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Video Games #3954
Video Games
The game looks great and all but the voice acting is fucking terrible, what the fuck...
WoW Expansion
Magnum Opus
So... as someone who went from being my master to my boyfriend, do you have any requests for me? I’ll obey them...
Official Blizzcon Hype/Antihype Megathread!
Games that are 0/10
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
Rank em
The best video game composer of all time
Xbox one is trash
This is Seraphina, the best Disgaea girl. Say something nice about her
S-stay back! One wrong move and I'll do it I'm not playing around
Sell like shit in Japan
Boom, big reveal
Violent thugs and drug addicts living in filth and squalor
Metroid: Samus Returns BOMBED
Spends way too much on music
Cuphead is getting a semi-physical release with art cell
ITT: Post Functional Vidya Mirrors
Is there any other game as comfy as VA11 HALL-A?
Switch has 2 games
Why amano make his characters so thicc?
One copy of Persona 5 please
Dude let's not only make the memory cards really expensive so that most people will deal with very little space...
What does Sup Forums think about Mega Man X5?
First game is 8/10
Why is this game so fucking easy?
Who even plays this shit?
Next Assassin's Creed
.hack thread
Any other series where the designs are becoming worse?
Well Sup Forums is superbly shit at the moment with mods not doing their jobs, how about an Elder Scrolls thread?
Indie game suggestions
It sounds like the target audience is kids and not manchildren
Game is shit but has cute/lewd anime girls
Post your
For fucks sake
"Villains" who did nothing wrong thread
Xenoblade footage in 2 min
Decided to give STALKER a go because of all the threads...
1-Unity tier graphics
Mom! Mom! Why is that adult man playing videogames? Creepy hahaha
Dragon Ball FighterZ
This is a nep
Why do there seem to be no Chinese video games except knockoffs of American multiplayer ones?
He still doesn't own a 1080
Games only you played
Are you ever going to acknowledge how big of a shitshow Xbox One/ X currently is?
What is it about modern Street Fighter that attracts so many transgender players on its pro level?
Werewolf from "safe princess threads" decided to be a merchant
This is Teemo, the swift scout!
White: check
At least Nintendo remembered
What was the point of appeal of this character?
What does mana taste like?
Just ordered this. What can I expect?
What's a good game where I can choose from a diverse set of characters?
What happened to Etika?
Look mom! I posted about that game that only shills like!
The side-scrolling action adventure game from Nintendo - Metroid: Samus Returns - sold 185...
Becoming a Streamer
Have you ever fallen in love with a girl from a videogame?
Super Mario Odyssey is a 6/10 game
Tails Gets Trolled Part 2.5
Why is this so good? I've beaten Phalanx, Tower Knight (which made me shit myself)...
Name a more edgy character
What mice are Sup Forums approved for vidya?
What does Sup Forums think about CIV IV?
Why did Sony stop making good games Sup Forums?
What is Sup Forums's essential comfycore?
Why do game journalists have to make a big deal out of shit like this...
Tails Gets Trolled Part 2
Voting Gauntlet coming up. Who are you supporting? Hard choice between Amelia and Shanna for me
Black Friday vidya
It's real
What went so, so right ?
Just 10 more days to BATTLEFRONT 2
The great debate
This is a Prinny. Say something nice about him
Can someone explain this shit to me!
Razer phone is 120Hz, targeting 120fps gaming
What went so fucking right?
Just started pic related
Best cheapish gaming laptop? Nothing mental...
Name one thing that you loved about games, gaming or gaming culture that is not a thing anymore and is never going back
Assassin's Creed Origins - 1.03 Patch Notes
What does Sup Forums upgrade first?
Why are you locked in the bathroom?
How can Nintendo stop PC users from pirating their games...
Why 3D beat'em all never managed to be as good as 2D beat'em all?
Will they ever be stopped?
Mario games always sell well and get high scores
Was Half-Life 2 just a glorified tech demo?
