Find a flaw

Find a flaw.
Protip: you literally fucking can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Originally was a different game
>has to rely on 3rd party apperiances for bad sales
>hold dodge button
>relies on dlc to complete inconsistencies or missing plot points like how ignis went blind
>the developers even stated it took too long to make
>"look at this rock, this goes into the game"
>unfinished areas that were supposed to be towns
>at least graphics and music and story was ok.

This isn't in the game base game and it isn't free

>filled by plot holes
>Unexplained lore
>Unfinished at launch (and still today)
>Horrible pacing
>90% of the game is MMO-fetch questing
>Open world is filled by invisible walls even at the sky
>Empty world
>Worst summoning system of the franchise

Its a mess of a game.

Oh boy, another FFXV thread
Can't wait for people to turn up pretending to be XV kun
I'm certain he doesn't even exist, and it's just people pretending

I've got about 6 hours into it and I just started chapter 3. If I liked the game so far is it safe to say I'll like the rest?

You'll like it up to chapter 9

You are wrong on every single point except the last one.

>Utterly unlikeable main party
>Form over function combat system
>Empty open world
>Coleman, Cup Noodle, AMERICAN FUCKING EXPRESS in an alien world
>Forgettable, badly written story
>No memorable original music tracks
>MMO sidequests that are somehow even worse than the sidequests in the series' actual fucking MMOs
>Iris' thighs are too skinny
>Side characters are more likeable than the main characters, even though they're all laughably one-dimensional
>Half the story takes place off-screen
>Same overused core summons, and all used in the shittiest way possible.
>Max HP penalties (just a nitpick, since it's still nearly impossible to die)
>Fishing minigame is tedious as fuck
>Patchy, shallow lore

It's been almost a year since I played this shitpile, so I'm sure I'm forgetting a thousand things. There was almost nothing to like about it in any event.

Not a single thing you said is true. Fuck off SBK.

20.000 fucking prequels-sequels material and DLC made me lose my low interest quickly

Like clockwork.

Didn’t the guy from Kingsglaive die because he used the Ring of Lucii despite not being of that bloodline? If so, why does Ignis only go blind?

Why'd you samefag,

Wrong, it's the best party in any FF.
Wrong, the combat has more function than any other FF.
Wrong, the world is more full than any other FF.
That is not a flaw.
That is not a flaw.
Wrong, it has a great and well written story that people are literally begging for more.
Wrong, it has sidequests just like the ones in classic FFs and not a single sidequests is like an MMO one.
Wrong, she's 15.
Wrong, all the characters are likeable and the side characters are more developed than the main cast of most of the other FF games.
Wrong, no it doesn't.
Wrong, you get different summons in different situations and they are all god tier.
It's as "impossible to die" here as much as it is in any other FF.
Wrong, no it isn't.
Wrong, the lore has more depth than pretty much any other lore in any other FF.

You literally objectively wrong. Eat shit.

Bet it'll be another embarrassing plot twist like Ignis is a bastard or something.

Different people have different sentences for putting it on, Ravus only lost his arm, Nyx died at dawn for being able to summon KOTR , Ignis looses his eyes.

games alright but like every final fantasy game i recommend playing stoned, also i felt way worse when ignis lost his sight then when that one princes chick i never actually met before dies.

>only Noctis is playable
>combat can be confusing and janky as fuck a lot of the time, with the OP warping ability and other pointless mechanics
>only four members in the party of a fucking Final Fantasy game, and they are all men
>huge part of the story is in a movie that is sold completely separately from the game
>game over-emphasizes sidequests at the detriment to the main story
>main story is ridiculously short, with the plot and chapters jumping ahead oftentimes after one fucking mission
>Lunafreya, the supposed love interest, dies and the audience is supposed to care, despite her having next to no screentime or chemistry with Noctis
>seriously, she is supposed to "tie the FFXV saga together," but she is barely in the main game and dies a stupid death

I still find the game enjoyable, but it really is a poorly executed FFXII.

You're not good at this. It's obvious you're trying way too hard.

It was an amazing fucking game.
>The last few hours were too depressing
>The last few hours were insanely closed off and very confusing.

