This is a joke right...

This is a joke right? How can you guys praise this game to hell and back when it is completely inferior to the first game? Should I just skip it and move on to the 3rd game?

Other urls found in this thread:!bVUCTJzD!PmnPw4S7fWGyvTjw9S0-RQdk7rRp2BQNuXJqRkZCZvk!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

>completely inferior to the first game
How so?

not as scary, they somehow made the combat even worse, Its pitch fucking black everywhere, and puzzles are easy as shit compared to the first. Story is the only reason I haven't dropped it yet.

Just keep going. The character interactions and atmosphere of the second half are fantastic.

what constitutes the second half? I just beat the Hospital. But literally what the fuck,
I can't even see to feet in front of me. Running through the town like this is fucking atrocious

>How can you guys praise this game to hell and back when it is completely inferior to the first game?

Because opinions?

SH1 and SH2 are very different, but I wouldn't say one is better than the other. SH1 has a more vicious, loud, and blatantly horrific atmosphere that deals with the greed/corruption of humans in a kinda disorienting world. SH2 has a subdued, quiet, and depressing atmosphere that deals with the slow deterioration of an individual's ability to stay sane in the face of adversity in a colorless, obscured world.

They go for very different tones, atmospheres, stories, and gameplay focus that makes it hard to place on above or below the other. They're just different. SH1 gets you with a loud, disorienting world that constantly changes and is packed with monsters. SH2 gets you with pure silence and the fear of what's ahead rather than in front of you. Both are great forms of horror, but opposite.

Hey remember in the first...

game? Where everybody...

talked like this? Man that...

Was kinda annoy...


You're a fucking retard, I bet you watched the retarded films first before playing the games.

At least they don't talk like turbo autists.

How scary it is is subjective. I found SH2's focus on quietly unnerving the player to be better than SH1's use of loud monsters and constant barrage of stimuli. SH2's walk down into the underground prison still freaks me out today. Otherwise, the game is easier overall but I wouldn't say it's worse for it. The puzzles are definitely easier. That I will agree with totally, and they are generally worse for it. But then I remember shit like SH1's piano puzzle and fucking lose it.

For the darkness, what are your brightness settings at? The town at night is supposed to be hard to see because it's pitch black. But your flashlight does its job well enough. That shouldn't be an issue.

Turn up the brightness on your TV, dude. I won't spoil you on the second half, but the pacing and design of the series peaks there. If you're at all interested in the "video games as art" topic, it's a must-play segment.

what the fuck is that suppose to mean? I haven't even touched the films nor do I want to.
I have the brightness at half way. I do see the point in it being pitch black at night, but even 1 wasn't that dark. It just gets a little annoying having to really on your map completely to try and figure out where you are going. The problem I have with the combat is that it is just so fucking finicky. I feel like it controlled a lot better in the first game. Also for the life of me I cannot figure out why the fucking downward attack only works half the time.

SH1 was pretty goddamn dark sometimes. Regardless, without a flashlight it should pretty much be pitch black. Thankfully, you don't spend much of the game running around at night.

The combat I'm not sure about. SH1 had more going on with the combat, like being able to hop backwards, but was actually more wonky due to animations sometimes. The way Harry swung the pipe and shot the guns in the game looked/felt awkward at times. On top of that, monsters could be infuriating to fight. You had the flying assholes, the dogs that would run you down, the bugs crawling up your ass, nurses with fucking guns, the children latching on to you as you ran by then other swiping at you mid-stun, and plenty more. Enemies, although scary sometimes, were annoying and even unoriginal in some cases (skinned dog, giant bug). I think the enemy types and animations hurt the combat in SH1 significantly, but it was the first game so it's completely excusable.

SH2's combat is simplified, and enemies are reduced. It may feel a bit more limited or lacking in flair, but it does cut down on the bullshit. The finicky part of your thought I don't know. Maybe it just feels weird to you? Downward attack is hold the attack button I think. That may be why it's not working all the time.

Nice bullshit, brah. You're just a dumb retard that watched the retarded films and wanted some casual crap. Just fuck off already

lol, okay m8. whatever you say

lmao what a master troll xD

What's the significance of the mirror scene (op's image)? Why does he run his hand down his face?

t. reddit trash

I don't know, just trying to clear his head a bit before going into a town where his dead wife apparently sent him a letter? May not have significance. I guess you could get all pretentious and say he's struggling with looking at himself going into a place that reminds him of everything bad in the past. That he's making sure this is actually happening before he heads out for whatever awaits him.

I just interpreted it as him just clearing his head or finishing up washing his face before heading into something stressful. It's also a good way to open the game's atmosphere up and display the main character.

