Bin Laden had a copy of Final Fantasy 7 on his computer

>Bin Laden had a copy of Final Fantasy 7 on his computer

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was bin laden autistic

does this mean Square was involved in 9/11

> Resident Evil
Bin Laden was pretty cool

I bet Barret was his role model

>le bin laden was involved with 9/11 may may
why are americans so stupid lads?


When the works of the Great Western Satan are just too tempting...

Im more interestted in what kind of porn he was jerking it to

nice taste

Who do you think he played first in RE: Jill or Chris?

>tell me what porn do you jerk off to and I will tell who you are

Wonder if his waifu was Aeris or Tifa. Or maybe he was a Yuffie guy.

More interested in what he was thinking with Resident Evil.

>someone who hates america consumed a shitload of american media
Why tho i thought he was super hardcore

>framed by the US government for being a Muslim
>just wanted to hide and play video games

Fuck the USA. 4th of November can't come soon enough.

I wonder which Golden Saucer date he got.

>dune coons are subhumans with shit taste

>biography of himself

What if it was the Resident Evil movie?

>Had multiple documentaries about himself
That's pretty autistic, that's like going on Sup Forums archives and looking at your old posts and looking at the replies they got from them.

Couldn't find the tweet. Any other sauce on this info?
Here you go user.

>You will never be chilling with your wives laughing at Morgan Spurlock making a fool of himself

>Where in the world is Osama bin Laden

>where in the world is osaba bin laden

>Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
>Chicken fucking Little

you wouldn't watch a documentary about yourself?

He was a NEET after all.

He was so upset about Aeris he had to kill thousands. The world wasn't ready for Punished Osama. Square has blood on their hands

His taste in Disney movies truly was too shit for this world.

>no fun allowed

the same reason why Sup Forums pretends to hate the degenerate west or why hitler was a disney fan

He had a lot of kids I think

>implying my ego is that huge

Disney was a jew hater neonazi, no wonder Hitler would like him.

>multiple biographies
Chicken Little doesn't count user

Just like every yuro ever!

>Not VI


Why even live?

>waah those innocent muslims that kill dozens of people each week

>be playing FF7
>think to yourself that maybe western and eastern cultures can co-exist
>Americans insist on calling her Aeris when the correct translation is Aerith
>order a fatwa on the nonbelievers

wow, it all makes sense now

If some nigger made a documentary about me, I'd probably want to see it too. Even if it just listed my most shameful faps, I would want to make sure it was accurate.



This is how you get redpilled about (((america))) tho.

>Yes, we would like to update our report with a correction. It is NOT true that user faps to cartoon furry tigers. It was an ocelot.

>wait all these year to reveal this.
>didn't even show him, just "threw him in the ocean" or something like that
Literally fake news

it has milla jovovich tiddies so that's still ok

>Osama liked Final Fantasy VII
>a game where you start out blowing shit up with a group of friends
Seems legit

Ocelots are proud creatures.

Fascist faggot

>most wanted person in the world
>only watch or read stuff about yourself

Is this the real goal of life?


>We have no proof
>He could be alive somewhere
>he was an operative/scapegoat for our 9/11 falseflag operation
Wake up sheeple

Hey, now, Antz was pretty good.

Sorry for being blind, thank's user.

yeah man thats totally real.
they totally cached big bad laden after he totally did 9/11.
fuck yeah and he even consumed american media as well heall yeah brother praise america.

Where in the world is osama bin laden
Chicken fucking little
BBC great wildlife documentary and NG ones
Final fantasy 7

Is this a deeper look into the madman or is this just fucking with us, I cant believe this.

>You're playing FF7 when this guy breaks in
wat do?


Fuck off.

>implying he ever even existed
He was just a boogeyman and someone for people to channel their anger from 9/11 into.

Devil's in the details.
Actually Snorkmaiden from Moomin. The hamster girl from Hamtaro a close second.

he had antz because he was living in tunnels. lol

>9/11 was literally modeled after the opening of FF7 where you terrorist bomb the reactor

When will Square-Enix give their apology? Blood is on their hands.

what a manlet
he's barely taller than the door handle

My memory is pretty shitty, but didn't Moot play this song on Sup Forums when Bin Laden was killed?

do you think he beat emerald and ruby weapon?


why do you fucking sheep still believe bin laden was a real person?

And they still haven't even found his anime folder.

>ignore him
>he shoots like a brute
>bullets penetrate my afterimage
>i'm behind him now
>slice him to ribbons with my swordt techniche
>turn around and sheathe katana

>no Catch Me If You Can (2002)

Why aren't they describing the pornography?

It's...... not anything like that at all.

I wonder if he tried crashing the Highwind into the Ultima Weapon and was surprised when it led to a random battle.

Resident Evil is from Japan, dummy

m*slims aren't allowed to view pornography. If they talked about it that would sully his good name.

What tiddies? Shes flat as a door.

>Where in the World is Osama bin Laden

I had a good laugh when I got to it

every time some retarded yuro or spic or australian is obsessed with americans and goes "look how dumb they are" or "man i hate their president" or anything like that, they're being just like osama.
everybody knows about america, everybody talks about america. everybody buys the stuff we make, and uses our inventions to talk shit about us in the language we speak. america really is the center of the world: number 1.

Wait what? Gotham Knight wasn’t out when he was alive.


her nipples alone make her tits huge

>Gotham Knight released in 2008
>Bin Laden killed in 2011

I see, thanks. I was trying to remember if the "AMERICA FUCK YEAH" music on Sup Forums was from Bin Laden's death, or that Mars Land Rover thing from 2012.

Maybe I’m thinking of Arkham Knight

Man, I'm posting this in the next Friday night thread.

Current leftist media won't publish his favorites Camelfucker and Camelfucker 2:Hump harder
due to it being ''racist'' to mussies

wait is this real or all a meme

Absolutely obsessed

This, he's a character, not a person.

Oh man, you'd be amazed about the background for many of these fags. It's been mentioned a billion times but Osama and US were pals for a time and it was mutual like for a short time.

>for a short time.

Suuuure. He "went rogue".

Shockingly bad taste. He literally didn't have a SINGLE good movie downloaded.

>material used to torture captured US soldiers

>Where in the world is Osama Bin Laden
Did he laugh at the deductions people made?

>and uses our inventions
>our inventions
you mean the inventions of the european migrants and scientists that only work in america

maybe the computer was stolen and had that stuff final fantasy and these kids movies previously on it?


didn't he also have a copy of broodwar??