What exactly went wrong?

what exactly went wrong?

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Literally nothing.


A barren world padded out with the same 5 Korok "puzzles" 800 times.

Nothing much, my biggest complaint is needs more variety and boss enemy types in the overworld. I'd have liked to see major dungeons take like 4 hours to complete that you could leave and come back to at any point.... also have some sort of durrability meter on weapons. I'm fine with weapon durabilty, but I lost a lot of steam for the game once i finally upgraded my weapon storage, cause now there was no aspect of watching my weapons. eh. also more arrow drops, I hated conserving arrows so much (that one's the most minor of complaint though). That being said, it took me a good 45 some hours till i got bored, this game is really great.

>also have some sort of durrability meter on weapons.
There's three clear statuses indicated on the inventory:
tip-top shape. Never used
>no effects
used, but not gonna fail too soon
>red flashing
will break after a handful of hits / one throw

The different durabilities are easily estimated from the weapons' material and implied condition.

>Arrow drops
I'm literally SWIMMING in arrows! What the fuck are YOU doing?? You can easily grind for arrows with any bow-wielding Bokoblin. Not to mention buying out all Arrows in all shops is a nobrainer.

>45 hours
I'd not even started any of the Ancient Beast missions at that point. I met my first living human being at around 20h.
Now I got 220 hours put into the game + beat the Ganon twice, and it's still FAR from "boring".

My complaints...

- fucking HATED the voice acting. I know Zelda's artstyle is anime... but did they need to go full Shoen Jump?
- No music: the "Link is alone in the wilderness" explanation is lame af.

everything else is cool or not so bad. 9/10

not enough of her butt

>no music

Enemy variety

Lack of something along the lines of repair powder

Healing system

That's what I don't like about it, rest are good to great imo. I even like the koroks

>tfw the game's visuals are so crappy that not even emulation can enhance it
get the shaders

>800 times.
This sounds hyperbolic but the irony is it's actually lower than the real number.

>- fucking HATED the voice acting
did you play it in English? If so, I feel your pain.
I'm glad I waited until Japanese VA pack came out. I heard some lines of English dub just recently, and at first I thought they were some joke fan-dubs.

>No music
Literally false. The game has some of the best OSTs of the series.

Not a whole lot. Lack of dungeons mainly

Now imagine doing this as the main source of your game's content and calling it "Super Mario Odyssey"

The open world/sandbox hybrid RPG is a stale concept that mostly relies on novelty.
BotW actually executed the concept about as well as can be expected. The base idea just isn't that good.

>Yet ANOTHER open world game with NOTHING to do on it
OpenWorld-fags will never learn!

>Lack of something along the lines of repair powder
What the fuck is that? Some Bethesda game crap? The game literally doesn't need weapon repair system.

>healing system
use food to heal = "Bad"?

No dungeons

divine beast+dungeons would be GOAT

Nope, something like Dark souls . idk, if monsters drop it it's extra incentive to fight

And yes, it's bad because it's instant and too easy, and overpowered. gradual heal with food would be great, kind of like ds2 estus you get what I'm saying. It should at least be in master mode

You tried/10

>Now imagine doing this as the main source of your game's content
Odyssey is a platformer. You run out of a whole lot of shit to do with a platformer after a while. Contrary to what you're saying, Odyssey is pretty diverse in its tasks. However each level does have some of the same things throughout, such as romancing Gombette. The meat of the game is the platforming and traversing each level, not "5 repeated korok seeds".

Nothing went wrong, not a god damn thing.

ye but the game could still have more in it. What they have, I like it. I just want more


That's what is wrong. No repair tool kits to repair weapons. what a load of nonsense to otherwise would be a perfect game.

The majority of the moons are filler. At least the Korok Seeds are honest about not expecting the player to find them all

Nothing especially, just needed a stronger focus I guess. My biggest complaint was that it lacked difficulty in any aspect, and I believe that this is a result of not having a focus on anything except climbing around.
Also kind of annoyed me that cooking is so simplistic. It was fun to experiment with it but by doing so you quickly realize that there aren't any complex dishes.

>use food to heal = "Bad"?
The problem with it is that you can heal from the safety of the menu. I don't know how you wouldn't be able to see the problem with this.