You don't have to try so hard on your first day m8

Wanna get your mind blown? That part symbolizes how James sees himself at the beginning of the game. The game is telling you how James sees himself and how he thinks he looks like, his normal innocent self (but we still don't know that's bullshit if it's your first time playing the game). James has another scene with a mirror where the game is SUBCONSCIOUSLY telling you that James is full of bullshit. The game then kills the ideal representation that you have of James (James dying in front of a TV). Notice how James is full of disbelief during that part.

>There are people in this world
>No, even in this thread
>That didn't play Silent Hill with surround sound
>Or at least headphones
Missing out tbqhwyf

1 was more fun because the voice acting is awful.

2 is just depressing and is more about the psychological aspects than it is the horror ones.

They're both good but if I was going to replay either of them I'd pick 1.

its the best of the bunch because its completely different to the rest

its a fuckload more believable and eerie, whereas the others are just rust n blood.

Congrats - you're thoughts is part of the reason Team Silent made Silent Hill 3 what it was. A lot of people seem to be unaware of this, but when Silent Hill 2 first came out, a lot of the fans of the original found it a large departure from what the first game was - namely that it wasn't a sequel like they were expecting. It's still a timeless classic, to be sure, but so are 1 and 3, so there was genuine excitement among fans when it was announced Team SIlent would finally be making the sequel they all anticipated. If it feels like a chore to play, I can recommend you skip it for now and come back to it later, as you won't be missing out on any story stuff.

worse camera
enemies aren't a threat
even more arbitrary alternate ending conditions
better graphics yet somehow inferior atmosphere
worse plot
less puzzles

pretty much everything

>implying enemies are a threat in any silent hill game
wew boy


>That part symbolizes how James sees himself at the beginning of the game.

Nice theory, Matt Patt. GTFO back to youtubes with your horseshit.

Did you not find the flashlight?

the prison and labrynth left me feeling extremely spooked and anxiety ridden for some reason even though i was armed to the teeth

Next time ill definitely play on hard action, possibly 2d controls

It sounds like you're playing the notoriously shitty Re-release.

This room always scares me

are we talking about the ps2 version still? what's the difference?

The absence of walls to cling to since the room is so open is what really does it for me. Same with the courtyard in SH1

>be in that room
>instantly try to run to the bottom and find a wall

I don't think I am. It still has the regular cover. Maybe my tv is just shit. I turned it up all the way and its better but for example in I can't see the nooses at all.

Reminder that Eddie did nothing wrong.

I had to look up to see the nooses
Remember you can control the camera

It actually made for a good spook because i didnt notice them till i looked up after standing under them for a bit

he kill doggo
he worse than all

Nah I did look up. I think my tv might just be shit. I don't know.

>tortured and killed a dog because getting exercise was too much for him
Yea no he did something pretty wrong

2 and 4 are the only games that creep me the fuck out.
Goddamn the hotel was literally unplayable because of Black Fairy and the prison was ass too. 4 is hell because your safe space literally becomes hell while you have to escort some dumb bitch who can't into tubes while avoiding some Ghosts, a serial killer and twins who point at you and mumble.
3's scary part is the fatass in the chapel.

Fucking hell i need to replay 2 right now.

not entirely truth, maybe you watched too much a this or that channel, not like that, PH is more like a symbolism of guilty, punish and all the weird feelings bumping in James.

yeeeeeh, I was thinking the same about the dub in SH1. In SH2 the original sub was clearly superior.

oh man I totally forgot that part, goddamn that prison was a complete mayhem

>yfw 2 red pyramids and this starts playing

SH2 have the best characters, James fucking Sunderland is the epitome of madness and psychotical behavior.

Also you got Pyramid Head and the Fricking Nurses, what elese do you want??


A good game??

Don't play the PC version. The game isn't meant to be played with headphones, and the PC version sucks ass.
>tfw you can hear the low bitrate and it ruins everything

He didn't torture the dog.

SH1 is the better game and scarier, but SH2 has dat mature plot and themes + killer OST.
Do not skip it. Yeah, it takes a while longer to properly "start", but it's worth it.

>But literally what the fuck, I can't even see to feet in front of me.
What version are you playing, and on what monitor? Just adjust your brightness.
You should be able to see at least a rock-throw distance in front of you.

>Regardless, without a flashlight it should pretty much be pitch black.
Nope. In SH1, you had this blue-tint without flashlight, and could still see a meter or two in front of you. In 2 and up, you really need to crank down brightness to even make them feel dark.

According to Guy Cihi, he was asked to perform the scene "as if validating if he himself still real" or something.

>are we talking about the ps2 version still?
No, he means the notorious "HD" Collection on PS3/360. Which you should avoid.