GPU at 50% usage
Capcom & the Switch
He doesn't like dbz budokai tenkaichi 3
Hold me Sup Forums
Action rpg is such a shitty gen-
Razer out of no where just killed the iPhone
What exactly went wrong?
Opus Magnum
Was he /ourguy/?
Remind me why everyone shit on this game again?
Tree x tree bread
Gaming purchases you regret:
Game of the Year 2017
Is there anyway to fix the Star Fox franchise at this point?
FFXIV Stormblood
Your opinion on Seiken Densetsu 3?
Tfw Bin Laden was an anime fan and played vidya
You are working on that game, right?
Why are manuals not a thing anymore?
Monster hunter world news
ITT: prove you're an old gamer
Admit it, it's Game of the Year
What do you hope to see from Nintendo in 2018?
What am I in for?
Difficulty in games
King of Fighters thread
What exactly is wrong with soul memory?
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you care about spoilers? If someone gives away a major plot twist to a game...
Cant wait for the inevitable buyout of nintendo by micrsoft. any day now
Post webms of your fav Heat Actions/QTE
Borders reworked
Underrated games
Why can't you guys just enjoy video games? why are you so mad?
Jesus, what a flop
What games let me get MAD AS FUCK?
When does this game get scary?
Please choose your charater's gender
Was it good?
Well Sup Forums, was it too violent?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
No webm thread?
Playing multiplayer game
What went wrong?
Will there ever be a good 3D Castlevania game?
Steam is better than the GoG
Post your mains
The perfect Paper Mario sequel finally gets made
Have you ever been sad that a video game character isn’t real?
Wolfenstein absolutly btfo by based Ardian Chmielarz (dev who make e.g. Bulletstorm or Ethan Carter)
Retailers already selling it 40% off
What are the best 'goods based economy' games?
Are SSDs really worth it for gaming? From what I hear...
Just as jewish as EA/Activision
Would you play a pokemon game with ghost stories written by Ito?
Friendly reminder about the fact that improving your health will improve your video game performance
Top five Mario Odyssesy Kingdoms
Darksiders I & II
What do you think Sonic Team after this? Will later games also have character creators?
What lead to the relative success of Doki Doki Literature Club (2017)?
How will they fuck it up?
ITT: Moments when you went OHFUCK
Why are some games where I can play an actually evil character?
Xbox One X
What upcoming game release are you exited for?
Pack it up guys DRM has no consequences on cpu
Choose your costume!!
This is Nintendo HQ in Kyoto
Show me your receipt for at least 3 copies of Skyrim, untermensch
Shit no one likes but devs keep doing anyway
Meanwhile, at Sup Forums pub
How are you enjoying the new Game Fuel?
They actually expect you to buy the physical DLC on top of the downloadable DLC
This game effected me on an emotional level
Deluxe edition worth it for $40?
Just finished this and I cant believe it. All of you morons talking about how insanely difficult this game is...
The steam community? It's faggot shit
Will Sup Forums buy le Razer Phone
Make RTS great again
Atmosphere is the most important quality a game can have
Story games are shit
Tell me about this
There's never an option to call her out on her manipulating geralt
Danganronpa Producer Yuichiro Saito Leaves Spike Chunsoft
Sojiro was such a huge downgrade from Dojima
Tails Gets Trolled
Come to think of it, Manhunt endorses and encourages brutal murders. what kind of people made this game?
Thoughts on Samus?
I play it because it's comfy
This games combat system makes no fucking sense it's shit and i hate it
It seems like every boy in the UK buys the latest game from this stale franchise...
We're supposed to hate this guy for being a bad father...
Super Mario Odyssey
Which console has the least jewish online sub?
Shitposting aside, you have to admit this has been a pretty impressive comeback for Nintendo after the Wii U dark age
When did Giant Bomb lose its way?
What is the best outfit and why is it Samurai?
Is JRPG the single most brainlet genre of all time...
Is your profession represented in a video game?
