Serious question :

Serious question :

I've never played any SMT or Persona before but i want to try Persona 5. Is it really difficult for a casual babby like me ? I heard the first palace was a huge pain in the ass...

I'm pretty poor right now and i don't want to spend my money on a game i won't be able to play...

emulate the first 4 games and play them before 5
you'll understand the world better

There's an ezmode option that you can change later once you get the hang of it, and an even easier mode that won't let you die.

ok thanks but what about the difficulty ?

thanks fo the advice

There's difficulty settings. If you really want it easy then play it easy.

What JRPGs have you played?

If you don't mind grinding the game is easy. Just save often and keep multiple save files.


the last ones i played were FF12 and Fire Emblem Awakening

What are some games where I can kill Lucifer's Daughter? Besides Shin Megami Tensei: Deep Strange Journey

you'll be fine

The game is beatable without grinding even on Merciless.

the game is made for casual babbies

ok, then i'll buy it. thanks guys

Game is pretty damn easy. And all the bosses are focused on unique puzzle mechanics rather than level/build checks. Think I only died like two times on Normal and I used to get shat on in P3/P4.

I played it on hard, the game was somewhat challenging but not too difficult at all.

Normal should be fine for newcomers.

Get an emulator and start with P3.
If you start with P5 you wont be able to enjoy the other games, because they are a lot more clunky.

I was a newcomer as well, the game was very easy on normal. Didn't have to put any thought into fusing or really care much about resource management, combat was simple. Still fun (if you have any weeb tendencies at least).

you don't have to grind at all unless you want a specific demon/item

Game is EZ, managing your social life is the hard part.

user, you do understand that SMTfags legitimately don't care about spoilers unlike Persona only babbies right?


Never played a persona title before and i'm not a huge fan of turn-based rpgs, P5 was my GOTY

it's really not hard