Worst Nintendo console?
Worst Nintendo console?
take that back you fucking heretic
Virtual Boy
That's not the Wii U.
This guy gets it. Say what you want about the GC, but it never tried to give you nausea.
Wii by a long shot. I don't care how much it sold or how much money it made. Not only was it the console to feature the TRUE delve into Nintendo's insane obsession of gimmicks due to its success. It also meant the doom of its franchises (bar mario) by extreme casualization, over centralization on using motion controls, and sterilization for fear of scaring away the initial boom consumer base they had.
The Wii was also the start of their mentality of "not competing" by making weak gimmick focused consoles. Every mainline console attempt since then has been well below expected and NEEDED industry standard for hardware, with the excuse of "BUT LOOK YOU CAN WAGGLE AND POINT AT STUFF" as its selling point.
For everything but monetary reasons, the Wii RUINED Nintendo.
It has Eternal Darkness.
And Rogue Squadron 2.
You are fucking stupid. Had Nintendo done anything else, GameCube's successor would've been their Dreamcast.
That's not the Virtual Boy, Wii, or Wii U.
Prove me wrong, bitches.
The only real problem with the virtual boy is the console itself. The majority of the games actually weren’t bad. Not particularly good, but not bad. The console’s annoying setup and stupid redscale nonsense was what really sent it down the drain
that's not the nes
>prove me wrong
literally cannot be done
The Wii U is if you dont count The N64 is worse that the gamecube too
That's the videogame business. Either make good games or get out. I don't care if they sink or swim, and I say that as somoene whose played their shit since 1989, probably well before you were born. As far as quality of games go, the gamecube was a far better console. The Wii, not just for its shovelware, but its first party titles did nothing to honor the actual quality and potential of Nintendo titles. IN fact quite the opposite, it was a shitshow of shallow and casualized games for braindead normies with no standards.
And incase you don't remember, they actually lost nothing on gamecubes. They actually made only profit, they just didn't sell as many so they weren't really suffering. They never sold at a loss, the WiiU (Nintendo's petty and stupid attempt at clinging to Wii's success) was their first losses.
Nintendo's problems are their fault, pic related.
NES > SNES > Wii > Gamecube > N64 > Wii U
You're all wrong.
Wii(it can play GCN)>GCN>SNES>N64>Wii U>NES
>Every mainline console attempt since then has been well below expected and NEEDED industry standard for hardware
Honestly this is the smartest thing Nintendo ever did.
The industry's insane push for MORE POWER MORE GRAPHICS is why dev teams ballooned from small groups of friends to thousand man slave farms suffering under the mercy of focus groups, bugets in the hundreds of millions, and subsequently why beloved studios like Maxis, Bullfrog, Westwood et cetera have all died off or got bought up by EA/Activision to be parted out for awful mobile skinnerboxes.
YOU and idiots like you RUINED videogames.
If the Virtual Boy doesn't count I'd say Wii U.
>It also meant the doom of its franchises (...) by extreme casualization
Funny, because Nintendo's SNES offerings were extremely casualized from their NES offerings.
You take that back! The GB Micro is good.
Wii U, then Wii, then GC.
Eh. The only VB games that look interesting were Teleboxing and Wario Land
If all you want is powerful hardware, why don't you just build a PC?
Virtual Boy, Wii U and Switch are all worse.
>extreme casualization
Actually, the SNES era just realized that games shouldn't be designed with lives and continues like an arcade machine as the only reason that came about was to gobble up more of your quarters.
Also, most of the NES library is shit.
>I'm a no-skill babby that needs my hand held
When has there ever been a good nintendo console?
key words: not particuarly good, but not bad
Most of them control well and do exactly as they’re supposed to, they’re just boring. Only few are genuinely bad
OP said worst, not objective best
Why, you did perfectly.
what the fuck where they thinking with this
Nintendo 64, no doubt about it.
>ad hominem attacks
Son, the consumers ruined vidoegames by supporting garbage games and bad practices. Which is something I addressed in my post. I haven't ever bought a PS3/ps4 or any xbox so your petty attack doesn't even work.