Skyrim has been rereleased nonstop for almost 7 years now
Grand Strategy
Give me 400 macca
Srly, i tried Tales of Berseria yesterday, but aside combat the game is goddawful...
Steam friend pops online
If this game came out any other year this decade, it would be GOTY
Post a screenshot that you've taken in this thread
LA Noire will require a 14 gig patch on day one for Switch
1 more day until the GOAT fps is released
Gimme an herb, man
Would she have married Mario if Bowser didn't get in the way?
Would you play a pokemon game with mons made by Junji Ito?
Nier Automata
Shit I just realized, is that the Statue of Liberty on the left...
Nintendo Switch in 2018
What happened to all the "unique"* games we had like 10-20 years ago? Are those the current indie games?
This game is actually good
Are you ready for Blizzard to save gaming once again, Sup Forums?
Do you ever use the walk function in games? not the default run, the walk
This is a train. Say something nice about it
Is this great?
Feeding my rabbit and saw this in the corner of my eye
Really makes you think
Assassin's Creed Origins Metacritic Flooded With Fake Positive User Reviews
Gaming Phone
What was her problem?
Has he already peaked? Or is he still on the rise?
Are Type-Moon VNs worth it?
Choose your team & class
ITT: Games that you feel regret for buying or playing
GOTY 2017
Yfw you desperately try to convince your friend to buy a game
One simple patch to fix all nay sayers about odysssey difficulty; loose all coins unless you get back to where you died...
Video game trailer doesn't show any gameplay
Osama own FF7 Copy
Do gamers get girls?
PlayStation Plus Free PS4 Games Lineup November 2017
So we all agree that Awakening had a much better plot and characters than Fates, right?
/comfy/ MMO
Star Citizen Gameplay
Think of a video game character that shares your name
Walk into ancient crypt
Most people who play it are adults
Finish A Hat in Time
Shadow of the Colossus Remake
Find a flaw
Is there any bigger hack in gaming than John Romero?
Would you still come here if you were physically attractive?
What the actual fuck is the Kirby Universe's problem??
Sony Shifting From Hardware To Services
Todd's at the center of it all
Battlestation thread
When I grow up, I'm gonna work for video games
Watcha currently playing Sup Forums?
What is the encore of video games
Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum Session
Haha hahaha oh my god
It's like a better Paper Mario. the SMRPG of south park games
How the fuck are they gonna top this in the next ultimate fight?
Why are pistols/revolvers and shotguns always the most satisfying guns to use in videogames. Can rifles...
Post booty animation from behind
All the girls in Dead or Alive look the same!
Now that the dust has settled, who would REALLY win in a fight?
GBA thread
Xenoblade 2 Japan Time Thread
What is a Sonic track doing in a Mario game?
Literally “YASS QUEEN SLAY” the game
Nintendo is for kids
Best Yu-Gi-Oh! game coming through
Think of the last two games you played
*glitches out*
So Thor's pretty much confirmed to be the main antagonist
Have you played this game?
Nier automata is a LGBT game
Let's settle this once and for all
MC's Persona is fucking useless past the early parts of the game unless you go out of your way to fuse a better version
What went wrong
Are there any video games about pure gay relationships?
How does she NOT have an STD?
*grinds like crazy*
Anyone else feel bad for him? His entire career is over. He's a joke. Everyone mocks him...
What are some examples where the DLC is better than the base game?
Why aren't you playing Hellgate London Sup Forums...
"Andrew Wilson, CEO of EA...
For what purpose?
Mars. Home
8 ball
Everyone always talks about Vampire the Masquerade
Why are bosses in Mario games never difficult?
Does this unit have a soul?
Name a flaw
Post the worst girls from their respective franchises
Doma doma, doma doma doma! Hahaha!
Google [your name] the hedgehog
Simulation games
Tfw too depressed to enjoy odyssey
Game has no save feature
Is there any game like this, but maybe horror instead?
"Hey JC, don't forget that capitalism sucks and people that have money are evil."
Emulating pic related, and the combat is insufferable. I like everything about the game, especially the music...
