What's the best version of this game?

What's the best version of this game?

final fantasy VI

DS version


Definitely dont get the DS version because it ruins the series with the time devourer ending


>Definitely dont get the DS version because it ruins the series with the time devourer ending
Explain, I've only played the snes version.


The DS version, among the numerous improvements to the original game, added completely optional extra postgame content that has a boss that ties it to Chrono Cross. This ruins the game for some people even though it can be completely ignored.

They made chrono cross canon.

It just makes Chrono Cross canon.

So Chrono, Marle, etc all die to comedy jobber Dalton and Schala is taken by the time devourer which is like an upgraded lavos who makes everyone forget she existed even magus and she is mind raped for eternity without help or hope for being saved.

I really liked chrono cross, but having the unkillable heros killed by fucking DALTON?
BULLSHIT, that faggot doesn't have the strength to kill a fly. I refuse to believe.

The only way that is possible is that Chrono and friends never really went into an adventure in that timeline, due to time devourer time shenanigans.

Cross was always cannon, that's a big part of why cross sucked.

Why does nobody mention the muffled music and annoying-ass-hard-to-read text when mentioning the DS port?

Reading through the chrono cross wiki pages, why do they all seem to say they have no fucking clue what happens in the end and there is no consensus?
I remember it clearly. Schala/kid states they will find Serge, camera pans over to a picture of the two of them getting married (She's in a wedding gown, he's dressed nice, etc.).
Yet I don't see that mentioned.

And whos idea was it to add in the
>lol it's been fun but you'll have your memory erased haha this whole story was meaningless

Any emulated version so that you can speed it up

I thought the protagonist's name was Crono

cuz DS babbies are retarded.

SNES is the best way to play Chrono Trigger. It's literally perfect.

The SNES is better in pretty much every way. The DS version made the music sound worse somehow and the animated cutscenes look awful on the shitty DS screen. The translation, although more accurate, lacks the charm of the SNES version's translation IMO.

Play the snes version and watch the fmv cutscenes at the appropriate points in the game on Youtube.

No love for the PlayStation version?

Playstation version wasn't that ba-