All they had to do was add a whole other free Roam section with ignis, prompto and Gladio having them defending cities and slowly becoming bounty hunters that are really OP until Noctis came back.

Another issue was lunafreya was the worst choice for a romance, holy shit she was ugly as sin and that accent made my dick shrivel up.

I'm not trying at all, just calling out bullshit where I see it.

Maybe because Regis was in there.

You're either tryharding or dickriding, because the only bullshit I see in the thread is yours.

>best combat isn't main game content
sup barry

How can one guy be such a cancer to the entire fanbase of the series.

Anywhore, is Sup Forums excited to play Comrades? I'm honestly impressed how it looks better gameplay-wise than the main game. Really hope some of its features get implemented into the main game eventually.

i enjoyed my time with it but goddamn this game is a fucking mess

you posted it tho

Imagine having existence THIS sad.

>>Horrible pacing
How so?

too much running back and forth to turn quests in

had a car
its different from other ffz

To say that the game jumps ahead in story would imply that the game has a story. The main quest line is full of extremely short chapters that basically come down to "Defeat This Piss-Easy Boss," or "Complete This Piss Easy Dungeon That You Have Already Been In Before," or "Raid This Imperial Camp And Kill The Piss-Easy Giant Robot."

It's also bizarre that there are barely any connections between the main characters and the plot. Ardyn pops up occasionally midway through the game as the only connection to the Empire's storyline. There is just no narrative flow in this game.

No, and you clearly don't know what a flaw is if you think "thing i don't like in my opinion" is the same thing as a flaw.

The only cancer are people who havn't played the game yet still come into every XV thread just to shitpost endlessly with their copy pasta and regurgitated shitposts.

And yeah I'm excited, having played the onlinetest it had a number of combat improvements I'd like to see them also put into the main game, some of them I could see how they would but others like "no healing/revival/buff items in combat, you can only heal/buff with cure magic" would require a different mode to work within the main game, possibly if they do a hard mode maybe they could use that?

Protip: kill yourself

But you're the sad existence here.

The pacing is not any different than the PS1 FFs, I don't know why people act like only XV has pacing issues.

bad Combat
"tell, don't show" Story
empty open world
uninteresting characters
bad DLC

You basically just described every FF game from X on.

>would imply that the game has a story.
But the game does have a story, why are you in denial? It has as much of a story as FF6 or FF7 or FF4 or FF9 have.

>muh piss easy
Every other FF is more piss easy than XV, and there isn't any dungeon that is part of the story that you would have already been to before you go there.

>It's also bizarre that there are barely any connections between the main characters and the plot.
But there is, extremely core connections towards it for each of them. Prompto is literally a produce of the Magitek Production which is something that Ardyn gave Niflehim the knowhow and ability to create which Verstael used in his research to create him to begin with. Gladio being the kings sworn shield and the one pushing Noctis harder than the rest to man up and become a king because that is his duty. Noctis becoming the king by getting the royal arms and the summons is directly required for him to be able to use the light of providence through the crystal with the ring, which Luna is also helping him out for, and Ignis being there to help Noctis to become a proper king and to learn the responsibilities of it as well as to keep him in check and protect him, to guide him, and Ardyn is helping Noctis to become the true king because that is his goal so that he can have the true king die, which is directly required in order for Ardyn to be killed, which is what Ardyn wants too.

Did you even play the game?

>also i felt way worse when ignis lost his sight then when that one princes chick i never actually met before dies.

XV tries to make the player feel sorry for people they hardly met.

Like Jared. Who remembers Jared? I didn't. Yet the party makes a big deal about it

>mfw in one month xv-kun jumped from "best FF in 10 years" to "one of the best games ever made"
What a crazy aussie

You first you cunt.

What bad combat? The games combat is great
The game does show the story
The world is less empty than any other FF
The characters are all interesting
The DLC are all great
And your webm again only proves how much of a fucking idiot you are because Noctis literlaly does have everything to show for it because he defeats Ardyn and suceeds, so you are even wrong about that meaning your own webm is proof that XV is great.

>Anywhore, is Sup Forums excited to play Comrades?
No because I have to pay for it just to Hold O with random people. I'll stick with MH Stories.

