Why are there no good games based off of the American Civil War? It's such an underrepresented era in games.
Why are there no good games based off of the American Civil War? It's such an underrepresented era in games
I can already tell you this is going to devolve into a horrible thread
the south was wrong and i'm glad they lost
Daily reminder that Lincoln was going to send all the niggers back to Africa but some buttblasted hick had to shoot him and here we are
we gotta nice southern mansion with a nice cozy fire place and some good kentucky bourbon:
>Empire TW with that Civil War mod.
>Ultimate General: Civil War.
You got plenty of content with those two games.
Does not have international appeal
assasins creed 3 was irredeemable dogshit
not sure if b8 or just retarded
Why no game about the Chinese Civil War?
Why no game about the Russian Civil War?
Why no game about Desert Storm I and II?
Why no game about the 100 years war?
Why no game about the Ottoman Conquests of Europe?
Why no game about the Nigerian Civil War?
Yeah, there wouldn't have even been any forced emancipation and they just helped the niggers get free faster with their little tantrum.
>Sid Meier's Gettysburg!
>Scourge of War
>fucking slew of turn based wargames from various popular systems
get out Sup Forums fag you clearly don't want to talk about vidja
Civil War 2 by AGEOD
War of Rights looks promising
Yeah, the leaders who made us secede sure as shit were in the wrong. But I have empathy for the soldiers who fought, most were just defending their homes from an invading army.
there's that FPS coming out which looks kinda cool
So aesthetic for such a short war.
Pretty sure they used the same style uniforms for years after, at least in the Indian wars out west.
if you dont mind dealing with hordes of teenage reenactors that are the most annoying people you'll meet I think it will be fun
There are good games about it. You probably want muh first person shooter.
A Confederacy would only end up as a puppet state being propped up by European powers.
Reminder that the Confederates got on their knees and begged for help from European kings. In response, Lincoln said any nation that recognizes the Confederacy would have war declared on them.
>inb4 someone starts talking about how the war wasn't about slavery
If only we had listened
It's boring
>Lincoln was going to get rid of millions of new republican voters in the south.
Mount and Blade Warband Napoleonic Wars DLC. Get the civil war mod from the steam workshop and that should work out well.
No idea.
I also don't understand why there are so few Wild West games
There are a lot of eras that would be neat but I guess Producers/Publishers want to play safe.
What about that one History Channel Civil War FPS?
the war wasn't about slavery
Those were abhorrent
Before the thread delves into the very depths of oblivion, post the best WAR movies about the Civil War you got. Something à la Waterloo 1970 (also, I already watched Glory).
I'd love to play it but any game with the civil war is bound to be filled with revisionism and le ebil evil south.
That hick was the most famous actor in America at the time.
Gettysburg is the only answer
Most blacks in south weren't voters as they couldn't afford to pay poll taxes, own property or pass illiteracy test.
Don't expect libtards to know anything about actual history.
an RTS is the most perfect way to represent that time, nobody wants to play as a soldier with one rifle that have a long reload until next shot and the gun is innacurate as fuck.
Came into this thread to post this. This game was unironically my childhood.
Incorrect, my sir.
I think that's a totally fair assessment, and I agree to an extent. Most of them were just normal people, like how most of the Northern soldiers didn't give a shit about slavery.
That said, I'm totally ok with tearing down every statue that isn't to the soldiers or Robert E Lee. No one should be commemorating Nathaniel Bedford Forrest or Stonewall Autism.
Russian civil war is the only one that would fit I to Vidya accurately. Imagine a snowy New Vegas/ Stalker hybrid
>guy expresses sadness that he didn't send the niggers back
>lmao he's a libtard
You're a retarded faggot
He was nominated by the Republican party because they needed a candidate who could win without a single southern vote.
>opening of Cold Mountain
>ken burns docu
>Gods and Generals
>gone with the wind
seems like you must be 18 years or older to post here
>Why no game about the Russian Civil War?
Battlefield 1.
It's pretty good.
Alright, I'm gonna watch Gettysburg and then play some Liquoria 2.
To be fair Forreat quit the KKK as soon as the first innocent family was killed. But he was a genius and he was the only thing that really kept Sherman from getting through Georgia so quickly.
t. History major
>machine gunning Bolsheviks on Tsaritsyn while shouting to my party with a thick Russian accent
There is no greater joy.
renaissance era wars only make for boring niche historical sims
you cant make fps games with guns that fire 1 round a minute
he's still the only one i know of from the era
Civil War buff here. Ultimate General: Civil War is great and to a smaller extent so is Ultimate General: Gettysburg. They're basically just modern renditions of Sid Meier's Gettysburg and Sid Meier's Antietam.
The Gods and Generals PC game sucked dick. I really hope that War of Rights turns out to be fun, but I doubt it. The Civil War is my favorite historical topic, but outside of strategy it's not well suited for vidya unfortunately.
Mentioning North and South for posterity.
Thanks my white nig.
>tfw the largest battle in the western hemisphere was because of muh shoes
Actually his brother Edwin was much more well known and well liked. John was still kind of famous but he always lived in his brother's shadow.
After the Haitian Genocide, Lincoln realized that blacks are Genocidal savages who are more trouble than they're worth.