Saying I'd prefer a meter over a sparkle. Some people want longer durability, and some say that durability shouldn't be a thing. it's a small criticism, if you can even call it that, but I'd think a bar would work better and negate some peoples issue, as it would be a more accurate indicator of how your weapon is doing. weapon durability really isn't an issue once you've upgraded you slots a couple times.
I don't think that's something you should really be grinding for in the game. I don't know what the threshhold would be, but maybe like double the amount of regular arrow drops on enemies, I don't know if that would break the game in terms of diffficulty or not, but eh, again, these both are minor complaints.
The big one i still have is more over world bosses, maybe like 4 or 5 more enemy varieties at least. and probably more variet on the korrok puzzles, I haven't had an issue with them, but I hear that one complained a lot.
30 - 60 hours of fun time is about average for "gamers" from what I've heard from friends and other people online. Glad you're still having fun. Some people have been able to play this for thousands of hours without getting bored, more power to you.

The new DLC is going to have an item that doubles weapon durability.

nothing, stop it, accept the fact that people all around the world love this fucking game and go fucking out with your friends in stand of shitposting all the day about zelda botw

>idk, if monsters drop it it's extra incentive to fight
Why bother, when the weapon drops are THE main reason to engage enemies and missions?
It's a simple yet effective system, as all your rewards are literally practical.

>it's bad because it's instant and too easy, and overpowered.
Dark Souls this, Dark Souls that...
Seriously, go fucking away from Zelda threads.

>praising DaS2
sweet jesus...

I actually enjoyed this game immensely more than Mario Odyssey.

>My biggest complaint was that it lacked difficulty in any aspect

It's the hardest Zelda game you'll ever get at this point

eh the heal makes the game too easy, but whether the easiness is bad depends on the person.

However, I think the game should absolutely include real time heal in master mode for a greater challenge

Same with moons?...

Me too. It stuns me to see Odyssey's metascore equal to this and Galaxy's.

hoarding weapons due to degradation instead of having one-2 solid weapon/s

Ugly art style and graphics

>Why bother, when the weapon drops are THE main reason to engage enemies and missions
Because I like how my weapon looks and don't want a dumb spear as a replacement. Spears are gay as fuck. I also don't see a problem with adding more challenge in master mode

also dark souls 2 has a good estus system. that's one of the only good things I can say about it, really.

You need 999 moons to get the real final boss fight.

>spent ~20 hours getting 1-shotted by most enemies
>accidentally stumbled upon few fairies that helped me keep going
Food was fucking useless at the time. The BotW's system is fucking fine.

>The Combat
>The Puzzles
>The Level Design
>The World Design
>The Story
>The Characters
It's a great tech demo for 15 year old tech. Maybe they'll hire some game designers next time.

odyssey is better than galaxy 1. Galaxy 2 now, I'm not so sure about that

Doesn't the game keep you at a quarter of a heart when you get hit by a killing blow from full health?

I agree, I didnt like the VA
some serene music while you explore could've easily made the game better

Beyond more interior dungeon-type areas in the environment, I think it could have used a lot more armor types and maybe even an accessory slot for unique effects. Basically more things of permanent value to find in the environment, instead of disposable weapons or just more shrines. The few times you find stuff like the climber or berserker armor is really neat, and it's a shame it happens so incredibly rarely.

the acceptance of this cookie cutter format for half of the threads on Sup Forums, that's what went wrong you fucking faggot.

>Because I like how my weapon looks and don't want a dumb spear as a replacement.
Yeah, learn out of that childish habbit.
Everyone does sooner or later.
>Spears are gay as fuck.
Spears are some of THE most OP and awesome weapons in the game.
And if you don't "like" spears, don't fucking loot spears!

dude bro. OK when it does play music, ya, it's great... but don't act like 90% of the time it's either nothing or that piano riff while you're on your horse. VS previous titles with music everywhere you go.

Like, nothing nothing nothing nothing, and then oh man music is playing! awesome annnnnnnnd it stopped nothing nothing nothing etc

I usually prefer my stuff in English... but ya, if it's always going to be this bad maybe I'll pick another language.

As for the music, read my response to the other guy.

empty world, shit copy pasta enemies, bad combat, instant no consequence in menu healing, lack of content and quests

would be 60% game on metacritic if it didn't have Zelda in the title

>real final boss fight
Citation. The only thing I've seen you get for 999 is a top hat for Peach's castle

Needed more of him getting into cute DRESSES

>mobileposter shitposts
Aaaaaah, glorious

Too bad my fucking enemy spawns give me shitty spears all the time. Spears are always OP in the games I play and that's what makes them gay

>Flurry Rush
>Enemy Variety (or lack thereof)
>Recycled Setpieces (that aren't up to scale for the world they inhabit)
>Nonsensical Lore

>Doesn't the game keep you at a quarter of a heart when you get hit by a killing blow from full health?

