Admit it Sup Forums, Game 3 was shit
Admit it Sup Forums, Game 3 was shit
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I hate how edgy they made Red in Game 2.
That's because Game 3 had Different Director instead of Director.
Game 3 salvaged the poopile that was game 2. You're one of those mouth breathers that thinks 2 is better than 1, aren't you?
I have literally never played a series with that sort of progression.
Maybe you should stop playing shit games.
>tfw Game 4 never ever
GAME 2 was god-tier, shut the fuck up
Blue was the best thing about 2. They should've kept him for 3.
>Collector's edition*
>*game not included
>Game 2 has 2 characters that look similar
>No multiplayer
>Game 3 only has you and the villain
>Introduces multiplayer
>Max Payne 3 is a cover shooter meme without 1 and 2's dark humor and nuance
>Diablo III was shamelessly built around a cash shop and now it's just a derivative grind
>UT3 almost killed the franchise because Epic had too much console dick up their asses
>Mass Effect 3 a shit
>Dungeon Siege 3 fell for the 3D ARPG meme
>Carmageddon 3 Gothic 3 and POSTAL III are outsourced turds
>Fallout 3 is another "pick up something from a dining table and everything floats a bit simulator" except it's a licensed Fallout instead of TES
>TORtanic pissed and shat on KotOR I and II
Twitcher 3 and DaS III are the only exceptions I can think of.
>smug Mongolian cartoon girl means I am right
You have some shit taste.
>game is crap because of some petty reason
>all this nostalgiafaggotry for GAME
GAME was a buggy piece of trash
Stop spreading false info. That didn't happen.
GAME was ok. For it's time anyway. Not everything ages like Patrick Stewart.
anybody who says Game 2 was the best is an underage and that was his first Game in the series
You are some petty reason.
Fuck you, Game 2's co-op made it much more enjoyable overall, even if it was a bit bad for singleplayer
Blue was literally the only good thing to come from Game 2.
Literally the only good scene in Game 2
Will we see blue return in game 4?
Halo 3
Guaranteed you're a massive DS2 faggot cocksucker. Guaranteed.
At least he still had some of his charm in 2, they made him full "nothin personnel" in Game 3.
>what is DMC3
>what is MGS3
Tekken 3
It was a good game, not just a good Game game.
Metal Gear Solid 3 is the 3rd best Metal Gear game in the entire franchise so I guess you're kind of right sorta.
Yellow girl is cute, CUTE!
>UT3 almost killed the franchise
>Street Fighter
Yep. I also liked Halo 3, preferred 2 but I don't think 3 was by any means shit.
The one with those gold enemies however...
t. underage that didnt play GAME when it came out
the first level is off putting and at times it was using up time to display its technical achievements of the time, but its always been a fantastic game at its core
Alright so how do you unlock the other endings in Game 3? I'm stuck on the same ending where the entire game turn into gay furry scat porn.
Fuck you, I enjoyed it
I didn't know Game Kart was made by Valve.
It hurts so much
Gyakuten Saiban 3, or Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations.
Game 3s that didn't suck
>Super Mario Bros. 3
>Super Metroid
>Metroid Prime 3
>A Link to the Past
>Persona 3
>Half-Life 3
I only played it a little but I keep hearing Game Kart is the devs' personal favorite in the franchise due to its replayability. Personally I've never liked the main series because of its shit replay value. Other Game will always be superior because I can play that shit all of the day, bro
How does Sup Forums feel about game content being locked behind owning a previous game in the series? ie the three costumes in Gravity Rush 2 that you only get by owning Gravity Rush Remastered.
I don't see this get brought up much since it's fairly uncommon, but I'm interested.
Back in the day 3s were the shit. Super Mario Bros. 3, Sonic 3, Zelda 3, Metroid 3, Mega Man 3
LITERALLY no one cares
This one was much worse
The question was more of a general thing, the example was cosmetic but there are games that have done it with non-cosmetics.
>make spinoff game for Pretendo systems of popular IP (that's essentially GameStation exclusive aside from a PC port of the second game released 7 years later) that plays or looks nothing like the base series
>it sells like shit
>"wooooow, it looks like the Pretendo audience doesn't want our games, we won't support the platform anymore"
Why do devs do this?
>Yellow Girl
your'st waifue 'td a shit.
Pink is topest of waifus.
