Underrated games

I'll start


it's universally considered the best AC game

Not universally, but its definitely not underrated

by who? i only see people say ac black flag was the worst ac ever

People say that about either 3 or unity you retard. NOBODY says it about 4.

It's the best game of the series, but not the best AC game

It's the best because it deviated far enough to just be a genuinely good game in spite of itself, in spite of weak characters and floaty AC gameplay. The pirate shit is fun as fuck

I'm not sure what contrarian shithole you climbed out of, but black flag was literally the best thing from the ass creed series and its all been down hill since

I can't believe people think Black Flag is a great game. It's the same shit in a slightly different package as every other Ass Creed. I get if your favorite is Ass Creed 2 since it was still new at that point and maybe you were excited, but by Black Flag you really should have realized that it's all the same shit.

Sleeping Dogs is a very mediocre game too fuck you.

Tomb Raider TAOD

There are no other open world pirate sanbox games and AC4 had the only interesting story out of all the AC games because it was just about a pirate trying to get rich and get his shit together who doesn't give a shit about the whole templar/assassin thing

It's also the comfiest one

itt plebs who never liked AC games like the most not-ac game possible


go back to redd it now,

>best AC game
said literally no one


The game has dogshit naval mechanics, and the land-based mechanics are also some of the worst they've ever been in the franchise. Getting the caribbean atmosphere right is its single saving grace.

Too bad the regular gameplay is still hot garbage while the boat combat is only marginally less shit

Black flag is a good pirates games flawed because it had to be an AC games.

I wonder how'd the game turned out if it was antirely focused on piracy (looking for treasures, ship battles, on land saber and pistil fights, etc)

>trailing missions galore
AC games are overrated

fucking lurk more then idiot

This. Every once in a while I boot it up just to shoot boats and do piracy, but then when I actually get into the AC part of the game i get hit with a
>follow mission
and immediately want to stop playing.


>Different dresses and clothing for your character
>Crew and ship management, even multiple ships
>Able to capture and have some exotic pet
>Treasure hunting, bounty hunting, just fucking around as the pirate you are
>Land combat against the spanish army, other pirates and corsairs
>Able to buy a base in an island

We'll never get a proper pirte game, won't we?
Imagine something like MGSV but with pirates and less bareboned.

Everyone here loves Black Fag.
How is Rogue, though? I hear it's like an improved BF.

its BF but with a way better protag and Haytham



Everyone likes it actually. Even Sup Forums which hates almost every western AAA games with passion.

>that blackbeard death

unexpected feels

AC Origins is unironically better than Black Flag.

Evil Within was underrated as fok

>Sleeping Dogs is a very mediocre game too fuck you.
You're wrong about AC4, but this is valid

>but by Black Flag you really should have realized that it's all the same shit.
I would probably have played another ass creed if that were true because that would mean they all had pirate ships, swashbuckling, and sea shanties

I hate the Assassin series but fucking LOVED Black Flag.

need to give it a replay one of these days.

Great game, shit AC, the franchise should've ended after 2

Is Assassins Creed the reason we dont have any more Prince of Persia games?

Every redditors like Black flag

So you're wrong

I agree
I like brotherhood, but 2 is a much better story and game. Revelations gets a pass just for finishing things up, even if it's a lot more mediocre after that.

3 and everything after it was garbage.

One thing i have to give credits to BH and Rev is that their beginning/endings were really good, Revelations felt so bad most of the game, and brotherhood started falling apart after 1/3 had passed, wonder what happened.
Still no other AC will rival 1 and 2 in atmosphere and story.

I don't hate on redditors for liking good games, only when they like shit games.

If anything it's overrated. Pirating was fun but it didn't feel very AC.

Nigger, I fucking day it.

AC4 was a no name pirate game they shoehorned AC shit into.

Edward gives zero fucks about the Assassin's. His pirate buddies all jump shop, turn traitor and sell him out at the first sight of a pardon.

Anyone here played this gem?

it wasnt even just that, he WASNT EVEN AN ASSASSIN
he killed an assassin and took his clothes

It made it fun