AVGN is kino again
AVGN is kino again
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>Those jumpscares at the end
Get bent
Ahoy's vid earlier in the year sorta took the steam outta this one, also I was expecting the daily countodwn on the other channel to lead into a final episode on AVGN proper but all we got was it lumped into one episode. Still, well done james.
Board James Season 3 when Bootsy can come back please?
literally the last ten seconds of the video
plus it was already scary from the start
Who did it better?
Honestly? Cross my heart?
I thought this was gonna be officially the last episode (150 is round enough to call it quits), because this was pretty much a glorified flick with some vague gaming quotes.
Elsa pregnancy injection videos on youtube are the same thing as Polybius, but targeted at toddlers
It has the most basic fucking rules: TALK ABOUT VIDEO GAMES
hi neofag
Why enter a thread just for the sole purpose of shitting it up?
Do you have nothing better to do?
Finally something he didn't phone in
I think it was pretty good. You can tell he enjoy's making this video as it's much more his style.
The ending could have used some more work, but overall it was a good watch.
Makes me think that this is how the AVGN movie should have been. I'm sure he could do an entertaining movie running around a haunted warehouse for 90 minutes.
>stupid boring hour long snorefest
>entertaining, funny, informative 22 minute film
Kill yourselves you cancerous fucks. You're supposed to talk about VIDEO GAMES, not about twitter screencaps, ecelebs and Neogaf.
No user.
You are the cancerous fuck.
Keep quoting Moot from 2013 when he shortly after ran from the site like a bitch.
Get bent for Hiro's cock
>he doesnt know james has been making videos before youtube was a thing
Can't compare the two.
You can, however, compare Gaming Historian's video to Ahoy's. Ahoy blows him out of the fucking water and GH's video felt like it was rushed out so he could beat Ahoy.
When will James finally admit that he's not that much into vidya anymore?
fuck off
your point being? I doubt he was making those videos for himself senpai
>generic creepypasta video
Newfag spotted. James/AVGN has always been Sup Forums related so threads about him get a pass. It's been like that for years.
one of the better nu-avgn episodes
this. it's sort of obvious, he should also shave his head and late Mike take over.
And? It doesn't matter when he started, discussion of him is not discussion of video games
we've been talking AVGN on Sup Forums for a decade, not that you would know 16er
Get bent Mike.
No one likes you
this, moot is a feminist cuck, and hiro btfo'd your commie Sup Forums mods so fuck you too.
One of the worst episodes yet. He wasn't even trying with this one.
I love Mike, have always thought he was the funnier and more talented of the two.
Plus that 10 inch flaccid cock ain't bad either
E-celebs are indeed cancer but i'm not sure i would count AVGN as one. In this case the problem is the newfags spamming meme threads about him and mike for no fucking reason (kinda like the rest of e-celeb "content" here).
he started before e-celebes where a thing, he started before youtube was a thing, he made the first videos to make fun of the old stupid games he used to play not t get a million suscribers, he still has integrity and never sold out even if he makes videos with his unfunny friend now
stop being such an edgy retard, you probably where too young and never saw the original videos when he uploaded them and now you dont get it, sorry toby, you had to be there.
>gets mad at a thread with a video of a guy talking about video games
How long have you been here?
Be honest.
>unfunny friend
Mike was in the editing room since day 1
wew lad comrade just exit the thread if you dislike it, thought police.
>he started he started
I just told you it doesn't matter when he started faggot, he isn't vidya. its discussion of an E-celeb.
Sperging out and calling me edgy and assuming my age to fit your narrative is pretty weak, try again dumbass
That was a good episode.
Well to be fair the humour in AVGN is shit, it's entertaining because of James. If it were anyone else it would be embarrassing.
Mike played every extra in early avgn. Loved him as bugs bunny and joker
>posting anime on a non-anime board
Please go to the appropriate board.
butthurt mod is still butthurt about neofag discussion, will you ever recover?
because you're the only one pretending to be some holier-than-thou-wannabe-mod ITT
go finish your homework or something, i dont want to put up with you acting out because daddy and mommy keep fighting
I seemed to have rustled the bees nest. You fanboy faggots are hilarious, why don't you go donate to his patreon and circlejerk some more?
