There is no political bias in games journalism

There is no political bias in games journalism.

Good to know

>I don't like nazism


>gives a bad game a high rating because it matches her political ideas


So if an alt right Sup Forumsyard gave it a low score because it mocks their ideas would you be fine with that?
Or is the street one way

>Nazis are good

>making the nazis the bad guys is apparently worthy of praise as if it's never been done before


>literally supporting communism
>no political bias
Fuck (((Wolfenstein))) and fuck you.

>Commies are good

still dont get this fetishization of killing nazis

Reminder that if you voted for Trump or Brexit you are a literal Nazi.

No, because games shouldn't fucking be judged on politics. If a commie gives it a 9/10 and a nazi gives it a 2/10, both because of politics, then they're both fucking wrong, because games are not and should never be political unless you're selling it directly to one political party as some kind of internal entertainment thing. This is a widespread AAA publication that is selling this literal political game to people and has reviewers giving it good scores because of its politics. It's wrong. Compare this one to The New Order, which got a high rating, but its "Pros" section doesn't mention Nazis or politics at all, then look at this shit where apparently hating Nazis is a huge selling point and you should buy it because ITS 2017 PUNCH A NAZI.

There is no political bias in games development.


Trump caused a psychotic break. They were going to organize a "Scream Helplessly at the Sky" march for goodness sakes.

If The Left are weak sissy pansy men and they can beat up The Right how weak are the Right?

There is no angle you could possibly come from that will make me think that anyone should be against shooting LITERAL NAZIS in a videogame.

We had a REAL war about this, it was a grand old time and most people were against them, including the communists.

Ever since January people have been wanting to LARP as underdog freedom fighters, which is why they've been hyping up the whole 'Nazi uprising' going on to be way more of a thing than it actually is so they can feel more important by going against it. The setting in TNC is a fucking dream come true for them.

Wasn't Wolfenstein New Colossus by a Swedish dev team?

There's literally nothing wrong with disliking Nazis

reads like a movie review. neat.

>if 30 antifa faggots can chase 1 person down and leave them bloodied, obviously the right are weak

You misunderstand. Liberals act tough in heavily blue cities. But you haven't seen any antifa/blm/etc. marches in Deep Red areas, have you? Because they're not completely retarded and know we will lynch every last one of them.

It's less about killing Nazis and more of a fetishization of "virtuosity". It's a power fantasy about wanting to be the ultimate good guy.

Me on the other hand I'll shoot, fight, or maim anything in a video game I just like violence. Especially if I can fuck up cute girls.

Because they gang up to where it's 15 vs. 1 and think they're brave and courageous.

There is no angle you could possibly come from that will make me think that anyone should be for communists. Commies are worse than Nazis because they seek to destroy you from within.

Sup Forums told me the left are all blue haired gender dysphoric effeminate cuckholds, so what does that make their physical victims?

>old wolfensteins never had this issue
>all ww2 cod games never has this issue
>no moh games had this issue
>red orchestra 1/2 didn't have this issue
All games where you kill Nazi's and you feel good doing it.
How the actual fuck did they make it so killing Nazis no longer feels good? The amount of political bullshit being shoved down our throats in the year of our Lord 2017 actually made it not feel good to kill Nazis. it's honestly amazing they managed to do that.

it's because nobody cares what happens in your flyover state

Killing Nazis is boring and has been done to death. I would like to see a game that glorifies the Nazis and makes you want to BE a Nazi. That would be unique and refreshing.

Because people act like Nazism is the worst and most hateful thing ever, yet pretend Communism is any better and is somehow a superior ideology.

Stalin's regime alone killed over 4 times as many innocent people as Hitler's, yet people pretend only one of these two ideologies is evil.

heavy handed liberal bullshit ruined it all

>Disliking the cancerous ideology that is nazism is being an sjw
Kill yourself. All nazi sympathizers should be buried alive.


Well, America made a Nazi a president. Guess they didn't realize that Nazis are bad so yes, it is worthy of praise when half of your country are fascist Nazi pigs

I think it's because in those games killing Nazis was never the only point. The games had Nazis as enemies because they were WW2 games where you played as the Allies. Hell, even RO2 had a German campaign. The point of the games was to have fun, and Nazis just happened to be enemies.