How many Kojimbos are there?
Open sesame
Everything difficult is Dark Souls now
Switch Games Speculation Thread
I haven't slept in 17 hours and a bit tired am I still okay to lift?
Osama bin Laden played pirated nintendo games
Why don't you pirate Sup Forums?
You gonna pick it up?
When did hatred become the norm? Why does everyone here complain about everything, slander other people and groups...
*pisses on your carpet*
Alright guys I've got something to ask...
ITT: Countries with 0 (ZERO) relevance in the videogame industry
Outside of Japan, Asian male protagonists are a rarity. If i was really buying into the whole diversity bullshit...
A letter from a Sonybro to Nintendobros
Protagonist turns evil halfway through the game
Filename thread
Whats the greatest sports game of all time Sup Forums?
Under Night Thread
Did 7.07 salvage the game or make it worse? Personally...
More like Kiting Floor, amirite?
Tfw no video games feature shadow people
Howdy Sup Forums, played anything good lately? Looking for some really good spooky games...
No Mein Fuhrer, I'm from Arizona
Planetside 2
Guarantee you that in a couple years all the people on here shitting on Nioh will be singing its praises
It will be years until we get another year as good as 2017
Was is it that Warner Bros make the most bland and empty open world's but somehow make them really compelling
Is David Cage, dare I say redeemed?
Game uses metal music
ITT: Series that we're ruined by other developers
Is it good?
Itt: tips for good posture and healthy joints while gaming
How would you feel about a game where instead of Nazis taking over and instituting a fascist government...
Now that the dust has settled... can we all agree this the best AC game since AC2...
Is depression the Dark Souls of real life?
What does Sup Forums think about Mega Man X8?
Paper Mario Switch
Should i get the xbox1 X scorpio edition...
Why are gaming "journalists" calling Shadow of Colossus a remaster?
Positive Forces thread
Will they ever show up again?
Tell me about this
Why is femdom on sh*ta not popular in videogames?
Is Sup Forums excited for Dad of War?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Why does Sup Forums hate goblins
What is your favourite American video game?
AC Origins
Objective: survive
Will FUCKING GAMESTOP's new PowerPass program be enough to save them from death?
Are there any good video game reviewers on Youtube that provide quality reviews and consistently review new releases?
Video games are my only hobby in the entire world and I'm so frustratingly shitty at them that I don't even enjoy them...
Cringe thread
Explain what the hell is going on and how this is possible that Pub is losing
Are mods so worried about loli that they delete a Senran thread instead of all the usual shit on this board...
Why the hate? Game is fun, polished, and visually stunning. Even if you complain about FPS, thats all optimization...
This is the most popular streamer on Twitch now
Grievances for a game most of us love
ITT: casual filters
Really tempted to buy this...
What went wrong?
Pauline becomes the 2nd most important Mario female character in ONE (1) GAME!
*wraps legs around your neck*
Lighting Thread
That cringe post you made on a video game message board 12 years ago
The Official Low Tier God Thread
India and Video Games
Sony profits rise 346% thanks to strong performance from PlayStation gaming unit
This is a joke right...
Are lives systems outdated?
Witcher 3
EVO vs. Capcom
Do I have to delete her?
ITT things you never noticed in vidya as a kid
Kingdom hearts makes dark souls look like a fucking lego game
Monster Hunter World officially the dark souls of Monster Hunter series
How much would you spend on a gaymen PC?
How's that game you're making coming along?
I started playing Nier: Automata on Hard but after dying three times during the prologue I turned it down to Normal...
Am I missing something? I honestly mean it, no bullshit. Zelda has some solid ideas and i'd love to see it built on...
Ghost Of Tsushima
Old thread died, let me clarify, when i said political motivation...
PC release when?
I've never played a Resident Evil game before and I think I've narrowed it down to starting with either REmake or...
Which is the hardest 2D Mario?
Well, since time has passed, what did you do to her on your first run? Did you:
Best ways to reveal someone's vidya power level?