>Why no game about Desert Storm I and II?
>Why no game about the Ottoman Conquests of Europe?
they exist
the rest would just be genocide simulators
Then I guess it's best you make your exit?
>kept Sherman from getting through Georgia so quickly.
so he was the reason that georgia had a slow burning death
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Already watched.
What exactly would you want? A Total War-style game with only 2 factions? (I bet there's a mod already) A musket-based FPS? The answer why there are so few ACW games seems obvious...
The first 30-45 minutes of Cold Mountain are the most kino depiction of a Civil War battle ever. Glory did an alright job, but fuck, I just want at least one more movie with a brutal as fuck battle scene like the one from the Crater scene in CM.
Good arguments
>Tfw you see a southern town not burned to the ground.
Fuck off fag, that era in time is best represented by grand strategy and wargames.
And I see some worthless nigger has never played M&B mods
>You will never lead an infantry brigade of the XII Corps out of the East Woods and push North Carolinians out from around the Dunker Church and into the West Woods
Why live?
Here's a funny joke.
In the popular southern song Dixie Land, the chorus refrains "Look away, look away, look away!" Ever wonder why that is?
It's what southern mothers would cry to their children as Sherman's men burned their plantations and shot their fathers.
>he would actually want to take place in a battle that's as buckets-of-blood insane as Antietam
>Ottoman Conquests of Europe
>not genocide simulators
Oh fuck sounds great.
I honestly don't know why there isn't more gunpowder movies, with how easy it is to make compared to more modern wars like WW2.
>Why no game about the Chinese Civil War?
>Why no game about the Russian Civil War?
Revolution Under Siege
>Why no game about Desert Storm I and II?
There are plenty
>Why no game about the 100 years war?
I'm not aware of any specifically about it but there are plenty that include it.
>Why no game about the Ottoman Conquests of Europe?
Several wargames include this
>Why no game about the Nigerian Civil War?
Who gives a shit
When they told Sherman to send a message did they expect him to go full RIP AND TEAR?
Another one the anons haven't mentioned yet that sort of fits is Dances With Wolves. The ACW stuff is only in the first 15 minutes or so, but it's a great flick overall regardless.
True, but people don't remember that part of it.
If you were to put up a statue of him, it would be bullet pointed with "Great Confederate General" and "Popularized the Klan".
He made a complete 180 after and very much wanted to remove racial tensions in the South, sure, but that's not what people remember. When statues are built of him, it's not because he was one of the most brilliant tactical minds of the war. It's because they want to memorialize him as a beacon of what they believe the Confederacy stood for.
That said, I should clarify that I was not a fan of Confederate monuments, but I had no interest in tearing them down until I saw fucking Nazis (or at the very least, people chanting Nazi slogans) protesting their removal in Charlottesville.
Poll taxes and general Jim Crow started after Lincoln was shot in Johnson's half-assed reconstruction.
Theres a story behind that picture. Those are dead members of Starke's Louisiana brigade that got caught in a cross fire from the Iron Brigade. The 7th Wisconsin got behind them in the woods and the 2nd Wisconsin was on the OPPOSITE railline of that fence. They didnt have a chance.
Oh yeah already watched it, really beautiful movie, also really liked Kevin Costner in it.
That's a pretty good sign of how low the country has sunk. When it's up to the nazis to defend the historical monuments of it from being torn down by ignorant zealots and not regular people concerned with preserving their heritage.
""""historical monuments"""" put up whenever white people started to feel like the blacks were getting too uppity, against the explicit wishes of the father of the confederacy.
>Have extremely uncommon surname
>Know your ancestor owned a slave plantation in South Carolina and fought for the CSA
>Go to college
>Guy in next-door dorm has same last name as me
>He's black
>"Haha we might be related or something!"
>He immediately realizes we're likely related because my family owned his family
>Have to spend entire year feeling his icy stare of resentment
>historical monuments of it from being torn down by ignorant zealots and not regular people concerned with preserving their heritage.
the monuments went up during jim crowe and civil rights
Daily reminder that slavery was literally allowed under the USA government later than it was under the CSA government.
that kind of warfare isn't very popular
Also friendly reminder that the civil war should be called the slaveholder's revolt.
I read a whole book on Antietam, and that battle was full of insane shit. there were so many ridgelines in the battlefield layout where both sides had killer defensive positions for their artillery, and they basically just took turns going back and forth and getting massacred by canister shot. Some people described the men on both sides as having entered some sort of "combat high" where they became savages and flung themselves headlong into the fight not giving a shit about their safety. And there was the famous description of the landscape itself having come to life, wriggled, and turned red from all the wounded littering the fields. Bad fucking place to be.
>The Civil War where the first full-fledged modern war changed the aspect of war
The Civil War, where Ironclads duking it out, made European powers realize that their military is obsolete compared to America
>the monuments aren't legit because I don't like those that built them
what the fuck was the deal with the zouaves anyway? why did they decide to larp as Arabs?
kinda like the Stalin, Lenin, and Hussein statues right?
>the monuments went up after the war
no way!
Most were built as the veterans of the war started dying of old age in the early 1900s.
so now you love Lee?
Wrong, all of the ones in New Orleans were put up at the turn of the century.