>Really hope some of its features get implemented into the main game eventually.
Do you expect SE to actually put effort into this?

>>filled by plot holes
>>Unexplained lore
% of the game is MMO-fetch questing
>>Empty world
How so?

Post all your webms "xv-kun"

the whole game is a giant flaw

You aren't supposed to feel bad for Jared you idiot, and they don't make a big deal out of it, they are sad because Niflheim are still killing people close to the king and they have to pack up and move again, and they are more sad for Talcott who now has no more family, Jared dying is not supposed to make you sad for Jared and if you think you were then you didn't pay attention.

>What bad combat?

It's literally Hold O + use items to win.

All those skills that makes the combat look flashy (and do no damage) are optional and useless

>Barry went to all of the effort to record these clips to try and argue his point

I'm genuinely convinced he's autistic or some shit.

>and they don't make a big deal out of it

the party decides to attack an imperial base BECAUSE OF JARED!

>mfw since before XV was out this faggot has been trying to meme post that XV was somehow bad then he got BTFO when it came out and was great, and now is triggered at anyone who praises it

>Muh piss easy

You know what made the other games so piss easy? The tinkering, the mix and matching of abilities and equipment. You come into a fire boss with fire absorb gear and of course its gonna be piss easy. Every FF game, even fucking XIII and XII- Fuck, even kingdom hearts gave a lot of customization options and THAT was what made the game piss easy. But that was fun, customizing an ultimate build to cheese a boss was fun.

You dont need to do anything to cheese the whole of XV.

They had more emotions over Jared or Regalias death than Lunas death, but so did i

>No because I have to pay for it just to Hold O with random people.
But that isn't what you are doing, and since you clearly havn' played it you obviousy are just shitposting here. If you actually did play the online test you would know that trying that would have you die, and there is no items to just revive and there is no phasing either, you can't just "hold O and win" in that at all.

>Do you expect SE to actually put effort into this?
They did, again it's clear you havn't even played the online test or know anything about it at all.

Was I the only one who legitimately had no fucking clue who he was when that scene happened? I was genuinely confused about who this person was and why I should care.

It isn't, that guy is just shitposting meme posts he regurgitates and rewords slightly across many XV threads.

>They had more emotions over Jared or Regalias death than Lunas death, but so did i
The Regalia being destroyed actually made me sad. Luna and Jared didn't.

So when is the full game going to come out? Like I keep hearing about "New story content!" and "New gameplay content!"

But do we have dates? Do we know what it'll be? I basically platinum'd the game save for maxing out Noct's fishing, will I have to NG+ to get the actual shit?

>They did, again it's clear you havn't even played the online test

I did not because I had to pay for it but footage from it shows the Hold O shit to still be true.

>Was I the only one who legitimately had no fucking clue who he was when that scene happened?
they had to patch in stuff to remind me you Jared was. Aka that old guy the player has known for all of 3 minutes.

the final campfire scene made me more sad than Luna dying.

Hey look you are posting the webm of you playing like shit again as if that is somehow proof of anything other than you playing like shit and not knowing what warpstrikes are, what attacks are, what magic is or what anything in the game is.

Not an argument.

No it isn't, nice to see you havn't even touched it.

>are optional and useless
By this logic all you do in older FFs is attack 95% of the time and heal the other 5% of the time.

What the fuck are you even trying to say?

>the party decides to attack an imperial base BECAUSE OF JARED!
No, they attack the military base because they see it land right by them and want to take it out like they had already been doing, they say they want to attack them, and also get justice for him in the process, not that it is because of jared that they are doing it you fucking idiot. Good job not playing the game and pretending you know anything about it.

They're alredy talking about a second season pass in 2018 so not anytime soon, but honestly all the DLC so far just felt like filler and the story updates were just one 5 second cutscene and one 1 minute slideshow with voice over and gameplay updates like NG+ and shit won't make me go back to a game with an ending like that.

>I basically platinum'd the game save for maxing out Noct's fishing, will I have to NG+ to get the actual shit?
Honestly, the new story content isn't worth downloading at all. The last one was just pointless exposition dropping.

