Next Assassin's Creed

Where do you think the next Assassin's Creed game will be in after origins? Let's discuss

my butt

>captcha: pismo poupino

Please be serious

>Unironically caring about an Ubishit game

>assassin's creed 1
>2, brohood, rev (ezio trilogy)
>3, black flag, rogue (america trilogy)
>unity, syndicate (europe duology?)

probably something ancient like egypt again

in Tamriel

crack is out boys

All evidence point at communist Romania.

China or Japan but that will never happen since it will make it that much harder for Ubisoft to shoehorn black people into major roles

>Could've gotten some ancient chinese or japanese cities
>they get put into shitty spinoffs


During the 2nd Mexican Empire

>Black Flag


It's already confirmed to be Japan based on the in game emails in I think it was black flag. They had the timeline and dates and Japan was next on the list after Egypt

we'll never get ancient china because politics

Good, china is boring compared to Japan

>the state of piratefags

Don't worry you will get your crack 2 years from now when Ubisoft stops patching the game.

Nigga China has some of the bloodiest history

Chinese swords look stupid

imagine being an assassin in the Three Kingdoms era

Have you ever heard of the 9 familiar levels of execution though?

Zhuge Liang
assassin or templar

>one black samurai
>now mean Japan was filled with black people

Is that a fucking wojak face shoiped in?

UbiDev here, the next game is in actually Greece not Japan, since Greece was cut off from origins to be re used in the next game Assassin's Creed : Prodigy. Screen cap this. Origins also have Alexandria where you can see a lots of Roman influence and the architecture is also Roman looking. It may come out in Q2 2019 or later. See ya all

I'm sorry nine familial levels of extermination. Even better

But it is
Unless you think that murica = America

Can't wait for new BLACKED creed

yeah chinese has one of the longest and bloodiest histories, it's strange how they haven't done anything with it

Who cares?

romance of the three kingdoms assassin's creed style?


ancient rome

Did they make egyptians black?

Pretty much everything japanese is stolen from the chinese

I'd use influenced

No, just the darkest they could.
And gave them subsaharan nigger voice actors.
The women have white blondes as voice actors however.
Just a coincidence goy.

suck my ass faggot

kind of, they don't have nigger facial features though

>just a coincedence
Do you complain that woman voices rubber man as well?

that would be pretty awesome though, they couldn't really ask for a better setting. imagine one of those massive battles with like 100k soldiers, it would be a great way for ubi to show off their engine

I want a Blood Dragon-esqu AssCreed game


>lefty af developer
>make a game criticizing communism
They would never do it, come on.
Though the setting is really good. Why aren't there more cold war games than Death To Spies?

yeah, and having a more eastern setting would excuse them for making the assassin's more ninja like, plus I'm sure there are plenty of cool ass chinese assassin weapons we could use

>where do you think the next Assassin's Creed will be?
In the rubbish bin.

I'll pick up Ass Creed again if it ever gets to China, Japan, Greece or Rome. Until then it's still shit. Who the fuck cares about Egypt except for literal WE WUZ niggers

How about a full on modern day AC for a change?


You don't know shit. They'd absolutely take the opportunity for a russian revolution game where they can blame all the stalinists for killing the "true" communists and setting up an authoritarian centralized government.

A rather darker skined vercion of mordern egipcians

Imperial China.

was three kingdoms era before or after altair reformed the order, otherwise we'd just be getting not-assassins and not-templars

there's 0% chance that they do something topical like the bolshevik revolution... honestly, the revolution is probably more offensive from a ideology perspective than nazi germany at this point.. the ""intellectuals"" of russia and the peasants rising up to crush the aristocracy, only for the whole ordeal to fucking fail. it's amazing that anyone still believes in communism and socialism. there's no way that they show the revolution

Here's a hint

Remember when the only precursor items were trinkets and Minerva's robes?

I mean just look at this

They can't do Japan anymore, Sucker Punch beat them to it.

China got the Chronicles games because no one wants to play in China

Rome or Greece?

A futuristic African civilization from ancient times.



Nah we already had Caesar in this game + Brotherhood was about Rome already, even if from another time.

Please let it be Prague.

>that historic gothic setting


Minor spoiler for theorycrafting, they locked themselves out of going earlier with Origins. As the name implies, we see the founding of the Assassin's and The Order. We can't go any older now without retconning

Holy shit, how did you think of this ?
I assume its from alternative timeline where wh*tes never ruined Africa ?

what about the first civilization

Timeline wise its going to be Rome. Rome is going to explode in territory

No, it's ancient. They are super advanced and have the cure to everything and everything is perfect, then we see white people ruin it and destroy it because they can't stand a civilization superior to their own

America is the land mass comprising most of the western hemisphere, not just the one country named the United states of America

Doesn't have anything to do with Assassin's or Templars

I don't see Ubishits having any problems retconning anything
>the hidden blade was actually invented by ancient chinks

Most of the game takes place in the Caribbean is what he means.

Final boss Yakub ? The founder of the Templars ?

Why would it matter? This is the start of the Assassins and their actual creed. This is the Templars. There is nothing to do before this, ancient aliens would have nothing to do with assassins.

Did they say that? I thought they just mention it was used to assassinate Xerxes. I wasn't paying attention when they gave it to me.

>Assassin's creed: Real Origins

Africa without whiteys ruining it.

I really want China or India.

Should I bring you fuckers a map?

nah I don't think they specified where the blade came from other than saying dude used it to assassinate someone, I'm just joking

Is Japan part of Asia or Oceania?
Mind = blown

was a pretty fucking pertinent plot point in 2.
you guys DO remember all that shit, right?

Thats part of the Americas you uneducated motherfucker


Fuck it. It's the most trivial choice and at this point more than a few open world fantasy games fill that kind of niche, but I'd dig an early middle age themed AC.

hopefully nowhere

t. pajeet

Let's just say you won't be diving in hay stacks..

The ancients influenced the Assasins and Templars. But we are the Assassins/Templars, we can't be before we are formed, which is Ptolemaic Egypt.
Honestly I wish they made it so we are just 're-discovering' the groups which had been lost to time and more closely associated with the First Civilization.

Is that Unity?

we don't need to be called assassins or templars, it just names, they could just say these kind of orders existed from the start of humanity and experienced multiple rise and fall throughout history

the animus doesn't track by "assassin" or "templar", it tracks genetic history
there's no reason that we couldnt go that far back eventually

It should take place in the freakin future

It should also go full on arpg with character creation. your character slips in and out of the ancestral memory machine thingy, maybe available as a portable device by then, giving him and his/her surroundings the appearance of another location for however long you decide to stay inside. I dunno some crazy matrix shit in a maybe not as big but tight open world. would even preorder

haha xD I get it because in pajeet's world, they will be diving in shit stacks!

I want a character creator and a choice to join factions

They definitely name drop Xerxes about that blade.
China, India, Japan. Something like that would be great honestly. Something different since the most likely outcome is Rome which we already did, and we did the Crusades, and we did many areas with guns