>hey guise, I am gonna play this spooky gaem
>le random jumpcut
>its ok, I am ok
>I am gonna stop playing now, but one more try, and another
>oh fuck what time is it? that long?
>I locked myself up, instead of breaking the shitty $1 lock I will just walk around the room like I am lost
Man, what a fucking shitty video, this is 6th grade tier of horror video.
Stop embarrassing yourself.
What do you expect from a balding has-been?
>>I locked myself up, instead of breaking the shitty $1 lock I will just walk around the room like I am lost
Breaking such a lock isn't something you can just easily do without tools and knowledge.
Fuck off Mike
why am I not allowed to like mike?
he's way more entertaining than grandpa james
>daddy and mommy keep fighting
Bad memories?
>without tools
>hardware storage
you try too hard, dude
Arcade cabinets aren't tools mate. Besides, you'd still be missing the other thing.
>taking an obvious pisstake by AVGN this seriously.
he should've leveled his lockpicking while inside amirite?
That would imply that he's even trying
not him but nearly all human knowledge is literally in your pocket 24/7 nowadays
Why didn't shit pickle save James?
This is so fucking fake
>arcade cabinets where you fix cabinets
>no tools
impressive observation, master Holmes.
Considering he's also apparently under the control of that game, with it making him lose short term memory and being urged to play, I can see studying and focusing something being quite difficult.
>>arcade cabinets where you fix cabinets
No, it's storage, not a repair place.
good episode, but I was expecting something more subtle, like the reflection on the TV. Still, top notch content, good job James.
why do autist always have to rip it apart to such ridiculous level.
it's an AVGN video, not a doctorate thesis
I legit got spooked when his reflection ran off-screen that one time
Tell that to , I just thought it was plausible enough and explained why I thought so.
>can clearly see huge shelves that were built inside the warehouse
>no tools
>The cabinet behind james can be seen with screws on it
>no tools
This one was more informational and in dept, while AVGN followed the 'keep the illusion afloat' approach.
I like both of them for different reasons.
How do we rid Sup Forums of the e-celeb menace?
>>can clearly see huge shelves that were built inside the warehouse
>>no tools
Yes, you'd build those in there once and then take the tools with you probably.
>>The cabinet behind james can be seen with screws on it
>>no tools
I did not notice that. Might be a one off thing. It definitely overall looks more like storage than a repair place to me though.
by not complaining about it.
same with racism
Like Jesus, accepting it and including it into your life
unironically this
What game was running on that cabinet, anyway? It seems like an original recreation
What does kino mean?
as much as I dislike "e-celebs" I don't get why people throw a fit about it. If their YouTube channel is about gaming, then it does pertain to video games. Just like discussing a cooking show would be allowed on /ck/ or how you can talk about Cesar Millan or Coyote Peterson on /an/. I get that a lot of these threads end up as shit storms where they just talk about twitter drama bullshit, and threads like that should be deleted but justctalkibg about the e-celeb and their content in itself shouldn't really be bitched about.
modded tempest likely, at least he alludes to it
Really hated that shit
>those cheesy jump scares at the end
You had to see them coming though.
reminded me of '07 youtube.
James is classic, after all.
Quake OST was one of the best ever made
Its something that only one person uses on Sup Forums and that is op.
He thinks that if he spams if enough, people will adopt the word.
Its a common trend in most horror movies now. No matter how subtle the actually movie might be, they'll end it on a cheap jump scare.
What the fuck is that shit?!
dis nigga :3
Well that was fun
Wish it had more little moments like his moving reflection but still a lot better than a lot of the shit he puts out. Can tell he was at least slightly into making this one.
AVGN was always Sup Forums related
>it's cheap cause is startles me
You millennials are such huge faggots holy shit.
I'm a millenial and the scariest film I've watched was The Blair Witch Project. OG Alien is up there as well
Just because he's always been talked about doesn't mean he's on topic. It doesn't change what this is: a thread about a video on YouTube.