>You dont need to do anything to cheese the whole of XV.
ANd yet you just mentionted things you do in older FFs that you do in XV like "The tinkering, the mix and matching of abilities and equipment" which is what makes thing easier in XV, but good just showing again that you have never touched XV. How many times are you gonna reset your IP and pretend to be multiple people?

Barry did you make this thread just to tell people they're wrong no matter what they said

>they had to patch in stuff to remind me you Jared was. Aka that old guy the player has known for all of 3 minutes.
They did? What did they patch in?

>They did? What did they patch in?

from my understanding, a flashback to just show you who Jared was.

>The pacing is not any different than the PS1 FFs, I don't know why people act like only XV has pacing issues.

The PS1 Final Fantasy games have stories with plot beats. The games don't rely on movies sold separately from them to explain huge plot points. The actual story of FFXV is ridiculously short and missing huge parts.

>But the game does have a story, why are you in denial? It has as much of a story as FF6 or FF7 or FF4 or FF9 have.

Large parts of the plot do not happen IN THE GAME, which is the problem. Large parts of the game are are exposition dumps. Show, do not tell.

>Every other FF is more piss easy than XV

Oh bull-fucking-shit. FFXV is probably the easiest mainline FF I have ever played. I'm not saying that FF games are hard, but at least they give people occasionally challenging boss fights. FFXV has boss fights that are basically impossible to lose. Titan and Leviathan are more like cutscenes than boss fights. Aranae was weak. Lots of other bosses are completely shit and unmemorable. The mandatory bosses in FFXV are garbage.

>But there is, extremely core connections towards it for each of them.

I don't want to be told that the main characters have personal investments in the conflict; show me. The backgrounds you mentioned are good for the start of the story, but when most of the game is just the Noctic's crew commenting about shit that happened off-screen, it's hard for me to care about what happens. Show, don't tell. The game doesn't do that. It even has a long, boring boat ride full of boring exposition, since the game doesn't adequately integrate the gameplay and the story.

Aerith was a love interest the party actually got to interact with, so her death actually had an impact on the player. FFVII, IX, and X actually integrate the character development with the main story. FFXV does not.
>implying he can survive without ffxv "discussion"
But honestly though, this guy is just addicted to shitposting and it will never end because he has the mind of a 12 year old

No they didn't, again they were sad because Talcott was left alone and now they had to move out of Lestallum, and Noctis was broken for weeks following Luna's death and he was always harboring a hatred against Niflheim for Regis's death. The Regalia dying is an extension of Regis's because of it being a symbol of his father to Noctis.

No, you didn't play it because you just want to shitpost about shit you've never even touched and the footage shows the exact opposite of "hold O", it is not even remotely true and as someone who played every quest in the online test you will die in every one of them if you try that, you cannot heal from items or use any items, you cannot revive yourself, you cannot use phase, you have to attack properly and keep attention to your HP strictly and also revive other members, you cannot get by "hodling O" because you will fucking die

Just started playing it earlier tonight, have put in about 4 hours so far.

I'm having fun I guess, but at the same time the game feels bizarre. There's just something surreal about the whole roadtrip-kinda vibe.

Just wait till you reach altissia, the game gets amazing after that
And i hope you love fetch quests and hunts

All of it is worth downloading and that new stuff in ch12 gives new info to do with Ifrit and Shiva as well as the whole cosmogony stuff and history of the world, you're such a fucking cunt I swear.

you mean the part where the game literally goes on rails after that?

>Honestly, the new story content isn't worth downloading at all. The last one was just pointless exposition dropping.
the free content or paid content? or both?

Should've waited for at least Ep. Ignis before they patch in the gameplay enchancements like being able to take more than 1 hunt at time which hasn't even came out yet.

Did you make this thread just so you could samefag shitposts to the OP and samefag this entire thread regurgitating and slightly rewording the same shitposts against the game you always make?

I do like me some summon spirits, and had hoped they'd put more info on them in at some point.

I did find it extremely bizarre that you just learn on the train that "Oh hey, guess the Empire killed Shiva. Huh."

>Just wait till you reach altissia

The problem is that it takes 9 chapters to reach Altissia. The story gets serious 9 chapters in, but the player has been removed from the conflict for the most part. How am I supposed to care about Lunafreya dying if I have barely even seen her before? Yet the game beats me over the head about how tragic it is that she died.

