Oh look Sup Forums a parcel arrived! I wonder what it could be

Oh look Sup Forums a parcel arrived! I wonder what it could be....

oh boy i hope it's aids

show us the purple paper already


Is it a switch? or dragon dildo?

smo switch?

shut the fuck up europe

It's Mario, now fuck off

Any guessers?

dragon dildos

Video games?

looks empty, i bet it's xbone exclusives

A buttplug?

Show hand color

Some shitty mousepad?


Bing bing wahooooo


Dragon dildo or something gayer

If it's not dragon dildo I will be disappointed.

Well, well, what do we have here

part and

I won't say it again, fuck off moron

>he fell for it
lmao nobody on Sup Forums actually has a switch


a bootleg


Ha i got it right.

who gives a fuck if it's not dragon paraphernalia

>it's nothing
We'll that was disappointing

Gayer than a dragon dildo

I do, been playing it more than my pc too.

Bing! Bing! Thanks for playing guys

Sorry for your loss.

You still have to show your hand

Give it back Jamal.

In a couple hours you'll realize Sup Forums fooled you once again

have fun doing the same quests over and over again to collect 900 moons lmao

>download code
lmao he didn't even get a physical copy

Big if true

>he doesn't know about THE discord group
lmao you should try finding it


>german age rating
>english and french text

Now hot glue that box!

Seems like a Fallout NV quest, I'll find you

Aka Europe version

OP here, the download is going to take a couple hours so I’ll be back then to discuss the game

>it's fucking nothing

>that pic

Very nice op. Have fun.

>opening a box like that
what if you need to send it back lol

wait, it doesn't come with a physical copy of the game?

Download I’m afraid. I’m going to see the new Thor movie later too. Hopefully I get a chance to play before then

> No Packaging

Who sent this? Criminals?

would buy and wear all 4 at once

>400 bucks mario and zelda machine
I'm glad i'll buy it years later just like the WiiU when it can play everything for free including gc games but the fans will probably make it happen just like with the wiiu

That comes out next Friday