The New Colossal Shit instead makes killing Nazis the point with its LEL PUNCH A NAZI XD memes and obvious political baiting.

it's because evil has nothing to do with killing people, genius

Because they sucker punch and/or gang up on people

why does Sup Forums care about paid reviews?

People who're consistently butthurt and shitpost on Sup Forums about a videogame.

I think this was unironically staged by Trump as 4d chess. Apparently Trump's bro is behind the marketing of Wolfenstein 2. My theory is that Trump told his bro to make this political and is counting on his supporters to go fucking NUCLEAR the way they did after gamergate, causing the whole KEK movement which united Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and cripplechan.

Because it's not about killing Nazis anymore, it's about killing a manifestation of the current right wing.

>hitler's regime was evil because it killed people
>stalin's regime wasn't evil because while it killed people that's not what makes something evil

Fascists get bashes lol

>ideology that directly argues for the elimination of inferior races and the creation of a white ethno-state
>ideology that doesn't

>Entertainment journalism.
>Faggots on Sup Forums Sup Forums mad that entertainment journalism requires opinions.
>Instead of finding or creating their own outlets, they go to known "ES-JAY-DOUBLE-YOU" sites and get ass mad.

They care now.

killing virtual people is always cathartic no matter what they are. that's why people love boomheadshot genre so much. PUBG is top seller on Steam, do people pretend it's for the compelling storyline? (there isn't one.) No it's because people like to shoot other people and then teabag them.

there is nothing wrong with National-Socialism

Communism vs Fascism is city kids screaming at one another.
You're like children looking for an excuse to hurt other people, fuck off with that shit, fucking degenerate college daycare white girl mother fuckers.
White girls are so fucked in the head that they want to kill people, we know. Its the same reason why 90% of Yandere Sim fans are teenage girls.

butthurt nintenbabbies
>Mario game gets good reviews
>Wolfenstein gets good reviews

they're like children. Go back to your baby toys and let the men discuss the real games, okay?

Who cares about the fucking ideology, the outcome of millions of deaths is more important.

There's actually nothing wrong with liking Nazis if you're white. They just wanted a pure world with good people and wanted to rid the world of the problematic races and degenerates. What's wrong with that if you're white? We wouldn't have rampant crime like we do now, we wouldn't have the amount of rape and murder we have now, people would be hard working and there would be an emphasis on science and technology and people would be able to go to school to teach their fellow humankind. Really, the Nazis were in the right of way and thanks to them losing we now have this shithole of a world that's going to start a WW3 that will end it all soon.
Communism is inherently evil for everybody of every race.

being racist isn't a political side


>Go back to your baby toys and let the men discuss the real games, okay?
But no one on Sup Forums plays Mars Matrix

>fascist gets what they rightfully deserve

What the fuck is wrong with these libtards always overreacting about trump? He's not great but he's done literally nothing but make dumb tweets on Twitter. They're acting like he's already setting up death camps

Ebin speech bro, you should drop the anonymity and go out into public and say that

>When you finally meet "snowflakes" you want "holocausted" on the street.
LOL! I've never seen a more precious collection of imagery. Thank you, Sup Forums.

Hitler's regime wasn't evil because it killed people, and no one is making that argument. It wasn't the reason for going to war against the axis, and it wasn't part of propaganda at the time

If you want a white homeland then move to Iceland or Denmark.

>ideology that calls for the death of inferior people
>ideology that calls for the death of 2/3 of all social classes

Is Nazism or Wahabi Islam worse

If you don't buy this, videogames will die, Sup Forums.

Save videogames. Be the hero.


Hurting my feelings is equivalent to being in a concentration camp.

You guys getting so triggered over this shit helps the libtards arguments...

>we dont like nazism we just dont like politics in games i swear bro

because nazism, like communism, is an ideology

>if they were on the side of the nazi's Sup Forums would be parading
>one of us!
>ahahahah fucking sjw's btfo
go back to

samfagging gaftard left never wins


Oh well in that case I love Nazis because that was the only thing I personally had against them. Meanwhile communists I have a lot against.