Select your character!
Metroid thread (for future Metroid games)
Hello, I'm the best Metal Gear Solid game
Sup Forums tells you a game is bad
Why do we have to fight?
Start a game
Go to your steam library
Is there a more un-fun character than pic related and duck hunt?
Reminder that penis size matters. Women deserve pleasure...
Enemies are more appealing
Which Sonic girl is best Sonic girl?
CIA retrieves video game and anime files from Bin Laden's computer
Umbrella makes bioweapons for military use
Mouse sensitivity is tied to CPU usage
Most aesthetically pleasing console designs? For me, it's the ds lite
Girl joins server
The power...of Ubisoft optimization
Was it kino?
Have you ever went with an online name for your 5+ years and then changed it?
Being practical in BotW
Thoughts on the DOA franchise?
*Builds up speed for over 12 hours*
What's their name?
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree this is the dark souls of Visual novels?
Pixel-art done RIGHT in vidya games
Odyssey is the Dark Souls of Nintendo
Who was your favorite, most useful teammate?
Why are a chapter 3s in the main Danganronpa games always a shit?
I just got fucked and lost 350 bucks in mercadolibre buying a switch, and got scamed
What did he mean by this?
What is the best videogame to play when in the depths of depression?
I'm considering getting the following
Why is synthwave so underused in vidya?
ITT: worst girls
What's Sup Forums's opinion on the characters of the new need for speed game?
When will a company make an ACTUAL adaptation game of LOTR?
You have 5 minutes to say a good game for the weekend or the kid gets it
Which camp do you belong to Sup Forums?
Which city is the best?
Am I supposed to feel like a terminal brainlet when I start playing this game or am I just a retard?
Why the fuck does piece of shit that runs off the source engine run like complete dog shit?
Which game best deserves the JUST award?
Holy H*CK gamers, LawBreakers just came out with patch 2.01!
Your mom
At this rate, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will underperform
Make one (UNO) argument that elevates this above a generic platformer
Ryan: Well thanks for watching everyone...
What went wrong?
This game is shit
Did anyone actually want a sequel to this?
So Sup Forums do you have V-Sync on or off?
Hey Sup Forums, guess Osama was a gamer like us, haha...
Why do people like him? He's one of the most boring characters in the entire series
I love this game so much
3x3 thread h8 r8 masturb8
You guys don't seriously play video games out in public, do you?
Super Mario Odyssesy
I finally understand FFX after a decade, the TRUE story, listen to my story guys
Earthworm Jim is Garbage
So is Assassin's Creed good again?
Sup Forums approved VNs
N64 "emulation"
What did Team Dang*nronpa mean by this?
Should twinking be banned?
Switch - more to come
A new csgo update comes out
New revelation: If the ESRB/government move to classify loot boxes as gambling...
In a shocking move Steam have announced they are drawing a line in the sand and will be banning Sup Forums links from...
Game starts up by itself
ITT: Good games that Sup Forums doesn't like because Sup Forums is addicted to FPS and/or latest Ubisoft trash
Looking back on it, did AC1 have better stealth mechanics than the rest of the series...
Imagine waking up tomorrow, and reading the headlines
What are your thoughts on this game?
Was Lucina a mistake?
Are you guys excited for Blizzcon tomorrow
Do you think nintendo is deliberately avoiding releasing 2d 3ds-esque games on the switch...
We will never get back to the classic clueless gamer days
Is this game supposed to be ball-crushingly difficult? Or am I just bad?
Who was the better wife?
Visual Novel thread. What are you reading right now?
Being ashamed of video games
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Game music
Last 3 Games You Played
Now the dust has settled, did you like the Uncharted series more or nu-Tomb Raider?
I really, really like this meme
Would you actually pay $999.00 for your most hyped up game you've been waiting for all your life?
5 days left until the great sonyblack massacre
Food recovers HP
Would you rather experience a game in 30fps or not experience the game at all?
