What is the state of the game now? i dropped it a week after release

What is the state of the game now? i dropped it a week after release

Everyone followed the instructions in the title.

It was a fun novelty but it got old pretty quick.

If they removed RPG aspects, had greater moveset variety and defensive options, and had greater enemy variety, it would have been the best. But no, it became shallow grindy shit.

So i guess you guys let it...die?

Complete soundtrack release where?

None of those things were the problem. The problems were the fucking ridiculous grinding required to upgrade gear, and the game being balanced around everything killing you near instantly so you'd pay for DMs to revive yourself, and mushrooms being massively overpowered as the sole defensive measure.

>weapons with durability

i fucking hate this shit

I don't check other factions but mine is still active with 2k players


It turned into a typical gacha p2w garbage game. Real shame.

>turned into
That's what it was from the start.

Did anyone even bother with the expansion?

There was an expansion?

I just got bored of the grinding. An hour of fun gameplay isn't worth the inevitable 2 hours of mediocre grinding. Why there isn't just a "buy" option for the game to remove the F2P shit annoys me.

I'm in the 2nd area and it's super gay because if I take armor that's good against gunfire the jungle machete guy kills me in two hits. Also that jin-die on the floating islands was super bullshit and I'm glad they were giving free revives when I got to her.
The biggest problem I have right now is keeping my weapon around long enough to get through the next few floors but it's so hard to get money when people are constantly raiding my base. It's stupidly hard because any time I manage to scrounge up some money my base gets raided and I'm back down to nothing, and weapons are pretty expensive as is forget a whole set of armor.

But I actually really like this game. If they made a sequel with more enemies, better defender AI, better class balance, and more levels I'd pay money for it.

Is there a new expansion? I heard they added a couple new floors but they're just remix levels with a bunch of haters.

I can't even remember why I dropped it. I remember I was grinding for materials to upgrade my weapons before I try the third area. I didn't even have any problems with dying since I was using mushrooms and had gotten enough free DM's. I guess I realized that grinding to have fun isn't really fun.

They added 10 new floors with no elevators and gimped mushrooms.

In other words a complete fuck you to the people who wanted actual gameplay.

This, if this was an actual release it would be something I bought, but I can't abide by the pay-to-avoid-grind style of gameplay.

Didn't they add those knight enemies?

>grasshopper/suda made this instead of a good single player game
>NMH spinoff with Travis coming to Switch exclusively

That's absolutely retarded. So the only way to get any items back from the new floors is with death metal?

I just want to be in the universe where we got Lily Bergamo instead

Nope. You couldn't buy stew with Death Metals before, but now they straight up have a 10 DM stew with better decals in them.

The grind got really bad after completing all 40 floors if I remember correctly

And the multi was p2w so it was immediately trash

They should released this game not as a free to play to lessen the grind

Ive played since december and played each and every update. The worst thing about this game is the grind. Go watch someone on twitch play and thats all they ever do is grind. Want new weapons, armour or literally anything? You need to grind hours upon hours of killing the same enemy 100 times and its BORING.

If it had less grind then the game would be more fun.

>Lilly Bergamo died for this
It was a sad day when Let it Die was announced.

That's a big problem I had with No More Heroes too. So many of the levels just force you to fight wave after wave after wave of generic thugs and then you had to do even more of it to get the extra dialogue and cash for upgrades.