what do you do, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


frantically smash the spacebar

*rapes your boats*
Heh nothing perrosnel, kraut.

Send in more commies.

We all know Aryans are so fucking shit when it comes to fighting Russians?


Russians weren't commies lad, you're thinking of the soviets.

The scene with Hitler in TNC is comedy kino and if you disagree you're a faggot.

>falling asleep on the floor just to wake up and shoot a shitty actor in the ass

>Actually Mr. Hitler, I am a supporter of the Juche ideology


>le hitler was le vomiting old shooty man who shooty da booty all day lol he shoot people he no like XD fuck nazis XD

Quality humour

Nice argument bud, you sound a little upset though.

How upset does someone have to be to type that out?

>tartakovsky will never make a proper cartoon again because the same kikes that financed this shit would force him into making more braindead propaganda

I mean it is hilarious

>all those XDs and le to hide his asshurt

give in

that fucker don't MESS AROUND on fucking Death Incarnate difficulty

Oh, mein fuhrer! I vas just attempting to infiltrate ze kommintern scum and learn their battle plans.

Is now ze time? Should I get ze gas?

Holy shit why doesn’t USA beat these retards?

How many of you morons didn't get the hint that both games are Tarentino-esque.

Even if I didn't find the scene funny, that's not to say I didn't understand what they were going for.

*stabs u with nugget's bayonet*
PPSh Nothin personel, comrade.

not gonna lie I had a slight goosebump when the chant started in the background

It's pretty catchy

I used to think so too.

Then I learned the devs are swedish.

Juche is the most retarded socialist ideology there is though, it'd be more respectable to be a full blown Stalin apologist Tankie.

look behind me to see who he's talking to

Because it would result in the worst Humanitarian crisis in the history of humankind.

You're just butthurt that the Nazi super future society in Wolfenstein didn't turn Hitler into The God Emperor from Warhammer, and instead into Howard Hughes turned up to 11. Boo fucking hoo that's what happens when the dipshit who wanted to have a 1,000 year Reich managed to get it burnt, raped, pillaged, and split in just five years.

No, I'm butthurt they are turning people into mindless ccommies.

Couldn't care less about "nazis".

Doubt it. A trillion starved in china, a billion gorillion died in europe

>being this mad someone insulted your hero

>one commie that the protag hates but has to recruit because no one else is fighting nazis

commie propaganda my guy

Haha yes, this corporation sure is trying to sell us communist propaganda.

Cmon lad, this is nothing but fuel for the antifa / degeneracy bonfire.

>raping them
>not winning over their affections and converting them to your ideology
>then sexing them up and knocking them up with your non-pure-German Babies.

Well spooked my property

What isn't these days? If you don't agree with the ever-changing nebulous extreme right wing that is Sup Forums, you're a degenerate SJW antifa. Who gives a fuck?

Is being cuckoldry also a spook?

Put just the one hand up.

Now imagine Jesus doing the same thing.

You don't even have to, just watch Family Goy

Convince him I hate commies more than he does and help him fulfill Patton's dying wishes.

Learning that a balls to the wall, over the top action spectacle that gives you all the vibes of self-awareness is in fact made by a people so self-loathing they unironically act like pic related kills any enjoyment. They're not satire, they play this shit straight and it ruins everything knowing this is how they seriously see things.

Nah, that's the left's thing. Sup Forums will just call you a cuckservative or something stupid and go about their day. The only people who physically attack those who don't pass their purity tests are those SJW antifa scum.

>actually being upset that Hitler is played for comedy
Wew lad

>Sup Forums will just go about their day
>almost all Wolfenstein threads are full of Sup Forums completely melting down and screaming commie at everyone like it's a MacArthur era inquisition

Her eyes are off.

>americans think Hitler hated commies
Can't wait for the upcoming civil war

>muh Sup Forums

I don't know where you live, but at least where I do an inquisition would be preferable.

Between the antifa commie wannabees and the increasing ahmed population I see no future for my country. I don't get why this is so triggering for leftists, its their country as well.

I throw his pissbucket at him

Excuse me sir but liberals aren't leftists, they too will be GULAG'D

It's lazy in my opinion. Why couldn't they actually make him intimidating and end the game with a badass Mecha-Hitler fight?

"Nicht schießen! Ich bin kein Bolschewik, mein Führer!"

Probably like that. My German is a little rusty, but I think this should suffice.


making fun of hitler has been a cliche since the 30's.

the reason why it happened is because making fun of such figures, same with other figures like mao, stalin, genghis khan, osama etc. is people coping with how many violent people there are our in the world that want to start shit

Erm, the game forces you to side with black supremacists and commies. Sup Forums complaining about commies is 100% right in context. What are you attempting to accomplish with this?

Yeah, leftists ride Islamist and Antifa dick harder than the milquetoast liberals do.

I think it's alright. The dude is old, has conquered the world, colonised the moon and Venus and was killed once before. All that shit has gotta cause some brain problems.

Antifa are just (somewhat) useful idiots who are just red liberals larping. Nobody likes them but they exist and dislike 'nazis', whatever that means, so most leftists are lukewarm towards them. No, tipping over a trashcan and then an hour later going to starbucks does not help workers rights.

If that were the extent of what antifa and their wannabes did then I'd agree with you writing them off like this, but they're actively destroying and vilifying campuses across the US because they're flat out retards with no function IFF system. To be honest I don't consider that something exclusive to them either, it's a problem you find baked into the foundation with a lot of contemporary leftwing theories.

And you completely ignored the point that the hard left is even more open to sucking Islam's dick than fair weather liberals are.

>And you completely ignored the point that the hard left is even more open to sucking Islam's dick than fair weather liberals are.
Islam, especially radical Islam, is a reactionary movement that is a tumor upon modern society. Most people only "suck islam's cock" because most muslims fight against America's imperialist war machine. That's the only redeeming quality of the radical sand people. Once again, they're useful idiots. As for antifa, they're just larpers. They're really overblown on the internet. Yeah, maybe if you go to some place like Berkley you might run into them, but why would you ever go there in the first place?