It really sucks how they wasted such a great character like Orange on a shitty game like Spinoff: Game
I rarely use stuff like that cause it's eitherr shit or looks out of place and ruins my immersion
>not using Spy Kat whenever you can
Why did my parent bought this shit when I was kid? Can't even read the title
Gran turismo 3
Timesplitter Future Perfect
Is there anyway to playing Game: 主人公の伝説 if you dont know moonrunes? Emulating the Sarga Jupiter version is impossible and the Operating System 98 one was only released in the east.
>implying MEMORABLE SEGMENT wasn't better in Game
>imaginary games hahahha
bunch of mentally retarded kids
Say the autist who come here to complain in the first place.
I believe it was ported to the Itara Ocelot and can be found for dirt cheap
Daily Reminder: Game has the best atmosphere and story then Game 2. Game 2 has to much waifu pandering
Did anyone made R34 of Orange and Green? The only thing I see is Red and Blue fucking each other in the ass.
But Game 2 has the best gameplay and that's the only thing that matters in a game.
My main problem with 2 is that it introduced so many good character's only for us to never see them again. Black and Lady returning when?
I disagree, it had too many bad levels like Sewer level, Underground level, and Snow level. Forest level was okay, though
Hey, snow level was great, and underground just has boring visuals, the enemies there are great fun to fight. I can give you sewer, but then there never existed a good sewer level in video games.
But 1 have those really long and boring vehicles segment with nothing in them.
And why did they brought it back in 3 anyway?
The series was dead with 2 when they made it casual accessible.
>Max Payne 3 is a cover shooter meme without 1 and 2's dark humor and nuance
>without dark humor
Did you even play it?
>Game thread
>People actually debate real games
I think you're missing the point...
Nostalgifags like Game 1, only contrarians or pvpfags like Game 2, Game 3 is objectively the best even with all the money grabbing bullshit practices.
GAME 2 doesn't have multiplayer faglet, You mean Game 3. If your gonna falseflag and shitpost at least watch some gameplay
MGS 3 is the best one, though.
jesus christ the music in GAME 3 is so fucking good
hideki naganuma’s my nigga, man
>Director fags actually believe this
Director is a turbohack and his influence on game is negligible
COMPANY shill detected
>Director barely has anything to say
>Game turns out amazing
>Company decides to give him more influence
>we get the disaster that is Game 2
Director fags will defend this
>Game 2 bad
Nigga Game 2 had the best characters and story fuck you
And this is why no one takes Director fags seriously
>muh characters
>muh story
Read a book, nigger
Soundtrack was literally GOATY tho
>that music when second Boss Battle
>coder tells writer during Game 1's development that "story in games is like porn, you expect it to be there but it's not important
>coder fires everyone after game 1 during guake's development
>come Game 3, the game has constant story and cutscenes as well as shittons of PDA shit
Mass Effect 3 was better than Mass Effect 2, 1 is still the best though.
its a good game just not a good GAME game
>exclusive pre-order content from gamestop complete with cringe-worthy commercial
The Game franchise is dead to me. I hope the developers burn.
it's usually unrecoverable at game 2, not 3, lately
>dishonored 1 & 2
>wolf reboot 1 & 2
>shadow of X 1 & 2
>tomb raider reboot 1 & 2
pretty much every new IP / reboot is doomed to become a streaming pile of shit
Any word on what's going on with G4me?
It's not gonna be made by Game Maker so I'm not even gonna bother watching playthroughs of it
this thread is the most cringy dorky nerdy shit I've seen in my life
What the fuck is wrong with COMPANY when they made Game 3? Why is the player always saved at the last second by Black? And why is White the bad guy?
Also who the fuck is BlackRed and why is he so broken? He doesn't even fit the style of the game but he keeps appearing every 2 minutes to say something edgy.
What do you guys think about this?
I think its pretty good for a freemium.
>not posting the godawful NTSC boxart
I'm not paying 80 bucks just for a 4 star character. You can't even unlock 5 star and over unless you buy the monthly pack.
That being said I like the yellow loli.
God, fuck Development Studio, they don't deserve this IP
B-but you can get 5 stars from the monthly events if you're lucky enough!
I seriously hope the rumors about g4me going open-world is false. I'm starting to get really tired of this trend.
>not liking GAME: Subtitle
It was a huge improvement
I don't think that was a good idea to let those japanese devs work on the prequel where the characters are all kids.
What happened to Develop Company
Man I never realized how cute yellow was. Green is still the cutest though.