Was Sup Forums wrong again? 5th highest rated new release this year

Was Sup Forums wrong again? 5th highest rated new release this year.

>Sup Forums
Sup Forums, my man. Sup Forums.



scores dont matter
wolfenstein will probably still be a good game though, and smo and botw are definitely the top two games of the year
no one thinks undertale or what remains of edith finch is even worthy of mention, and i dont think many people think p5 deserves goty

>Sup Forums
Funny way to spell Sup Forums

>What Remains Of Edith Finch

>97 Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch)
>96 Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U)

Newfag. Sup Forums hates every game and hates on everything. Just because it's political in nature doesn't mean every one shitting on it is from Sup Forums you fucking brainlet.

Thats not true you fucking faggot.

Back to your shithole

>critic reviews
wow it's fucking nothing

While you're correct that Sup Forums hates on every single recently released game and that Wolfenstein is no different, I feel safe in saying that the majority of the people shitposting Wolfenstein are Sup Forumstards.

ignore every political thing about this game and consider the following
it costs 60 dollars for a 5 hour campaign with a single input QTE for the final boss
all of the political marketing the game is pulling is to disguise this

there are fucking no good video games, I've been trying for about 4 months to find something to play. I enjoyed the Battlefront 2 demo, so I guess I'm going to but that, didn't play the first one but loved the originals. Also was hoping Six Ages would be coming out this year but they just delayed that. Its by the people who made King of Dragon Pass.

But seriously there are no good games anymore. I used to have games on backup for playing, now I have to wait for a good game to come out.

It's too late. Sup Forums, Sup Forums and a few other boards have been lost to the deluded crowd that obsessively follows what critics say because they need an authority to validate them.

Wow, people have been bombing Undertale's user score pretty hard, huh? Imagine still being so butthurt by a small indie game two years after its release.

BBC will kill the white race.

>ignore every political thing about this game and consider the following
>mentions the politics in the next sentence

Yes it is you fucking neoshit

Then you're a retard for assuming,

>Game that takes 2 minutes and 15 seconds to beat.
>Full of some of dat sweet sweet current politics.
>Implying modern journalists wouldn't fucking love this.
No multiplayer, no buy.

>valuing critic score over user score

the point

>User: 6.2