Regardless of what you think or how special snowflake you think Nintendo should be they HAVE to keep up to some kind of industry standard of console power. I wouldn't expect a tech illiterate like you to understand that you cant make games work on Nintendo's potatos without extreme sacrifices to the game, even to the point of the engine simply not being able to run because of poor hardware.
Because it's not about powerful hardware, it's about them keeping up to industry standards. It doesn't have to be the most powerful console. You at least regardless of the snowflake position you're trying to play HAVE to keep up with a low end spectrum of playability. Look at nuDoom switch version by example. Not only does it dumb down lighting, textures, enemy counts (very slightly in heavier running areas of the game), it also runs at ((((SILKY SMOOTH 30FPS)))), something Nintendo shat on in the last generation in their marketing.
Both of You didn't at least TRY TO have reading comprehension for the picture did you? Both of you probably just said "FUCK THIS NOT READING BECAUSE I DONT AGREE WITH IT" and dismissed it.
This is why I don't argue with nintendo's modern fanbase anymore, they're all damage controlling morons.
>still complaining about lives/continues
The point is to git gud so you won’t lose lives/have to restart. The same way you’d get good at arcade games so you wouldn’t have to pay more quarters
>Oh no, someone pointed out I was wrong! Bring out the memes and ad hominems
Sturdy model with no 3D for kids.
Can't, won't.
I have beaten Ghouls n Ghosts. You aren't even on my radar, faggot.
Cheapest way to make the most money
N64, especially coming off the SNES
gamecube is better than n64
Seriously the n64 fucking sucks if you try and play those games now, the only games that hold up are Mario 64 and the two Zeldas and even the Zeldas run at about 20fps and are the absolute worst way to play those games.
>if we use one screen, remove the autostereoscopy, and jam it into a wedge of plastic, we can sell them for 200 bucks despite them costing us piss-all
>bad practices
You mean like pushing for """industry standard hardware""" which inflates budgets beyond all reason and kills studios?
>pfft, N64 sucks, it just has the better entries of the two franchises anyone buys Nintendo systems for
The gamecube is OBJECTIVELY the most patrician nintendo system. It was the one time where they actively tried to court third parties (instead of just having them publish games for them because they were the best option and treating them like peasants) without having an embarasing lack of third party games like the n64 and every thing after the gamecube.
It was the one time nintendo tried to actually innovate with their series, before and after just rehashing the same games endlessly
It was the last time nintendo had any kind of hardware/graphical advantage over it's competition.
It's an absolute shame that the ps2 traumatized them into quitting and pandering instead towards braindead fanboys and actual children or elderly that never played games before
The only thing you pointed out was how much of a bitch you are. Games used to demand that you fucking get good instead of blaming the game for your inadequacies.
Good for you. Ghosts and Goblins was one of the very few franchises that didn't get casualized in the jump to 16-bits. Contra was another. Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, Mega Man, etc. all got casualized.
Also, the original post was about Nintendo's SNES offerings, not Capcom's.
No it's the best. In term of quality 3d games no other Nintendo console can compete.
Yes it does suck, as I said it has 1.5 good games because the Zelda games are 100% better on 3ds
world's tiniest screen
these would be all right, but I can't believe they don't support WPA2 connections
who the hell is going to change their internet security to play an $80 toy
Well, I just think the SNES has plenty of challenging vidya. Demon's Crest, ActRaiser etc.
It's not even remotely casual compared to today's game. Trying getting some CoD fag to play Super R-Type. They'd cry for mommy within minutes.
bing bing wahoo
>Resident evil 4
>Luigi's mansion
>Super Mario Sunshine
>Paper mario
>Eternal Darkness
>RE remake and zero
>Super Monkey ball
I disagree OP, it was pretty good.
The PS2 is pretty much what forced them to release their consoles before Sony and Microsoft.
The GC just got really unlucky with who it was going up against in its time.
SNES > Gamecube > NES > Wii > Wii U > N64
but the DS is the best nintendo console in general :^)
>because the Zelda games are 100% better on 3ds
I love interacting with GC toddlers, they always spout the dumbest shit. Next he'll tell me WW wasn't ass.
Ocarina of time is the best Nintendo ga-
WPA2's been cracked wide open, you should change anyway.