>>The PS1 Final Fantasy games have stories with plot beats.
So just like XV.

>The games don't rely on movies sold separately from them to explain huge plot points.
Name all these important things that happen in KG towards the main story that aren't learned in the game.

>The actual story of FFXV is ridiculously short and missing huge parts.
No the actual story of XV is the same legnth as the PS1 FFs.

>Large parts of the plot do not happen IN THE GAME, which is the problem
Such as? The insomnia invasion is a thing that happens in teh game, the party are away from the city when it happens, that does not mean the event doesn't happen in the game, it does happen and the party are reacting to it from where they were at when it happened.

> Large parts of the game are are exposition dumps. Show, do not tell.
So you mean that exposition like every FF ever has done?

>Oh bull-fucking-shit
Of fuck yourself you cunt. FFXV is not any easier than any other FF, you can be "impossible to die" in any FF, you fucking nostalgia cunts that pretend older FFs are somehow hard or super deep are the biggest cancer in existence, there is nothing more challenging in older FFs than what's in XV. The boss fights in older FFs are as "impossible to lose" as XVs is, the boss fights like Aranea, Ifrit, Ravus, are more memorable than pretty much any boss fight in any other FF. Fuck man the only "memorable" boss ights in older FFs are Gilgamesh, Kefka and Sephiroth, everything else is just unmemorable.

>I don't want to be told that the main characters have personal investments in the conflict; show me.
They did, throughout the game you learn that and if you actually payed attention to anything you would have known that. It's clear as fucking day you didn't pay attention to anything that happened and are just another nostalgiacunting fucktard who jizzes over the literally simple stories of the older FFs and then gets triggered by XV is on par when them but you pretend it isn't.

>And i hope you love fetch quests
You mean the fetch quests like older FFs did? Did you love collecting kupo nuts for items in FF9?

>You mean the fetch quests like older FFs did?

None of the non MMO FFs had MMO style fetch quests.

I'll take that as a yes to the question

>How am I supposed to care about Lunafreya dying if I have barely even seen her before?
By being a normal person as any normal person would care because we see that Noctis cares? You sound like a fucking SJW made that she wasn't some buff womyn slamming people in the face with a hammer

>None of the non MMO FFs had MMO style fetch quests.
They did just like I explained, kuponuts for items in 9 is the same exact fucking thing as getting the gems for items in XV. Getting Adamantite in FF1 to get excalibur same thing in practice as getting rare items to give to Cid in XV so he can create new weapons for you.

>By being a normal person as any normal person would care because we see that Noctis cares?

the problem is that the player has had like zero time to connect with Luna or care about their "romance".

I doubt they truly loved each other since it was an arranged marriage and those rarely last

I'll take that as a yes to my question.

>the problem is that the player has had like zero time to connect with Luna or care about their "romance".
There is multiple flashbacks to them in theirchildhood and lots of dialog among the party pertaining to her as well as hearing NPCs, radio and people around the Lucis having Luna in high esteem, you get a sense that she is an importnat person just like you would a Zelda in a Zelda game.

In fact Luna probably has more screentime than your average Zelda does.

Holy shit, that just shows how bad the storytelling is in this game.

>No they didn't, again they were sad because Talcott was left alone and now they had to move out of Lestallum
That's literately wrong. They only mentioned Jared in that scene. You're finding depth where there was none.

>and Noctis was broken for weeks following Luna's death and he was always harboring a hatred against Niflheim for Regis's death.
Except the game completely skipped over that mourning period (and we also had no reason to care) and Noctis barely shows any emotion about his father's death.

I literately platinumed the fucking game, I know what I'm talking about, Barry.

>Holy shit, that just shows how bad the storytelling is in this game.

it's better than when I played that when I only realized who Jared was during that car ride in the final chapter

Both really. Just watch the paid DLC online.

Oh my fucking god.

>There is multiple flashbacks to them in their childhood
Which have NO chemistry and exist as exposition dumps. There's no romance there.