>The game isn't meant to be played with headphones, and the PC version sucks ass.
Totally false.
Please shut up and leave.

I played it with headphones and the audio quality is so bad. Clipping, low bitrate, glitches, distortion, the list goes on. Play this on speakers.

Oh, that makes it better, he is completely absolved now

>I have the brightness at half way. I do see the point in it being pitch black at night, but even 1 wasn't that dark
What version are you playing? That sounds way too dark. I usually have to set brightness all the way to ZERO to get it NOT look like over-bright, washed out grey.

>Also for the life of me I cannot figure out why the fucking downward attack only works half the time.
Pressure-sensitive face keys on PS2, as in if you press X down HARD, it'll do the strong over-head attack.
It's "timed" presses on PC, meaning quick tapping = quick horizontal attacks.

Dude, that sucks. SH has such good fucking sound production, pumping them all through my sound system made it so much better.

>Clipping, low bitrate, glitches, distortion, the list goes on
you've clearly never played anything made before the year 2000 if SH2 is "bad".
Also, change the audio settings.

the original. also is that what a modded pc version looks like? thats pretty cool.

>the original.
PS2 version I take?
On a CRT I assume? Because otherwise, your TV has very good black-levels, and you should be using the "Movie" picture mode.
>also is that what a modded pc version looks like?
No, this is how VANILLA PC version looks like.
Noise-filter obviously disabled.

Angela is for sexual.

The game has awful audio quality when you're using headphones because you can hear every slight detail. You're being retarded right now. I'm not attacking SH2, it's a good ass game, it just suffers from a lot of issues that are more apparent as it ages. Suck it up.
I bought some bookshelf speakers. Going to give it another go on this.

>Longass SH thread
>no SH PC Guide & DL links
Let's fix that, shall we!


SH2 DDL:!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8

SH2 torrent:!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE

SH2 PC fixes site:

SH3 DDL:!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE

SH3 torrent:!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c

SH4 DDL:!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!

If you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
If SH3 runs like shit even on a strong PC, check and lower the Rendering Resolution setting.

SH2-4 do not support Xinput & PS4 gamepads natively. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
There's OK emu-settings for SH1 in the guide. If the image of the game does NOT fill your entire screen in fullscreen mode, check your plugin AND GPU control panel's image scaling settings!
Try the PGXP emulator for a lot less wobbly PS1 graphics.

-Play in the release order.
-Never play below Normal difficulty.
-Replaying them all is recommended.
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting,
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors.
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help.

>killed everything with the lead pipe
You're just a scrub. Never had to use my gun. The game is piss easy.

Try to do it on the PS2 version, even if you have to emulate. Fuck me if sony exclusives didn't have great audio on ps1 and ps2. Also what speakers? I love audio gear

>The game has awful audio quality when you're using headphones because you can hear every slight detail.
Like said, it really is not THAT bad.
Is this the sound equivalent of graphix-whores?

Yeah I'll try the PS2 version this time. Maybe it's just the PC version.
Edifier R2000DB is what I bought.
It was bad enough to take me out of the experience. Never felt scared or uneasy at all. I am an audiophile (sort of) though

>game's graphics made to mimic old films with its noise filters and muted colors
>"crackling" audio is somehow a problem

>Edifier R2000DB
Oh fuck, pretty nice set, man. Those should do them justice, depending on the base response they give without a sub, but most bookshelfs now are designed not need a sub so I'm sure you're fine.

I never said it crackled. It clips, distorts, and sounds will repeat over and over sometimes. It's distracting.

The bass is insane without a sub. I haven't been able to use these to their fullest potential yet (living with family), so I can't even think about getting a sub yet.

>couldn't post for months because of australian ip range ban
emulating SH2 after playing through the HD version a year back. any recommendations for making it a better experience with upscaling or any other video setting?
also why was sh3 so short bro's

Oh, and you can hear the fucking pixels (bitrate). It does not add to the experience like you think it does.

Oh that's just the sound design then I think. It adds to the horror aspect, I don't think speakers will fix that, honestly. I was a fan of it.

>living with family
that's me right there. I have a full receiver and turn table with a huge sub and some big klipsh speakers, but on the days I don't have classes and everyone else is at work you better believe I'm blasting that shit.

>and sounds will repeat over and over sometimes.
So you never applied the most basic, decade old fixes on your game? The looping audio thing is one of the oldest known issues of the port, and addressed with literally every fan-fix, ever.

Why emulate, when there's real-deal PC versions?

Nah, this sounds more like a broken PC port than something intentional.

>playing HD version
good god...
I hope you played SH1 first at least?

there'd been fine PC versions of the originals. Links were just posted too.

