What games have good swordfighting?

What games have good swordfighting?

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Blade symphony
GunZ The Duel
>Inb4 mordhau, beyblade simulator: medieval warfare, kingdom come, Gloria victis, etc

Glowing swords are the best swords


How about a game we can actually play in our lifetime?

What does that even mean? I play it regularly

Movie Battles 2, not Bannerlord, you philistine.

>no one mentions Bushido Blade

You know how I know all of Sup Forums is underage?

Mount & Blade
Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Mount & Blade

better learn how to chamber motherfucker

everyone is underage because there was only 5 posts before you and you expect everyone to have played the same game as you?


You could have agreed with me like this user (pic related btw) but no, you went ahead and outed yourself

outed myself as someone who by chance didn't play a game released in 1997 specifically for the ps1 while i owned a saturn and n64?
ya got me

>Blade symphony
My nigga

I sure did

People born in 1999 are old enough to post on Sup Forums. Also not everyone played the games you played, this is obvious if you aren't braindead.
Fuck off retard.

>outed yourself

user quit being a faggot

damn you might be right i should go kill myself
thanks man

>he had no childhood friends with different consoles

sure i had friends with different consoles but they all owned platformers and horror games nothing else

>Tfw it's such a small game we probably are friends



Bushido blade wasn't even that great of a sword fighting game. Like Way of the samurai tier.

the last blade 2

Fate/Stay Night

Always love when euro characters think they are skilled with a blade.

shut the fuck up autistic weeb


>You could have agreed with me
Fuck off, you seem like a massive faggot.

True, they have to be pretty skilled to avoid destroying their own shitty blade. But they'd be #rekt when dealing with actual swordsmen.


>not even out yet
wtf man

What is this movie and why I haven't seen it?

fukin kek. I don't know why I found this extremely funny


The fuck kinda jutsu is that

this webm is retarded. Sword fights in mdia are fucking stupid.

>aim for each-others sword and not their body

>Mr. Eman

>Old timey swordfight
>shot with edgy Bourne Identity shaky cam

This triggers me so fucking much

Team fortress 2 demoknight edition.

>Aim for body thinking you are so clever
>Opponent swings for your neck

Who wins?

One of those combination jutsu do you even Naruto

Any answer that is not eurojank shit is gonna be met with disapproval

I never thought it was that good. I remember being blow away that you could cut down bamboo just like in my animus but then i found out i could the same in Tenchu and play a much better game while i was at it.

>dat Strike Air at the end

Mordhau by far


Kingdom Come: Deliverance team posted a new combat video yesterday. Still not gonna pre-order the thing but looks promising enough that I'll see what is what after launch and probably buy it.

> Strike a metal plate.
> It bleeds.


You may not like it, but, this is basically anime.

Katanas are shit and you should kill yourself

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

It flopped. Hard.

For Honor, while not always swordfighting, probably has the best "medieval" combat i've ever encountered

No one wants to see shitty animu live action movies

Anybody else get super pumped when sword fighting is in a game? Be it quicktime events or how the whole game is?

Just feels real nice with all the Generic Gun Gameā„¢.

Devil May Cry 3 and 4.


It's not that fun. It's a cool novelty at first but an open world game with that combat is going to get really tedious fast. This is assuming they haven't massively changed it since the beta.
