Nintendo Switch in 2018

>Right now our focus is on this holiday, so we really haven’t talked about details of games coming next year
>We’ll be talking about 2018 after the holiday season is over.

Sounds to me like we'll be getting another January direct detailing the games for 2018? It's crazy to think that before January of this year we only knew about Breath of the Wild.

What are your hopes for 2018?


Want Pokemon not to suck. But it's gamefreak so...
Can't wait for more info on new NMH, FE (hope it doesnt go in like fates did cause I hated Fates), and Yoshi

Dead console.

PS4 only has Bloodborne, faggot

>What are your hopes for 2018?
Animal Crossing
Rune Factory 5
Fire Emblem
Etrian Odyssey

New IP, exclusive From title

kill yourself

The tears would be hilarious but probably not.

Animal Crossing hopefully. 2018 needs a big single player release. The options are basically Animal Crossing or Pokemon. I really hope it's Animal Crossing because I don't give a fuck about Pokemon.

I've never played an Animal Crossing game but I enjoyed Stardew Valley so I might as well give it a go when it comes out!

I really really hope Pokemon isn't 2018. Gamefreak first mainline console Pokemon. Needs as much time as possible for development

Animal crossing and smash are enough

I would imagine they've been developing it since last year, there were rumours of the game existing since just before Sun/Moon came out. If it comes out early 2019 that'll be over 2 years development, considering all of the Pokemon models already exist I think it will cut down a lot of development time.

SMTV in 2018, higly doubt it, more like early 2019

>2018 and beyond

Would there be hentai games on Switch?

There's that Senran Kagura spinoff

I don't expect a new IP, but I do expect ports of Dark Souls and Code Vein

Brand new DKC, that's the one thing I want to see.

Hopefully that's one of Retro's current projects. I say, "one of", because I hope it isn't the only thing they've been working on these past nearing-four years

If it's anywhere near as vibrant, challenging and well designed as Tropical Freeze was I'm in.

Give me a Bowser game or a Dedede game and I'll be happy.
Panel De Pon or an actually decent Puyo Puyo game would be good, too. Please, SEGA,
for the love of fucking god, give me Puyo Fever 3.

octopath traveler my friend

Is Next Level Games doing anything? Because them on DKC and Retro on their own thing would be the best case scenario.