I did, I played it with SH2proxy. It was the only thing out at the time, not sure if there's something newer now.

ah gotcha, I was just guessing because they good old Akira definitely repeats some sounds and distorts shit, but in an artistic way

No worries man. I know how he designs his audio and it never sounded anything like his philosophy.

there are pro's and cons for both versions, supposedly emulated looks better. i have both ready to play.

yea i've played through sh1 many times, the only experience i had with sh2 was the HD version but it's still one of my favorite games, just recently got around to sh3 and it was great.

hey for a film adaption they aren't that bad. i still prefer the first.

>you guys
>hey Sup Forums

Any bait posts that address Sup Forums as a singular entity should be globally banned on the spot - this whole board is shit bait. If you want singular hivemind community influence go to plebbit

that should've fixed it, yeah.
I have, however, seen some posts later on that it has not been enough for some people, as in the audio-loop issue has still continued. No idea if it's people failing to properly install the fix, using wrong version of the game (the fixes only work on the EU Director's Cut), or just W10 fucking shit up, again.

But in short, if the BGM seems to get "stuck" into a loop of 1-2 seconds at random intervals, you got the good ol' multi-core audio bug.

>supposedly emulated looks better.
It really doesn't. Even less so nowadays.
SH3 has horrible shadow glitches on PCSX2, and PS2 versions have that blocky per-vertex lighting.

>Implying a majority of Sup Forums doesn't suck this game off just the the witcher 3 and New Vegas

Not sure what version I played, I just downloaded a copy off a public tracker. I'll just give it another go on PS2.

i played through the PC version of sh3.

if it's that bad i'll just play through the PC version for silent hill 2. it's not much trouble.

>>Implying a majority of Sup Forums doesn't suck this game off just the the witcher 3 and New Vegas

Played all 3 so my opinion as a newcomer.

SH1, loud and in your face. I got lost frequently, combat was meh, insanely annoying puzzles, crazy moment to moment plot, very scary other world segments. I got the Harry was dead in the SUV ending, had to kill the cop. Sigh. Badly telegraph on how to save the cop. FUCK THE SCHOOL PIANO, IT'S EVEN RANDOMIZED, WORST PUZZLE.

SH2, fucking boring. Combat is too annoying, avoid it at all costs and worse than SH1. Smart puzzles, great atmosphere, character performance was unnerving, hated the walking bed enemies. Got stuck doing the hospital lock puzzle for the longest time, shit sucked lads. I knew the twist and knew looking at certain items affected the ending. Got the on water ending, like SH1 this also pissed me off. Prison and area right after are the scariest segments and they stop playing boss music when pyramid head wonders about, rude. The scaffolds room is fucked up. Last 1 hour was knee deep scary. Im less excited to replay it over other Silent Hill. Not my favorite, too much down time. I think 1 is better.

SH3, my favorite and the most game one of the bunch. It's hard to describe but the first half is laser focused with its pacing before it slows down in town proper. Puzzles were easy and non retarded, combat was viable, fun house at the end was cool. Wish for more ending types, Vincent was great, hated villain. Great protagonist, glad in a way that Konami didn't ruin her by stuffing her in everything like Pyramid Head became a walking advertising meme. The weakest plot, stronger protagonist, good side cast, great graphics.

1 > 2 > 3

1 > 2 > 3


1 > 2 = 3


Played the HD PS3 versions and PS1 Classic. I quit Shattered Memories, became formulaic once you knew the safety and nightmare sections never overlap. It's a walking sim.


I agree with you user.

I played the first Silent Hill as a kid. And that moment when you went into the dark alley and you got "killed" by monsters and it turned out to be a nightmare is still ingrained in my mind forever.

I just finished silent hill 2 three days ago so it's kinda funny to see this thread since I agree 100% with it.

The only part that "got to me" was the sudden pyramid head corridor moment.

I finished it just to have it wiped from my backlog but to be honest the game doesn't hold up as well and silent hill 1 on the fucking PS1 is a genuinely superior game in every way even the story.

>lol you made a typo so your argument is invalid.
the first "the" should be a like.

SH3 is one of the best PC ports out there.
BTW, I hope you finished SH1 before playing 3.

>Played the HD PS3 versions
Please god no!

compared to 3, the only "scary" part of the game will definitely be the historical society
Don't skip it the game mechanically is outdated but everything else is still top notch

No Eddie is a legitimate piece of shit.

that game kinda freaked me out as a kid

>1 > 2 = 3
It's pretty much unanimously agreed upon that Silent Hill 3's sound design is some of the best in gaming, user.

What the fuck are you talking about, autistic maniac. play whatever game you want. If not even your dad and mom cares how you live your life why the fuck should we?

>shilling your crap videos

overrated but not bad

fuvk off