>some serene music while you explore could've easily made the game better
Are you people seriously deaf?

Nothing. It's unironically a masterpiece.


skyrim has like a 90+ though, and it has worse combat

>Too bad my fucking enemy spawns give me shitty spears all the time
Are you still on the Plateau or something?
My most common early-game loot item was forked Lizalfos boomerangs and Knight's gear.

I'd post from my Switch if it had an internet browser.

>odyssey is better than galaxy 1. Galaxy 2 now, I'm not so sure about that

I miss the melancholy of the original Galaxy

piece of shit hardware, the game itself is okay

This is not a secret boss

I find BOTW's Dark Souls inspired swordplay fucking boring and I wish they'd go back to Twilight Princess swordplay.

I really hate Souls combat with that awful parry mechanic that's become ubiquitous now. TPs quickdraw was so much more interesting but nope everyone has be like Dark Souls now with painfully slow combat, slow enemies which signpost every move they make, and combat that boils down to dodge and/or parry everything.

>Link on horseback gets shot at by the guardian
>The shot explodes next to him causing a fire which produces an updraft
>Link jumps off the horse catches the updraft with his sailcloth and then takes aim at the guardians eye
>get the game
>lol you can do all that but why would you when you can just parry their beams cuz dark soulz

they fell for the open world meme

Jesus fuck

Yep TP moves should return


i just love exploring the map, its fun to me.
i feel like that is what the devs and originally, miyamoto wanted in zelda.

It's a harder rematch of the original final fight

are you autistic?

>lack of visual variety in the dungeons
>dark beast ganon was disappointing
>not a huge number of enemies
>being able to pause and heal up is a little cheap

Thats it really. I love this game

it was released on two of the worst consoles ever created in the history of gaming. Does there need to be a reason beyond this?

>>dark beast ganon was disappointing

It's a victory lap. Calamity is the true final boss.

>Everything cool happens before the start of the game
>no story besides flashbacks
>bosses have very little context and they feel like very boring, soulless encounters
>despite the wide range things you can do, there is very little depth overall
>the only measures of progress or advancement are stamina and hearts
>to add to the above point, after a certain point nothing feels rewarding after a certain point
>the main hype point of this game is exploration, but, despite taking place in a fantasy world, everywhere location is extremely grounded or unimaginative

Idk why people get so mad. Collecting shit in a platforming game is fun. I love dk64 cuz of this. Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean it's bad.

>Secret final boss ending
Literally nothing.

Unironically this. The game itself was probably fine, but there's no way in hell I'm buying some shitty gimmick console to play it. Release it on PC and I might suddenly care.

>Didnt have time on release to play because thesis
>Fianlly pirated my Wii U
>Install game + latest version
>Start playing
>Instantly loving the game cant even stop for hours

I cant remember the last time it felt so good to play a videogame.
The wold is vibrant, full of wonder and just awesome. Its hard to describe because English inst my First language but its amazing what a wonderful world Nintendo created with this game.

The game isnt a chore like most games its exploring a great world with many difficulties and shitton of things to discover so far.

Even cooking is fun because the variety of items you can create is funny every single time.
Ad so far the characters had always their own charm, some enemies are strong and some are just painfully hard.
Its truly the best game this year so far for me.

>I love dk64 cuz of this

There's a good reason most people didn't.

>Shit combat
>Broken armor system
>Grindy as hell if you want to upgrade everything
>Durability system makes the game worse in every level
>Can't buy or repair weapons
>Easy as fuck (just pause the menu and eat)
>Only 1 real dungeon
>Shrines are indistinguishable style wise, both inside and outside
>Shrines aren't integrated to the overworld either, instead of entering a mini dungeon or a secret area that connects to the overwold seamlessly, and collecting an orb, you have to see the same shrine you've seen a million times and go down the same elevator and see the same cutscene you've seen a million times
>Music is boring and downright awful sometimes, there are only like, 3 good tracks in the game
>Only 3 different, non boss enemies in the overworld
>Has the worst final boss I've ever seen in my entire life
>Boring story
>Most of the "variety" in the overworld are korok seeds and the after mentioned boring shrines.

>I need numbers to tell me I'm progressing in a game
Jesus people like you need to stay the hell away from game development

Why because they don't like collecting shit? That's fine but you need to understand that lots of people do and enjoy this game type.
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad.

Fucking kill yourself faggot subhuman.

It didn't disappoint you that the map is just a copy pasted Hyrule filled with callbacks and uninteresting "landmarks"?
I mean I'm all for exploration- it's all I did in the game until I got burned out and embarked on the horrendous main quest/beasts.