N64 is better than the NES but other than that, perfect
Of course SNES games are hard compared to games nowadays, they are casual compared to most NES games.
R-Type III is better than Super.
Explain to me how the N64 games are any better when they run at a lower frame rate than a movie
If you were unlucky enough to be EU, you were playing games that ran at 16fps.
WW is ass and Sunshine is significantly worse than SM64. The gamecube is still better than the N64 on account of having more than 3 games.
...Nope, you're spot on man.
Gradius is a better series than R-Type
I don't get why ninteniggers defends a lot this trash shovelware console.
on opposite day
Of course not. That's SM64.
Let's count:
because Mario galaxy was the best game of the 7th generation
Agreed, but R-Type III is still better than Super R-Type.
You're alright, user. I'd play vidya with you.
This, I'm 27 and OOT/MM is my childhood game but they are much better on 3ds xl with their 30fps and improved gameplay.
Because Nintendo. Same goes with the burning trash-heap that's the Wii U library.
Your next line is going to be "Rare games are good".
Nu male faggot please go.
I have no clue what happened in this webm. Care to explain?
I'mma have to go with the Wii. This is totally subjective by the way. I mean, sure, it was a hit with the family market, but I'm not a family gamer. The only party game I played with friends was Warioware: Smooth Moves. That was actually a pretty good game.
Then we got the classics. The SMGs. Metroid Prime: Corruption, which I honestly feel is the weakest link. Smash Bros Brawl was honestly also weakest link in the series. My friends and I weren't ready to jump ship from melee until Smash 4. And desu, Skyward Sword kind of....sucked? You had to buy that stupid motion plus adapter just to play the fucking game. That said, Demise was a cool fight, and I liked the water temple aesthetic.
Besides that, it was a shit load of motion controls mii shovelware. All the games were innovative, yet too simplistic to actually take advantage of what we had here. And when it did, you get shit like Red Steel which was....well...
Take it as an opinion piece. I feel like actual gamers took a back seat to the casual crowd with this one.
>Fire Emblem
>Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2
>Metroid Prime
>Twin Snakes
>Luigi's Mansion
>Double Dash
>Baten Kaitos
>Tales of Symphonia
>Crystal Chronicles
>Twilight Princess
Oh but uh the N64 has uh...... shitty rare games!!! quest 64!
Define Rare games.
I made a video of me riding my motorbike. When someone complained about the quality, I compressed it even further, then scaled it up again.
That's not the webm I wanted to post though, I wanted to post one of me booting up Eternal Darkness that I made a few weeks ago.
>le Mario games
games made by rare
The only good rare game on n64 is conker's bad fur day
Im sure he means Goldeneye64, Banjo Kazooie (and sequel), DK64, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Diddy Kong Racing and Perfect Dark.
Oh, okay. You're retarded and their 3D platformers suck. Jet Force Gemini too.
Games made by Rareware ltd., you can exclude the ones made before the N64 came out if you want since they were actually good.
Hardcore gamers *did* take a back seat in the Wii generation. It worked out phenomenally for Nintendo and gave them the cash to blunder through the Wii U years to the Switch era, which honestly feels like a second golden age
i literally just agreed with you
>Fire Emblem
>Twin Snakes
>Double Dash
>Crystal Chronicles
>Twilight Princess
Come on man, no shitposting.
Oh, that's why it made no fucking sense. I even thought I was overlooking something important
18 years old newfags had a wii as their childhood console. They are now the majority of shitposters here.
path of radiance is better than anything on the n64 besides Majora's Mask and Mario 64
Conker is a platformer too, you dimwit. Besides, the good Rare games on N64 were DKR, Mickey Speedway USA, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.
I'm kinda bummed I can't find the ED webm so here's another bike webm.
The only shitpost on that list is twin snakes.
>Conker is a platformer too, you dimwit
there is like 3 bits where you platform in the entire game
>all these people saying Wii U
Wii Mini. Imagine a Wii, but without GC backwards compatibility, online, applications or mod support.
If you're willing to get your hands dirty, Wii U is the absolute best by virtue of being able to play everything but 3DS games. Even without mods, it's still passable in that it has basic features and a decent, albeit small library of its own along with having the Wii library.