filename thread keep it vidya
Filename thread keep it vidya
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Your filename sucks dick.
i dont get it
lol ded af game
is he dead?
I guess it's two squads with all palyers using the exact same skins. So presumably the joke is that CoD and BF is the same shit
What game?
What a terrible ref
Those jelly legs mean his brain bounced around in his skull, he's done, fight's over. Then the ref lets the guy jump on top of him and bash his head for a bit
What actually happens
>Guy pays it off
>Steals again
>Jail, institutionalized
>More crime
MMA refs suck. They're awful at calling fights when the guy is no longer able to defend himself.
I wish i didn't. That will give me nightmares.
That's a shit filename but I'll be damned if I didn't giggle like a little bitch
lol got rekt by a guy way shorter
>one pefect hit and you are a potato
This is why street fighting should always be the absolute last resort. Better run nigga, cause you either get potato'd or you gonna find yourself in court.
arma 3
Be well pupper
Man, it really ain't like it is in Yakuza.
Did he dieded?
No, but he's probably going to feel it when he gets older. That's what happens when you take a hiatus and try to come back without constant training.
Stop, you're terrible at this
>According to the man in red, his opponent suffered from muscle cramps after being kicked.
>He recovered after resting for a while and did not suffer any major injuries.
>The two men have reportedly settled the dispute.
>cuphead pigeon
funny filename for the filename thread my guy
Really? Thank fucking god if that's true, that was fucking horrifying.
clicked on the wrong one
christ allfucking mighty what is this shit?
That new-ish King Arthur movie that absolutely ate shit at the box office
Anyone have any background on this? Does that shit just happen some places?
I still think he doesn't became president to be a good one or even cares about his people and the job.
Pro-European Caucasian kinography
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
Only Jews and cucks hate it
Pretty sure he became President to make headlines and prove people he didn't like wrong. He never seemed like he enjoys or wants to be President unless he is making speeches.
There was a flood.
Spiders have lots of orgies and then there shitty kids spawn and the cycle continues in Australia where the fuckers are from
That's pretty much exactly what it feels like to use Champions in King Arthur: The Roleplaying Wargame so it's definitely 100% accurate to the legend
spiders escape to trees if theres floods
>CHAD-7 costume
Ahh, I see you are a man of taste as well.
>Chris G wins a major
Oh fuck this I'm never going to the middle east
>HoP to desk
>I'm never going to the middle east
>because the spiders might get me
Pakistan's not in the Middle East, friend
what the fuck is this stupid shit
>implying the hop isn't off comdomming and assuming more responsibility than he's granted
>implying he's not going to pretend to give you access then bully you with a job change to "faggot" when you bitch about it
I literally have nightmares about this, fuck fuck fuck FUCK ITS FUCKING REAL
They always fucking do
A. Pakistan isn't that bad
B. I've been held at gunpoint so many times it doesn't even scare me and I'm pretty at peace with dying
C. If I get blown up and survive I'm already near hikki tier so I might as well go full NEET
>Pakistan isn't bad
>I've been held up at gunpoint
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, it was alright but I genuinely enjoyed seeing Excalibur live up to its reputation as a sword with magical powers.
>the hop makes you write a detailed explanation on why you deserve access
>the hop demands petty favors in exchange for access he has no reason to refuse
>the hop closes shutters immediately at the start of the round and is never seen again
lots of hop players are really uptight, like most head roles. it's really fun when you get a cool one and actually have a reason to interact with them, though.
You probably shouldn't be watching webms on Sup Forums if you can't stomach death.
But it's the scabbard that's magic not the sword
The worst I have seen in years was the one liveleak footage of that dude shooting that journo lady.
Was king Arthur even a great warrior in the stories? I thought Excalibur was mostly symbolic and he just won with good old-fashioned leadership
scabbards are 4 nerds
>tfw remove access randomly when people want a job change for shits and giggles
Lucky you missing out on piranha kid.
forgot to add: on this site
The one that's from his POV? That's not particularly bad, she just crumples to the floor IIRC
Damn this thread is shit
this is malicious imo, if you're going to bully people it should be harmless pranks. unless they're easy bully bait like clown or greytide :^)
He was a leader more than a warrior, the sword was a symbol of his legitimacy to the first brits, not the ones of roman descent. The scabbard was magic, however his sister chucked it because he was being a cunt at the time.
>The one that's from his POV? That's not particularly bad
yes. And that is what I wanted to say with my comment. But I don't visit Sup Forums so maybe that is the reason.
Is that the one with the carried skeleton kid? or is there one where you see him die?
What that the one where half the cast is black?
>give me all access
>give them access to head rooms but not the rooms used to get past to reach the rooms
Lancelot was supposed to be the best fighter. After all, he was the King's champion and the best of the knights at the roundtable. He was a leading figure, someone to look up to and admire by the commoner like said.
Why are much stronger men so dumb? If you have the strenght advantage you shouldn't let go your opponent. You are stronger up close you can held him down, you can sit on him while he can't wind up some kick or punch full strenght.
>be a big dude
>everyone fears you and you never have to fight
>some small fry challenges you
>you never fought so you don't know shit
>he is trained or had the role of the underdog several times
That's why.
There are no player skins in BF1, only some weapon/vehicle skins.
Just recently I was thinking whether Schneider got to molest prime Ariana
Guess he did
>79 years old
>failed a few times in non important things only there to show sometimes he "fails"
>every important (p.s.: he always wins in the end) failure gets retconned in a year
You've sold me on it. Buying a ticket right now.
there's not a female Nick actress under the sun he hasn't touched
Maybe it's an ok place then
dat reflex after getting up at 00:08-00:10
definitely a trained fighter
this, I'm 1,98m tall and never had anyone fuck with me, though if anyone had I would have been fucked, never threw a punch in my life