No one on the ENTIRE INTERNET has all the Moons yet?!? Fucking DATA Mine the game if you have too, Tell me What the 100% Reward IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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golden turd
Same as the 900 koroks. Something that isnt worth your time.
The reward is getting to reevaluate your life after playing BING BING WAHOO!, a kid's game, that autistically.
can't recall Nintendo ever making it worth your time.
You're going to become BING BING WAHOO! in real life.
Kingdom version of Champion's Road
Sunglasses that make the screen so dark you can't see anything.
There is no reward.
Bing Bing *1-up* WAHOO!
Nintendo have always hated completionists. It used to be a new title screen, in BOTW they outdid themselves with a literal golden turd.
It's probably the Repair Mario costume.
What the fuck can a game do that WOULD be worth your time?
Keep in mind they're not locking substantial content behind such a ridiculous wall, that's fucking retarded.
Cosmetic shit maybe. Flaming sword or some shit that's cool to look at. Really depends on the game though, maybe some weapon or armor aesthetic if the game has new game + that's all I can think of. cosmetic shit.
I can guarantee the completionists on Sup Forums would shit all over something like that
honeymoon with peach
That's true at least it'd be slightly nicer than an item sitting in your inventory useless I guess though. There's really no adequate reward though as you said. But inventory items a shit.
I remember Mortal Kombat 2011 had a nearly nude Mileena costume for beating the most challenging side objective that basically requires 100%. Oh how things have changed for the worse.
Probably a harder version of the final boss.
What that'll do to the ending, I dunno.
You're right, everyone has yet to find Bowser again after the final fight, damn
SA2 let you play through a 3D remake of Green Hill Zone if you got all the emblems.
the ayy lmao youtuber said the 100% reward is shit
>Ayy lmao youtuber
which one?
Luigi was a perfect 100% reward. Beat the game all the way through, you get a Luigi-fied title screen and play through the game again to collect extra stars as the cooler brother while running faster and jumping higher. Do not fuck me on this Nintendo, Luigi better be playable
But what is it? Everyone says its not worth it but doesn't say what the fuck it is
I've never heard of this but it's Green fucking Hill so I don't even doubt you enough to look it up and verify. Sonic Team will never let that zone die with dignity
dan ryckert said he had them all?
dan is probably one of the first ones to 100% it
Dan from giant bomb has all the moons
Sonic Adventure 2 had Green Hill Zone done in 3D which was pretty significant since it made Green Hill both the first and the last level Sonic went through on Sega consoles.
No joke.
It was worth it in Galaxy but the reward in Super Mario 64 was a big waste of time
Mario gets a Rosalina costume.
He made it seem like the reward wasn't that great and the stuff you get working towards getting them all was better
when was a 100% completion ever worth it for the reward alone? It's almost always more about the journey than the destination
Quit ruining the game for yourself.
>but the reward in Super Mario 64 was a big waste of time
Pleb, I bet you didn't even use the invincible triple jump to skip cleanly across lava in Lethal Lava Land
Sonic Adventure 2 was only the second game to feature Green Hill Zone, so it was a fun, justified novelty.
It's only in the last few years it's shoved into every game.
Does Spyro 2 have the best 100% reward for a platformer?
I liked the one from the first game way better, a whole new level while it was only some small minigames and a breath in Spyro 2.
>golden sail
I don't have enough goldface images for this
So it's literally just that end image?
Also how do you fill in the second portrait? What does it lead too?
Meh. Better than nothing. Although it won't stop Mario and Peach fags from being any less sour about the ending.
And all because Mario legitimately acted too brash alongside Bowser. Peach had the right to be angry, she was being pressured into proposals.
>Better than nothing.
First honest Odyssey review.
Dragon Shores wasn't the 100% completion (you unlock it before then)
But with the permanent superflame you can go back to the menu and restart the game from th beginning with permanent superflame.
Totally breaks the game but it's fun.
this is just Sunshine all over again isn't it?
>no Luigi
Gay game
>883 Moons
What a fucking stupid number.
Could they really not throw in a couple more moons to make it a nice clean 900?
>It was worth it in Galaxy
I recall getting them all with no extra reward at the end
probably dlc
You get to play the game over again as Luigi
What would be the point of a reward when there's nothing else to do in the game after that ?
Unless it's a secret ending or something
Oh yeah. What a waste.
Well if you 100% with Luigi you get one last galaxy. But it’s not worth it because it’s just a 100 purple coin wank fest.
You get a gf if you get 100%
Is galaxy 1 or 2 better. Im not buying a swith but these threads make me want a 3d platformer.
>mfw haven't thought about this 'rumor' since the pre-YouTube days.
>looks it up
Thanks for completing part of my childhood, user.
Both are great honestly
Galaxy 2 is a way better game in my opinion. Neither of them are all that amazing though, go play 64 or Sunshine if you haven't already.
1 was comfier
"I completed Vice City and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt"
I beat both 64 and sunshine too many times. I want something different.
If thats the case i might as well play in order.
>the current state of Luigifags
theres really no reason why he couldn't of been playable since this game ports models from 3D World. *shrugs*
Luigi being DLC for Odyssey was all but confirmed already.
Why make Luigi-mode something to unlock if you can charge people extra for it?
We somehow got less material than paulinexmario. Thank god we got those LINE stickers it be all we have for a long while.
Jesus fuck pls tell me this is a shoop
A moon museum that has every enemy in it for you to play around with like a sandbox. The surprise is that there is some unused assets in the musuem that you can possess. This all is presented as just fun post game content to you the player.
>Massive Sonic Fag
>Never unlocked Green Hill Zone I'm SA2.
I should really just cheat it in.
hope he comes with a mansion kingdom so I can play as a Boo.
Some of those stages are stupid. I could never do very well in the car ones with tails or eggman
So Luigi isn't playable?
Give you a cool new ability or something.
>paying for 17 Moons
If there's DLC, I'm hoping for at least 117 extra
Mario x Peach fags are finished.
Isle Delfino fags are finished.
Daisy fags are finished.
Rosalina fags are finished.
Playable Peach and Luigi fags are finished.
Nobody wins.
but there's also no reason why he should have been playable.
But Dan Ryckert from Giantbomb does have all moons.