>Oh look, Death Mountain. Population: 10 Gorons
>Walk around it
And that was pretty much my experience throughout the whole ordeal, but that's the beauty of exploration as a selling point: You can bait the consumer with their own imagination. I imagined that Fujibayashi and Aonuma might do something semi-original, akin to Subrosia or the Twilight Realm, along with an original overworld to explore.
It's just Hyrule with trash mobs. What the fuck.
They contracted Monolith Soft, for this? What a joke.

>what exactly went wrong?
it's a console game.
only children buy or play consoles.

The closest thing you see to actually progression is when it stops raining at the Zora place.

You first shitposter

>tripfag calling others shitposters
Oh the fucking irony

>Being asshurt enough to make this image
Lmao nintengoys

The exploration mechanics of climbing, gliding, etc. are sublime but the lack of enemy variety and real surprises kinda dulled my enjoyment. The world is pretty, but the poor weapon/enemy variety made thorough exploration not really feel rewarding. You really end up feeling the lack of dungeons and key items outside the tutorial stuff.

Still thought it was better than a lot of sandbox games though.

>Everything cool happens before the start of the game
Except the gameplay
>no story besides flashbacks
Caring about story in a Nintendo game, a thing that has been killing the series since WW
>bosses have very little context and they feel like very boring, soulless encounters
>despite the wide range things you can do, there is very little depth overall
Despite the depth there is very little depth, ok user
>the only measures of progress or advancement are stamina and hearts
Or skill
>to add to the above point, after a certain point nothing feels rewarding after a certain point
>the main hype point of this game is exploration, but, despite taking place in a fantasy world, everywhere location is extremely grounded or unimaginative
What we're you expecting? Space?

This post embodies everything that I hate about Nintenbabbies.
How much corporate dick can you suck before choking I wonder?

ACTUAL progression happens through the plot you utter ninny

-game is too easily broken
-no enemy or boss variety
-world is boring with little to no memorable locations
-story is shit and riddled with plot holes
-shrines and koroks were a mistake
-combat is awkward and unintuitive
-divine beasts while interesting fall short of any dungeon in the series
-rain and blood moons are too frequent and therefore become annoying
-the last dungeon is horrible and can be skipped completely with 2 ravalis gales

I could go on all day really. My biggest eye roller moment was any scene involving zelda. She holds back Ganons power for 100 years and yet the second link walks into the boss room she can't hold him any longer? Also her voice actor is atrocious as well as pretty much every voice actor in the game. Both the king and deku tree sounded like a teenager trying to do a grown up voice.

Just an awfully disappointing game all around.

DK64 was weak in the way they made you collect things. A lot of backtracking, multiple characters. Some areas required you to go back and play it over with each kong. And all that wasn't optional. You needed to collect everything to reach K Rool if I remember correctly, including all the blue prints.

>At least the Korok Seeds are honest about not expecting the player to find them all
That's because Zelda is made for people that don't actually play games. Why do you think reviewers gave it perfect scores

How can you miss the point so hard

Zelda's power didn't actually run out just when link entered. She saw a savior, and just gave up to let him deal with it. The memories painted her as a weak bitch so it perfectly lines up

People say retarded shit like this and never have anything in depth to what they liked about botw. Just because it's Zelda I guess

I'm halfway through the game on cemu at 1440p with literally no hiccups so far.

>Nintendo can't into writing
>f-fuck stories
>Despite this the gameplay is still garbage
If story and characters are out the window, then where is the unmatched combat and puzzle design?
There's a distinct difference between a game having a story, and a game being a movie. It's not a very fine line, and it's very easy to determine. LoZ reusing the same plot every single time for 30 years is pure, unfiltered laziness. Why even have those garbage memories if you're not even going to attempt at writing something for them?

Because it offered a sense of adventure a game hasn't given me in a long time. Especially since I specifically forbade myself from watching any pre-launch gameplay outside of the trailers.

Sure, i'll go on to say what I liked about it.
>world feels organic and alive, with the way the world reacts to link, the NPCs traveling each with their own goal and personality, the common enemies having their own lives outside of being pinching bags etc
>runes are great, giving you a lot to experiment and screw about with, making both combat and traveling fun
>divine beasts were great and atmospheric but unfortunately short
>story was ok, but the best thing about it is that it is non intrusive beyond the first few moments of the tutorial
>I like physics puzzles as a whole, and the game is filled with them

So yeah, I'm more of an explore for the sake of exploration person so the game is perfect for a person like me