Nintnedo is fighting with itself over GOTY honors

>Nintnedo is fighting with itself over GOTY honors
Who do you think deserves GOTY? Link or Mario?

I don't care, as long as it triggers Sonyyggers

The only correct answer

Mario desu

>kiddie nintendo shit as goty

lol, real goty coming through.

Kill yourself brownie.

Hahahahaha! What.

Let's face it, Horizon is a good game but it just isn't as fun as both of them, in fact I was playing MGSV and I thought it was waaaay better than Horizon for some reason.

The protag of Horizon is ugly as fuck and the only reason people get hooked on it is because the setting looks gorgeous. Not the gameplay. That's why I got hooked on MGSV instead, rather than Horizon.

And this,

Mario easily
Botw have the perfect gameplay/setting but the dungeons are garbage
Mario did learn about making more platforming

There have been a lot of Mario and Zelda games over the years. Finding it hard to care about either.

The real answer is PUBG just based on the number of people playing it.

It's been a year of 8s and 7s across the board.

To me, it's a tough call. From what I've played of Odyssey it's really fucking good, but I had sooo much fun with BoTW.

Thus far, BoTW is winning, but if Odyssey keeps the pace it's doing now it might overtake it.

I'm an idort, and I'm honestly regretting buying any other console this gen. Except PC. PCbros are always welcome by my fire.

PUBG is objectively GOTY whether you like it or not, nintenfats

Part of the fun is seeing how angry Sony gets. I swear X-bots and PC-fats really don't seem to care, but Sony-ggers are such an arrogant bunch, that there's a certain satisfaction to watching them seethe.

It'll be whatever came out most recently that everyone loves. The award means fuckall

Goty is probably gonna be either Mario or cuphead... Probably even a hat in time if it was more popular

what are the fellowship's heads supposed to be?

>a boring corridor shooter with weak gunplay
No thanks

They're both so good I don't know which to pick. Zelda kept me entertained for 160 hours, hopefully odyssey still be the same way.
it took me 6 hours to get all the moons on the desert world and I got completely addicted to the mechanics, so far so good.

I see blue pixels. I think they're supposed to be Sony fans.

A Hat in Time is an incredibly good niche-filler, but won't top Mario solely because Mario has 3 decades of games on his list.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the hell out of A Hat in Time, and am enjoying Odyssey too (although A Hat in Time is a little better thus far), but A Hat in Time won't win any GOTYs for political and historical reasons.

And that's sad, but that's the industry right now.

Nah Mario is fad nobody give a shit about Mario after 2 week release.

Yeah but who cares about GOTY awards given by the gaming press?


>Mario is fad
Don't delude yourself user.

I don't, and I like to think most people on Sup Forums don't, but a ton of normies do. And that's a majority of the game-buying audience these days. Sell to them and it doesn't matter what we think.

PUBG for doing somthing new

Really? Battle royal is a pretty god damn old concept matey.

>doing something new



wanna know how Sup Forums knows you're underaged?

Hahaha sony nigger hahaha

>Part of the fun is seeing how angry Sony gets

Yeah but the funner part is watching how desperate Nintenbros are to get Sonny mad.

Sonybros can't enjoy their console unless they can boast about how good it is

See this is what I mean. This weird passive aggressive anger for no reason except a machine you don't own gets a game you don't care about.

>but Sony-ggers are such an arrogant bunch, that there's a certain satisfaction to watching them seethe
I never got why a lot of Sonygggers pride themselves as REAL GAMERS when a lot of them refuse to own a Nintendo console out of principle.
Like the whole SMT5 thing? You got hordes of Sonyfanboys being salty, saying they're the real fans and that the first SMT HD game should be played on a more powerful console and one with 63 million users.
Apparently Nintendo was never JRPG land and because they played Nocturne ONCE they're the most hardcore fans of SMT now.

I want PUBG to win just to see the this place go into meltdown. It's not happening though.

>because they played Nocturne ONCE they're the most hardcore fans of SMT now

This. What's with the damn nocturne pandering. It is an ok game, not the best. SJ was way better desu.

my brother

Can't hear you over my GOTYssey gameplay

>one of the most iconic characters in existence
>not just a video game character

lol ok

Nobody talks Mario before Mario Odyssey. Deal with it nerd.

It's been a bad year for Sonyyggers, 2017.
>Horizon got overshadowed by Zelda despite heavy shilling
>Zelda gets a 97
>outselling PS4 more often than not in PS4's best selling year
>Splatoon is ruling Japan with an iron fist
>Sony has a shitty rehashed E3, the only new content being VR shovelware
>LA Noire, Skyrim, Payday, Wolfenstein, Doom are confirmed for Switch
>SMT 5 is confirmed to be Switch exclusive prompting many Sonyyggers who hyped themselves up for no reason to meltdown
>Mario gets a 97

Don't forget Sony going third party before Nintendo

That karmic intervention

>literally a 64/sunshine/galaxy/3D wurldo thread every day
>nobody talks about mario before odyssey
>nobody talks about most iconic character in existence before new game

you're not helping your case friend.


>Chinese killing simulator that runs worse than a free game

Sorry sweetie, maybe try again next year when it gets out of Early Access.

t. playing chinese children game with ps2 graphics

Why would I be triggered over reviewers having bad taste?

>delusional nintenyearsolds think their shitty kid games will win GOTY
lmao Pubg will win