of "only fun with friends" i really wish i could return it.
What's the highest level in KF and KF2?
You're an idiot. Solo'ing on HOE is fun as fuck.
More than likely too shit for that.
The gameplay is fun but it's not enough to carry the game. If Fallout was nothing but shooting stuff and watch gibs splatter all over it wouldn't be 100 hour game. Horde mode just gets very boring very quickly.
>The gameplay is fun but it's not enough to carry the game
Whats the contradiction? Same with Ghost Recon and For Honor, great gameplay but there is nothing else. It's very much a shallow context less experience. There is no motivation to keep playing.
Zerk and medic are best classes by far. The rest are all viable/useful but cannot survive wipes with 6 man HoE raging FPs + raging Scrakes + hundreds of trash solo like those two can. A good zerk or medic makes the game boring.
how do you not have any of those at 25 already what the fuck
the only 25s I'm missing are Firebug (boring) and Medic SWAT doesn't count
More often then not I win 6player public Suicidal games. Get really close on HoE.
>SWAT doesn't count
It's the most fun at 25. Spraying full auto with unlimited ammo in ZED time is the tits and it's a shame commando doesn't get it too.
why aren't there any cute girls in this game... i want to play as a cute girl killing failed test subjects...
>There is no motivation to keep playing
How about getting better?
what in the fuck is this? new weapon?
>only 12 hours
Didn't even attempt soloing the higher difficulties, did you?
Why? It's still the same game. The shooting is probably the best i've seen in any game but it's not enough to keep the game fun. Play every map once and you've seen everything there is and custom maps are either farm maps or dogshit - often both.
Is that any good? I can't tell if I can justify taking it over an RPG.
Save some for the commando
Yes, it's OP vs small zeds but weak vs big ones. The medic got a new syringe gun too. It heals like the shotgun but fires TF2 style darts that slow and poison.
Is see absolutely no hacking here.
Okay, so you're the kind of person to play something once and drop it. Thanks for posting anyway.
ok wow
If there is nothing big to work towards, no real game changers, no advanced classes with new gameplay mechanics to unlock then yes, i tend to drop games really fast. I got no problem spending 200 hours with a good story driven AAA RPG but mp games usually one and done for me. I had high hopes that it would be different with KF 2 since the shooting looked so fucking fun but i had no idea that that's all there is.
The contradiction is you're a casual. It's fun, but only if you're being carried by friends it seems.
What did you want? A fucking RPG?
Never go full retard.
I know this is a, who gives a shit complaint, but I wish if you had 3 "primary" weapons the lower tier one would move to your secondary weapons category, i hate having to press 1 more than once to get the weapon I want.
Need a dangling carrot eh?
Unlocking the perk abilities is a big game changer.
>he doesn't want an RPG
Russian rockets ROCK!
yeah it'd be cool if they added a weapon wheel
>The gameplay is fun but it's not enough to carry the game
The classes change drastically as they get higher level as does the gameplay on higher difficulties. If you were fucking around on normal/hard you'd probably get your shit pushed in trying suicidal or god forbid HOE.
That was just an example to show that i don't have a problem spending a lot of time with same game as long as there is more to it. If i've seen the whole game in the first dozen hours then it's a bad game.
>b-but y-you g-get 5% this and 10% that to grind for
That's not really motivating either.
I really miss the separate tier hotkeys from KF1. having everything being "melee", "pistol" and "primary" makes it annoying when you're something like SWAT or support that can carry three different primaries.
Okay, go be retarded somewhere else now.
Did they make it not suck from EA?
Shooting fodder shit in the head and doing jackshit damage among other things was retarded. Also some posters in here sound oddly shilly.
New weapons, new gear unlock radically different mechanics. Like a class that offers a stealth down the line but makes you super squishy or an upgrade that makes you super tanky but you don't hit for much etc. Like branching classes with completely new guns and gadgets.
Most fun class is gunslinger. Demo it for 2 hours.
why doesn't this game have more players, it's pretty fun
maybe it gets too stale quickly for some people?
>Is see absolutely no hacking here.
You're blind.
>magdumps scrake
>instantly snaps to crawler's head when as he aim downs sight
Not to mention throughout the entirety of the video his sensitivity magically smooths out the second his crosshairs go anywhere near a specimen's head. I wonder what kind of excuse you'll use to defend him now.
Took too long to get out of EA, people already played the shit out of it and got bored. Game needs much harder difficulties too.
KF2 is less charm, worse characters, better gameplay
It's pretty weak compared to RPG, its role is cleaning up trash mobs
zerkers are so OP it makes the game boring
Maybe I'm just missing something, but aren't the enemies supposed to be spooky / carnival themed this time of year? Bought the game a week ago, and I swear I thought I saw some update notes about Halloween themed enemies or something.
That was the summer side show, for halloween they just added the nightmare map
Rumour is that the lack of halloween themed zeds this event is because they're planning on doing the Christmas themed zeds this winter.