>and lots of dialog among the party pertaining to her as well as hearing NPCs,
"Show, don't tell" is a basic story telling rule and the game fails at it. Instead of SHOWING us why they're in love, the game has to TELL you because it failed at building a good romance. Barry, read up on the basics of storytelling and play more JRPGs. You need to educate yourself.

good, then how about this one: It cant keep 30 fps all the time and as such is, objectively, not running at in an optimal way, because wether you think 30 fps is acceptable or if even 20 fps would be ok, fluctuating fps never is.

I didn't even know until a while ago. What an awful story.

>That's literately wrong. They only mentioned Jared in that scene. You're finding depth where there was none.
No they didn't, they are sad because Talcott has noone left, Talcott is literally just a kid and it's why you see Talcott peering in from teh door and go off crying, they are sad for him.

>Except the game completely skipped over that mourning period
No it didn't, did you even see the scenes in chapter 2 with the party and Cid, or the scenes in chapter 2 with the party and Cor?, or the scenes of the party after they find out about it in chatper 1?

>and Noctis barely shows any emotion about his father's death.
So you literally did not play the game if you honestly think that. did you even see the scenes in chapter 2 with the party and Cid, or the scenes in chapter 2 with the party and Cor?, or the scenes of the party after they find out about it in chatper 1?

You don't know what the fuck you are talking about and you platinuming the game doesnt' mean shit if you are spouting blatant fucking lies about the game

According to you these scenes are somehow not in teh game and somehow not Noctis and the gang showing emotion over Regis's death

>So just like XV.

You mean when Noctis hears important plot beats on the radio instead of experiencing them himself?

>Name all these important things that happen in KG towards the main story that aren't learned in the game.
>that aren't learned in the game.
>learned in the game

That's the fucking problem. I don't want to hear what happens or see a short montage of Kingsglaive clips. I want to experience them.

That's how FFXV fails.

>No the actual story of XV is the same legnth as the PS1 FFs.

No, it isn't. That's just ridiculously false. The Midgar section of FFVII alone can take longer to complete than half of FFXV's story.

>Such as? The insomnia invasion is a thing that happens in teh game, the party are away from the city when it happens, that does not mean the event doesn't happen in the game, it does happen and the party are reacting to it from where they were at when it happened.
>the party are away from the city when it happens

Therefore, I don't give a shit. Some city I have never even been in gets invaded off-screen, for the most part. Why should I, as the player, give a shit?

>So you mean that exposition like every FF ever has done?

Having exposition and having grievous exposition as a substitute for story, are two different things.

>FFXV is not any easier than any other FF

You are shilling so much that it is ridiculous. Nobody ever talks about the boss fights in this game, because the boss fights are ridiculously easy. Regardless of what you are I say, people have had problems with numerous bosses in the past games. FFXV forsakes difficulty for "cinematic experience."

>They did, throughout the game you learn
>They did
>throughout the game you learn

Exactly. Being told something and being shown something are two different things.

Sorry, but finding dogtags and doing hunts, then occasionally being told that something plot-important happens off-screen, does not have the same emotional impact.

>Just watch the paid DLC online.
already did because fuck spending more money on this game

>Rushed out in an unfinished state
>Have to watch movies to understand what the fuck is happening.
>Every single magic spell is a grenade and they're friendly fire as well

Ignis going permanently blind made me sadder than Noctis fucking dying, too.

Chapter 13.

>mfw this is xv-kun logic
Posting in a thread is not a requirement to read through it xv-kun. This isn't one of your forums

>Which have NO chemistry and exist as exposition dumps. There's no romance there.
There is plenty of chemistry and those exist as both showing that they are close and to give insight into the story via expository dialog.

>"Show, don't tell" is a basic story telling rule and the game fails at it.
First of all wrong, the game shows what it needs to show and tells when it does too, this bullshit argument doesn't work for everything because by following that then nothing would ever have "telling", so the stand by me movie would have nothing but cuts to completely different scenes instead of showing the characters talking about the thing telling it to the other person. The game gives strong insight into whats happening because the party discuss it and we see Noctis and Luna in flashbacks and know that they care for each other because we can SEE how they react each time they get a new message from each other. You should maybe actually learn what the show don't tell criticism actually applies to instead of just thinking it's some catch all phrase.

I take XIII over XV any day.