Welp, that was a fun couple weeks, time to move on
Space Rangers HD Text Adventure
Best girl in the game turns out to be romancable
Prove me wrong
What are some 3D platformers other than Mario?
Why do people shit on this game so much? It's great for what it is. At the end of the day...
How do you carry this around? Just wear a backpack everywhere?
What are some mature games for mature gamers such as myself?
Sony Shares Just Soared to a 9-Year High
Does the switch not charge the joycons when it's in the dock/plugged in and powered all the way off?
Why does a 4 year old game still cost the same as it did on release day?
Thoughts on esports?
>gacha actually saved sony
Fuck whoever made these boss fights
YFW you realize Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is right around the corner
Which game has the best pet dog?
Team Rocket is back after 18 years
Yooka Laylee
Only ff game i played is v is 8 good
Why does Sup Forums love Mirai?
Why don't you main Sombra?
Name a worse remake
Finished building those new Halloween units yet, user?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
What the fuck was his VtMB thread?
Who is the absolute worst at playing video games?
Dragon Ball FighterZ Thread
Playing Megaman X
Game journalism is dead
Hey guys, I got the Stalker games on sale the other day and I loaded up Shadow of Chernobyl...
Sup Forums tells you a game is good
Why are young people so scared of playing older games? I'm 21 and grew up around the ps1 ps2 era of games...
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Is Lovers the best arcana?
Protagonist from the first game shows up to help you in the sequel
There's literally no reason for you to own a Vita when the Value Pack will cost only 100 US dollaroos
Hi. Is it possible to rip the Kevin Spacey 3D model from Advanced Warfare on PC?
Battlefield 2018 WW2 confirmed
This is Raspberyl. Say something nice about her
Steam Keys
I wonder if it'll have unlockable playable characters
A Hat in Time
Unpopular, unironic opinion thread
What sound does he make again?
Well how do we fix this?
Day 5 and STILL no crack. I'm convinced that piracy will be dead soon
Weekly EZA Thread
How can this game be a propaganda while when after kicking Hitler in the face you get a instant gameover?
Defend this
How can we support our girls to perform at the highest levels of competitive games given the tremendous barriers they...
BEST video game tv spot
Super Mario Odyssey is a 6/10 game according to Joseph Anderson
What are you playing today, lads? is it fun?
Steam Avatar Thread
Why is it always
How does Doom 3 hold up? Is it worth a playthrough?
Unused potential
Who was in the wrong here?
The great debate
Retards will defend this
"Do I have to play the first game in the series to understand this one"
WoW thread!
What went wrong?
Toy Story graphics
Resource cap solutions
ITT: Underrated Masterpieces
Is Super Mario Odyssey worth getting a Switch for? I want to know if the game has great atmosphere at night times
Is it actually possible to kill this man?
Charles Martinet will die in your lifetime
Why do people even watch this shit?
Complain that a game is too easy
M'aiq is very practical. He has no need for Morrowind
Osama liked GTA, Devil May Cry, and anime
What games had you hyped up for months or years AND actually delivered on that hype?
Whats the most evil game company and why is it EA?
How do we make third parties develop games on Switch?
Pro Nintendo $hilling threads 24/7 are ok
Why don't you own the definitive Mario game ?
They're pushing the "Gamers are racist" theme again
What the hell was his problem?
Metroid is dead
Has anyone ever sold their PC and moved to console?
Would you drink with Freya in theinn?
See sticky
Assassin's Creed Origins Metacritic Flooded With Fake Positive User Reviews
ELEX bread? ELEX bread
Webm thread
What do you think about video game board games
Which cod was the final straw for you? for me, it was mw3
Bin Laden had a copy of Final Fantasy 7 on his computer
Soul Calibur 6 announcement this december, r-right?
Can someone explain the plot of this to me? I dont understand the ending at all
Is it cancelled?
What car racing games should I get on the PS4, I have driveclub and don't have a steering wheel setup...
What went wrong?
Vague sequel to all of the main games (could hypothetically be after 2, 64, command, zero, etc)...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...